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  • Cell Structure and Function
  • Investigation

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    Table of Contents

    2 Overview
    2 Outcomes
    2 Time Requirements
    3 Background
    7 Materials
    8 Safety
    9 Preparation
    9 Activity 1
    10 Activity 2
    14 Disposal and Cleanup


    In this investigation, the student will explore the structure and
    function of the animal cell, particularly the selectively perme

    able plasma membrane. The student will model the processes of
    simple diffusion and osmosis and assess the tonicities of aqueous

    • Identify the parts of an animal cell and describe their functions.
    • Describe the structure of the plasma membrane of the cell and

    explain why it is selectively permeable.
    • Model the processes of simple diffusion and osmosis.
    • Calculate the rate of diffusion and determine how it is affected

    by molecular weight.
    • Assess the relative tonicities of aqueous solutions.

    Time Requirements
    Preparation ………………………………………………………….. 30 minutes
    Activity 1: Simple Diffusion ……………………………………. 60 minutes
    Activity 2: Osmosis ……………………………………………….. 75 minutes

    2 Carolina Distance Learning

    The cell is the fundamental structural and
    functional unit of all living things. Although the
    human body is composed of an amazing variety
    of different, specialized cell types, all cells
    have certain characteristics in common. