International Business Performance Appraisal

InternationalBusiness Performance Appraisal 6AG504.

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Coursework 1 (60% of the module)

a) Produce a mind map of your proposed presentation,

b) A 10 minute on a topic of your choice, from the following subject areas below and

c) A 700 to 1,000 word personal reflection.

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On one of the following:

Management Control


Behavioural issues of budgeting and/or control

Incentives & Rewards

Balanced Scorecard

Worth 60% of the module.

a) Mind map of presentation due by 22nd March 2021

b) A 10-minute presentation due by 19th April 2021

c) Reflective piece due by 30th April 2021

This coursework assesses learning outcome 1 which is:

“Demonstrate through investigation and presentation skills the ability to analyse a business performance issue and communicate the results and recommendations to an appropriate audience”

Detailed guidance

Mind Map (10% of this coursework)

The mind map of your presentation will summarise what you are intending to cover in the presentation. This will be submitted on-line via Turnitin and you will present it face to face to your tutor. You will have up to 3 minutes to present it.

Look at the topics above and choose one that interests you. Then structure an appropriate question to focus your presentation on.

For example:

Do small businesses need formal management control systems?

Do people only do their job if they are paid a financial reward on top of their salary?

Do people need to be motivated to do a good job?

Is the balanced scorecard still relevant today?

Do companies need to produce a budget?

Make sure that you can introduce your chosen topic, critically analyse/evaluate it, and then conclude it with an appropriate answer.

If you are not sure about your presentation title then please come and confirm it with your tutor.

(i) Presentation skills: (Presentation is 25% of this coursework)

Please prepare well.

· Make a connection with your audience.

· Converse with your audience, do not read out your work.

· Use presentation material that is clear and un-cluttered.

· Be confident

· Timely – use the time well – not too long or too short. No less than 9 minutes and no more than 11 minutes.

· Appropriate pace of delivery

(ii) Knowledge of subject (25% of this coursework)

Please ensure that you have completed research on your subject area and you are producing a critical evaluation not just a descriptive piece. Include details of the resources and references used. You will produce a power-point, or other media, to support your presentation and the final slides must contain your references. A pdf copy of your presentation material will need to be uploaded to Turnitin.

C) Reflective Piece (40% of this coursework)

Write a reflective piece of between 700 and 1,000 words.

Reflect on your presentation.

The following should be used as a guide for writing your piece.

What reflective model did you use? Why did you use that model?

What were the main learning outcomes for you?

How did you feel during the presentation? Why did you feel this way?

What did you enjoy and why? What did you dislike and why?

What knowledge do you have now that you didn’t have before? What skills do you have now that you didn’t have before?

As a result of the coursework and also using the reflective writing what do you know about yourself that you didn’t previously know?

What will you do with what you have learned? What would you do differently if you had to do all this again?

Do not just reproduce a listed narrative of the above.

Your written reflection will be uploaded to Turnitin 30th April 2021. You will be required to present your reflection face to face to your tutor this same week. You will have up to 3 minutes to do so. Do not simply read out your written work.

In order to achieve a high grade your work should be carefully researched, clearly argued, well presented and well-structured with academic references.

Your overall grade for this assessment will be within three weeks of the reflection submission.





1 – 34%

35 – 39%

40 – 49%

50 – 59%

60 – 69%

70 – 100%

A) Mind Map


B i) Presentation Skills


B ii) Knowledge of subject

C) Reflection


This is an individual piece of work. Given the nature of what is required, it will not be anonymously marked.

International Business Performance Appraisal 6AG504 Coursework 1 Grading Criteria















Mind Map

Little or no idea of what the problem or issue is. Problem link to acceptable topics not clear. Little or no justification of why the problem is worthy of investigation. No, or very few, authors identified and any referencing poor. Unreliable sources used. Too vague.

Unclear and confused about what the problem or issue is. Problem loosely linked to acceptable topics but link not well explained. Unclear justification of why the problem is worthy of investigation. Few key authors identified and any referencing poor. Some unreliable sources used. Overall lacks clarity/no real structure.

