Nurwing Project


Health Policy Project

Based on YOUR program of study, review the literature and address ONE the following:

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• FNP/AGNP: Medicare reimbursement for NPs is 85% for the same health care that MDs receive at 100% reimbursement? Please address questions below and state your position on this mandate.
– Or –
• FNP/AGNP: What states have NP Full Practice Authority and which states have limitations or restrictions? How does this apply to your state? Please address these questions and state your position on the regulation within your state.

• Nurse Executive: What is value based care and how will it impact decisions made at the executive level relative to nursing and AP nursing? Please address and state your position on the regulation.

• Nurse Informaticists: What law(s) was/were enacted to regulate health information? Please address and state your position on this regulation.

• Nurse Educator: What agency regulates nursing education? Explain in detail.

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For the above assignment,  use the following guide:

  • Describe the current policy/status, which organization regulates and determine if it needs to change; if opposed to change, state why.
  • Provide the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest; identify the groups who are opposed
  • Explain how AP roles (which ones) could lead the effort to make or influence the change in policy or keep the policy the same and the impact in healthcare quality.

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