2 pages

Write a 4–5 page paper in which you:Determine two leadership theories and two leadership styles that support the definition of a public leader. Provide a rationale for your response.Discuss the differences, if any, between successful leaders in public, private, and nonprofit organizations. Cite experiences and research to support your assertions.Some think leadership is a born ability. Some think leadership can be learned. Some think leadership is a product of a need or challenge. What do you think? Cite experiences and research to support your assertions.Include at least four peer-reviewed references (at least one must be no more than 3 months old) from material outsideFollow all directions given above and stay on the topicFollow the APA format in reference to title page, page numbers, citations, ectThe references should be 4 and no older than 3 months; scholarly journal sourcesThe assignment should be 5 full pages not to include title page. Looking for thorough and quality information, A++ work

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