Satisfactory discussion of what the problem or issue is. Problem linked to acceptable topics with a satisfactory explanation. Some rational justification of why the problem is worthy of investigation. One or two key authors identified and any referencing adequate. Few unreliable sources used. Satisfactory structure.

Good discussion of what the problem or issue is. Problem linked to acceptable topics with a good explanation. Good justification of why the problem is worthy of investigation. Key authors identified and any referencing is good. Mostly reliable sources used. Good structure,

Very good discussion of what the problem or issue is. Problem clearly linked to acceptable topics with a very good explanation. Very good justification of why the problem is worthy of investigation. Critical key authors identified and any referencing is very good. Reliable sources used. Very good structure.

Excellent discussion of what the problem or issue is. Problem clearly linked to acceptable topics with an excellent explanation. Excellent justification of why the problem is worthy of investigation. Wide range of critical and key authors identified and any referencing is excellent. Reliable sources used. Excellent structure.

Exceptional discussion of what the problem or issue is. Problem clearly linked to acceptable topics with an exceptional explanation. Exceptional justification of why the problem is worthy of investigation. Wide range of critical and key authors identified and any referencing is excellent. Reliable sources used. Exceptional structure.

Professional discussion of what the problem or issue is. Problem clearly linked to acceptable topics with a professional level explanation. Professional level justification of why the problem is worthy of investigation. Wide range of critical and key authors identified and any referencing is excellent. Reliable sources used. Professional structure.

Presentation skills

Lacks an introduction and/or a conclusion. Very poor level of eye contact through camera. Presentation slides just read out. Very poor posture. Delivery much too fast or much too slow. Very poor use of voice and body language. Presentation much too short or much too long. Very poor use of visual aids. Powerpoint slides unclear, cluttered, lacking relevant content and/or a series of bullet points only. Inappropriate dress.

Some evidence of an introduction and conclusion. Unsatisfactory level of eye contact through camera. Presentation slides mostly just read out. Poor posture. Delivery too fast or too slow. Unsatisfactory use of voice and body language. Presentation too short or too long. Poor use of visual aids. Powerpoint slides often unclear, cluttered, lacking relevant content and/or mostly a series of bullet points only. Dress is unsatisfactory for the work environment.

Introduction has some context, objectives and scope.

Conclusion partially flows from main body. Satisfactory level of eye contact through camera. Some presentation slides just read out. Satisfactory posture. Delivery a little fast or a little slow. Satisfactory use of voice and body language. Presentation of satisfactory length. Satisfactory use of visual aids. Powerpoint slides sometimes unclear, cluttered, lacking relevant content and/or a series of bullet points only. Dress is satisfactory for the work environment.

Introduction sets the context, objectives and scope, in a fair manner

Fair conclusion that flows from main body.

Good level of eye contact through camera. Few presentation slides just read out. Good posture. Delivery of a good speed. Good use of voice and body language. Presentation of good length. Good use of visual aids. Powerpoint slides mostly clear, uncluttered, with relevant content and not a series of bullet points. Dress is appropriate for the work environment.

Introduction sets the context, objectives and scope, in an very good manner

Very good conclusion that flows from main body.

Very good level of eye contact through camera. Very few presentation slides just read out. Very good posture. Delivery of an appropriate speed. Very good use of voice and body language. Presentation of good length. Very good use of visual aids. Powerpoint slides clear, uncluttered, with relevant content and not a series of bullet points. Dress is appropriate for the work environment.

Introduction sets the context, objectives and scope, in an extremely good manner

Extremely good conclusion that flows from main body.

Excellent level of eye contact through camera. Virtually no presentation slides just read out. Excellent posture. Delivery of an excellent speed. Excellent use of voice and body language. Presentation of appropriate length. Excellent use of visual aids. Powerpoint slides clear, uncluttered, with relevant content and including imaginative and creative elements. Dress is appropriate for the work environment.

Introduction sets the context, objectives and scope, in an exceptional manner

Exceptional conclusion that flows from main body.

Exceptional level of eye contact through camera. Only appropriate elements of presentation slides read out, e.g. definitions. Excellent posture. Delivery of an excellent speed. Exceptional use of voice and body language. Presentation of appropriate length. Exceptional use of visual aids. Powerpoint slides clear, uncluttered, with relevant content and including a lot of imaginative and creative elements. Dress is appropriate for the work environment.

