A vacation to Mexico might be dangerous and scary but we ended up having the best time of our lives.

Your narrative essay is due on Sunday by 11:59 p.m. Remember, 

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this essay is about the topic given last week (Write a complete 

thesis telling us about your best or worse experience.  This can be 

an experience in school, on the job, as a friend, as a parent—

whatever issue you want to write about).  Your thesis from last 

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week, with any required changes, must be included in this essay.

Again, this essay is to be a minimum of two pages, double 

spaced, and set up as shown in the “paper layout” file found in 

this module.  Papers not meeting the minimum requirements 

will be marked down accordingly.

my thesis are “A vacation to Mexico might be dangerous and scary but we ended up having the best time of our lives.”

make sure that’s what you write about please

Paper Layout
We will use MLA style

Page one:
Your name
My name
Course title
Date due
Title which is centered
The entire paper will be double spaced; you will
indent the first line of each paragraph and there will be no extra spacing between your paragraphs.
You will transition into them this way.

Page two
Last name 2
This page is also double spaced; you will have your last name and the page number in the upper right-hand corner.
Again, you will not put extra spacing between paragraphs but will indent. Your actual font will be Times New Roman (12).

Things to avoid
I will notice
if your margins
are very wide
like this.

I will also notice if your font is larger than 12
because it will be obvious
even if you don’t think so.

I will notice if, on page two, you only get to here. This is not a page. You need to get to


Also, don’t put extra spacing between your paragraphs to make up for missing text.
If is obvious if there is spacing like you see above.
Or not…

Narrative rubric

Exceeds Standard

Meets Standard

Almost to Standard







Thesis/claim is precise, knowledgeable, significant; thesis has a topic, stand and why.

Thesis/Claim is complete with a topic, stand and why

Thesis/Claim may be unclear or incomplete

Thesis/Claim is missing or incomplete


Develops the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, details or other information and examples

Skillfully integrates information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas and advance the thesis

Clearly includes action and conflict.

Essay is focused on thesis.

Develops the topic by selecting significant and relevant facts, concrete details, or other information and examples

Integrates evidence into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas and advance the thesis.

Includes action and conflict.

Is mostly focused on thesis.

Attempts to develop the topic using evidence, but evidence is inaccurate, irrelevant, and/or insufficient

Attempts to integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas and advance the thesis, but information is insufficient or irrelevant

Action and/or conflict is weak or missing.

Essay may veer off of the thesis/topic at times.

Does not develop the topic by selecting evidence to support a thesis

Does not assess the strengths and limitations of evidence.

Action and/or conflict is missing.

Essay veers off of topic or topic is unclear throughout the essay.


Conclusion summarizes the main point and topics without repeating previous sentences; thesis is restated in a new way.

Conclusion summarizes main topics; thesis is restated.

Conclusion summarizes main points but is repetitive. Thesis is restated but not in a new way.

Conclusion does not adequately summarize the essay. Thesis is not restated.


Writing Style and Conventions

Organization skillfully sequences the claim(s), reasons, and evidence

Provides a concluding statement or section that skillfully follows from or supports the argument presented

Skillfully produces clear, coherent, sophisticated writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience

MLA formatting is correct.

Organization logically sequences the claim(s), reasons, and evidence

Provides a concluding statement or section that follows from or supports the argument presented

Produces clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience

MLA formatting is correct.

Attempts to create a logical organization, but may be missing some elements of the assignment

Attempts to provide a concluding statement or section that follows from or supports the argument presented, but statement does not support thesis

Attempts to produce clear and coherent writing, but errors in conventions and writing style detract from understanding

Formatting has errors but attempts were made to follow MLA formatting.

Does not provide logical organization

Does not provide

a concluding statement or section that follows from or supports the argument presented

Does not produce clear and coherent writing

Does not follow the standard format

Score for this draft: ______________

Teacher notes and additional comments:

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