finance excel 1


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You must evaluate the purchase of a proposed spectrometer for the R&D department. The base price is $80,000, and it would cost another $20,000 to modify the equipment for special use by the firm. The equipment falls into the MACRS 3-year class and would be sold after 3 years for $40,000. The applicable depreciation rates are 33%, 45%, 15%, and 7%. The equipment would require an $12,000 increase in net operating working capital (spare parts inventory). The project would have no effect on revenues, but it should save the firm $73,000 per year in before-tax labor costs. The firm’s marginal federal-plus-state tax rate is 40%. The data has been collected in the Microsoft Excel Online file below. Open the spreadsheet and perform the required analysis to answer the questions below.

Open spreadsheet

  1. What is the initial investment outlay for the spectrometer, that is, what is the Year 0 project cash flow? Round your answer to the nearest cent. Negative amount should be indicated by a minus sign.
    $  fill in the blank 2
  2. What are the project’s annual cash flows in Years 1, 2, and 3? Round your answers to the nearest cent.
    In Year 1 $  fill in the blank 3
    In Year 2 $  fill in the blank 4
    In Year 3 $  fill in the blank 5
  3. If the WACC is 13%, should the spectrometer be purchased?

complete excel attached



Yr. 0 Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3

Base price
Before-tax labor cost savings

$73,000.00 $73,000.00


$0.00 $0.00

Before-tax salvage proceeds

Yr. 0 Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3

Base price

Modification costs ERROR:#N/A

Before-tax labor cost savings $73,000.00 $73,000.00 $73,000.00

Depreciation ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A
Operating income ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A
After-tax operating income ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A
Add back depreciation ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A
Operating cash flows ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A

Termination cash flows
Before-tax salvage proceeds $40,000.00

Tax on salvage value ERROR:#N/A

NOWC recapture $12,000.00

Project cash flows ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A
Project acceptance? ERROR:#N/A
Base price $80,000
Additional modification costs $20,000
Before-tax salvage proceeds $40,000
Change in

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NOWC $12,000
Before-tax labor cost savings $73,000
WACC 13.00%
Tax rate 40.00%
Yr. 0 Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3
Depreciation 0.33 0.45 0.15
Modification costs
Operating income
After-tax operating income
Add back depreciation $0.00
Operating cash flows
Termination cash flows
Tax on salvage value
NOWC recapture $12,000.00
Project cash flows
Project acceptance?

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