Introduction is professional in setting context, objectives and scope. Professional conclusion that flows from main body.

Exceptional level of eye contact through camera. Only appropriate elements of presentation slides read out, e.g. definitions. Excellent posture. Delivery of an excellent speed. Professional use of voice and body language. Presentation of appropriate length. Professional use of visual aids. Powerpoint slides clear, uncluttered, with relevant content and including a lot of imaginative and creative elements. Dress is appropriate for the work environment.

Investigation and critical analysis & knowledge

Lacks coherency, clarity and is not logical.

Lacks critical engagement with ideas and concepts. No appreciation of competing perspectives or any logic. Virtually no use of reliable knowledge resources and no, or extremely poor referencing.

Negligible coherency, clarity and has limited logic.

Negligible critical engagement with ideas and concepts; largely descriptive. Negligible appreciation of competing perspectives or any logic. Limited use of reliable knowledge resources with unsatisfactory referencing.

Fair level of coherency, clarity and has fair level of logic.

Some critical engagement with ideas and concepts, but still much description. Fair level of appreciation of competing perspectives or any logic. Satisfactory use of reliable knowledge resources with a satisfactory level of referencing.

Fairly good coherency, clarity and has fairly good logic. Fairly good critical engagement with ideas and concepts. Fairly good appreciation of competing perspectives or any logic. Good use of reliable knowledge resources with good referencing.

Very good coherency, clarity and has very good logic.

Very good critical engagement with ideas and concepts. Very good appreciation of competing perspectives or any logic. Very good use of reliable knowledge resources with very good referencing.

Excellent coherency, clarity and has excellent logic.

Excellent critical engagement with ideas and concepts. Excellent appreciation of competing perspectives or any logic. Excellent use of reliable knowledge resources with excellent referencing.

Exceptional coherency, clarity and has exceptional logic.

Exceptional critical engagement with ideas and concepts. Exceptional appreciation of competing perspectives or any logic. Exceptional use of reliable knowledge resources with exceptional referencing.

Professional level coherency, clarity and has exceptional logic.

Professional level critical engagement with ideas and concepts. Professional appreciation of competing perspectives or any logic. Exceptional use of reliable knowledge resources with exceptional referencing.

Reflective piece

Very poor critical reflection. Mostly a description of the process with no/very few learning points identified. Very poor application of learning to future activities and exercises.

Unsatisfactory critical reflection. Mostly a description of the process with a few learning points identified. Poor application of learning to future activities and exercises.

Satisfactory critical reflection. Some description of the process but with some satisfactory learning points identified. Satisfactory application of learning to future activities and exercises.

Good critical reflection. Little description of the process with some analysis of learning points identified. Good application of learning to future activities and exercises.

Very good critical reflection. Not a descriptive piece. A very good analysis of learning points. Very good application of learning to future activities and exercises.

Excellent critical reflection. Not a descriptive piece. An excellent analysis of learning points. Excellent application of learning to future activities and exercises.

Exceptional critical reflection. Not a descriptive piece. An exceptional analysis of learning points. Exceptional application of learning to future activities and exercises.

Professional level critical reflection. Not a descriptive piece. A professional analysis of learning points. Professional application of learning to future activities and exercises.

Coursework 1 Mind Map checklist.

Can you tick off all the comments below?

Is your topic within the required topic areas for this coursework?

· Management Control

· Budgeting

· Behavioural issues of budgeting and/or control

· Incentives & Rewards

· Balanced Scorecard

Have you narrowed down your title so you have a clear focus and are answering a clear question?

Have you justified why your title is a good one for a presentation or why it is worthy of investigation?

Have you discussed what literature you are going to use?

Have you included at least 2 journal articles?

Have you shown some critical evaluation? I.E. Arguments for and against, rather than just descriptive text.

Have you shown that you have thought about the timings of the presentation? For example how long on each section of the discussion.

Make sure you can tick all these points before submitting.

Sensitivity: Internal

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