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Watch the “I’m Mexican. Does that change your assumptions about me?” video presented by Vanessa Vancour. In her presentation, she has talked about the concept of assumption and judgment of others. Think of a moment in your life when you had made an assumption and/or judgment of others’ (i.e., gender, race, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical ability, political affiliation, religion) even unconsciously due to your past experience or encounter.

Write a paper to discuss the assumption or judgment that you made. In your paper, you will also discuss what experience has prompted you to make this type of assumption or judgment. As you reflect now, would you still believe the assumption or judgment that you made previously is still relatively accurate? If not, what advise would you provide to others so that they are not repeating the same mistake.

Students will type up their responses to the following questions using the APA 6th or 7th edition format. The length of the paper should be 400 to 600 words. Students will also need to include a cover page and reference page (if use any resources) when submitting the paper. 

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