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PROMPT 1) Using the GILBERT book: Extraordinary a new way of thinking Relationships about human interactions second edition by Roberta M.Gilbert, M.D

  • Choose ONE paragraph from chapters 2-6, choosing material that is familiar to you in ways you understand families often respond to challenges:

    Name the chapter and title of the chapter. (IE: chapter 2, conflict):
    CHAPTER number and CHAPTER title here:  Chapter 1: Relationships we live in ( please review attachment)
    Provide A DIRECT QUOTE with chapter and page numbers from the GILBERT BOOK. This DIRECT QUOTE IS REQUIRED as your first paragraph.
    Add paragraph 1 here:

PROMPT 2) After you have provided the direct quote/paragraph 1, discuss in a FULL paragraph of at least 7 complete sentences, your own understanding  of the chapter topic,  what makes sense to you about this chapter topic and material and also what is confounding/confusing/perplexing to you. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PROVIDE PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR OWN FAMILY IN TERMS OF NAMES, ETC (

  • Add paragraph two here :

PROMPT 3) Discuss in a full paragraph of at least 5-7 sentences, one challenge that families might face/confront/experience when this pattern might be utilized.

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  • For example, in some families, members seem to cope with challenges by focusing their attention on doing too much for one family member (This is called over/under functioning) .

    Using your choice of chapter material/topic (conflict, distance, cutoff, over/underfunctioning, triangles), describe in detail what you might see families do when they are facing a challenge
    Discuss how you understand that particular behavior/action.

  • UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES provide PERSONAL, DETAILED INFORMATION about your own family, names, etc 
  • Add paragraph 3 here:

PROMPT 4) In summation, using any material you have read up through chapter 6, explain in a paragraph of at least 7 sentences, how using a BOWEN THEORY perspective,  as explained in the GILBERT book might assist family members approach family challenges in a different and more constructive way.

  • Provide 1 (one) direct quote from the GILBERT book–chosen from the beginning  of the book through the end of chapter 6–to support what you write in your paragraph. Remember, a direct quote with the page number after the quote from GILBERT is REQUIRED in this paragraph. 

    Include in this paragraph how you could utilize this information to assist you in having more beneficial relationships.
    Add paragraph 4 here:

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