Short Essay

For this essay, keep in mind all of the rhetorical devices that you have learned from our assigned readings. For example, how do these authors create mental images in our minds that our so meaningful and impactful? Do they tell you their stories or do they show them. Do you feel as part of the story, or are you merely just a passive audience participant. Be sure to identify your theme and purpose as you write. This will ensure that all descriptive details are unified and purposeful. For Essay 1, you will write a one-two page double-spaced descriptive essay.Essay 1 writing/scene can be any of the following:First time in MiamiWhat it is like to live in Miami (Describe a memorable moment that took place in Miami) For example, first time at the beach, sporting event, authentic dinning experience, family gatherings etc..) Select one key moment in your life that you would like to magnify and share with others. Start simple and then build up. You may want to start with a simple sentence or memorable moment and then just write!  Flesh out the details later.  Be sure to go back and edit to confirm that you are adhering to Standard English requirements. If you need additional assistance, take advantage and review the writing resources available under Tools and Resources. Turn it in is designed to check for plagiarism, and provide limited feedback regarding writing mechanics, etc.  Any essays that match other on-line resources by at least 25% will receive a failing grade.

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