
The topic i chosen for the poster is Economic objectives of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030  

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Jubail University College

Department of Business Administration

Semester 422

Assignment No: 1

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Section No:

Course Code: BUS 152

Course Name: Macroeconomics

Student Name

Student ID

Task: Prepare a digital research poster explaining your selected topic. This assignment aims to familiarize and expose you to major events affecting global economies. It provides an opportunity for you to learn to think critically by investigating an issue in which you are interested.

Topics include:

1. Should any country be fully self-sufficient?

2. Economic objectives of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030

3. The effects of Coronavirus epidemic on the global economy

4. How governments can build resilience to pandemics and crises

5. Should the government support the STC points system (STC Pay)?

6. Causes and consequences of high unemployment in Iraq

7. Effects of Brexit on the UK and the EU

8. The impact of the war on inflation rate in Yemen


· Project teams of six members should be formed to undertake this assignment.

· Each group will choose one topic from the list above. Kindly confirm your selection in the Discussion Board before you start. Each topic can be selected once only.

· You can find a sample poster here:

· Support your poster with evidence of academic research from EBSCO Journal Sources, government websites, newspapers and internet research.

· Referencing must be done in APA style.

· Cover page must be attached to the submitted report.

· Submit your poster in PDF format.

· Due date is Thursday, week 6.

· Plagiarized work will not be marked.

· See below rubric.


· The research poster will be assessed using below rubric.








Coverage of topic


Use of graphics


Layout & design


Details on the poster capture the important information about the topic and increase the audience’s understanding

All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented

All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand

Information is very organized with clear titles and subheadings

All information on the poster is in focus and can be easily viewed and identified

No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.




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