DQ Responses

Subject: Marketing Strategies

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Q1. Read the below paragraph and write your opinion whether you agree or disagree?

Note: 150 – 200 words with intext citations and references must.

Recently, I come across an e-commerce clothing brand which I felt very promising by its website design and look. On the company website, the cloths looks well designed and less priced in compared to the top clothing brands. I made a few perchas. The products arrived after 30 days of purchase.

Few of the cloths I received were oversized. I was disappointed by the customer service response. It was very slow and unprofessional. I was given an option to return the products at my own shipping expenses which I felt wasn’t fare. Understanding your customers persona, the target market dynamics, and a customer journey, an honest assessment are a part of good service marketing strategies. Schildge, G (2019, July 29th). The most important thing in any business is to gain trust among the customer and company. If the customer looses the trust of the company or product, brings a tough time for the company’s growth.

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I will consider the feedbacks form the customer and try to understand their purchase experiences. I will focus on suggestions and develop and implement the ideas which will help to redevelop the trust.

Q2. Read the below paragraph and write your opinion whether you agree or disagree?

Note: 150 – 200 words with intext citations and references must.

Example of an bad customer service:

Recently, I called the bank services for charging my debit card twice and they kept me on hold for almost 80minutes. The most frustrating roadblock is the time sensitive problems, especially during the working hours. After answering the call they has ended up saying due to system error the glitch occurred and will follow up within few hours. I waited for 2 days still faced the same issue. I understand present scenario everyone is working from home, but even single client of the bank is crucial and are adjusting according to their needs.

What changes can be made: whether there is an ignorance or any phone answering fault, the customer is the first priority in any business. So, the company has to expand multiple options like, mail services, chat, or return call services to provide the best customer satisfaction at the end and make the services even better. However, customer service plays an important role in companies development and improvement (Clint, F Feb 22, 2019).

Subject: Principles of Data Management

Q. Read the below paragraph and write your opinion whether you agree or disagree?

Note: 200 – 250 words with intext citations and references must.

Regression analysis is a statistical technique to correlate a set of input variables to determine the behavior of an output variable(Anitha & Patil, 2018). According to Anitha & Patil (2018), this is often expressed as a mathematical equation such as Y= F (x,θ) + e and can be linear or multivariate. Regression techniques have limitations with incomplete data especially in units, need customization for each output variable, need prior theorization of the relevant equation, and not using a large enough data set (Rotich, 2020). The regression analysis technique can be recommended to organizations if there is already a theoretical understanding of the data and is useful to find correlations to prove the theory and also in identifying statistical anomalies in big data (Weedmark, 2019).

The regression analysis done at 


 shows that when there is a lack of theoretical understanding of the parameters involved there can be a correlation between any unrelated variables. Regression analysis can be used as a tool to prove existing theories with empirical evidence.

From the example in the report by Harris & Taler (2019), Wells Fargo used metrics like the one only tool for tracking their cross-selling strategy which led to the loss of customer faith and numerous litigation battles. The leadership was focused on the metric rather than deliver customers value with their strategy and service.

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