passion writing assignment

The Truth About Turning Your Passion Into a Successful Business

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Passion Writing Assignment

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word passion as follows:

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1. a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something;

a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.

It is well understood that entrepreneurs will face many obstacles during the development of their

entrepreneurial venture. Academic research as well as anecdotal evidence suggests that having a

passion about your entrepreneurial undertaking will make positively addressing and overcoming

some of these obstacles more likely.

For this assignment, students will read the THREE (3) articles related to “passion” found under

the Content link in Blackboard (BB). After reading the articles each student will write a one or

two-page, double-spaced paper that identifies and briefly describes (explains) something for

which you have a passion. If you have more than one passion, or several, you can write about

them as well. If you have trouble identifying something that you are passionate about consider

writing about your favorite hobbies or interests.

After you have identified and described your passion(s) or interest(s), take some time to

reflect, then write about how you might commercialize and operationalize your passion,

and turn it into a for, or not-for profit business and, distinguish it from other companies

that might be doing the same thing . *

Keep in mind as you work on this self-assessment that you may want to consider expanding this

concept into your feasibility analysis assignment proposal.

Better papers will reference the assigned articles by identifying AT LEAST ONE major

takeaways from EACH of the three assigned articles, be creative, well reasoned and of

course, grammatically correct.

DUE: Electronically via Blackboard By Midnight, Tuesday, January 26th.

* 5 for 5 Extra Credit Opportunity: The 5 “best” papers (in my sole opinion) will earn 5 extra

credit points.

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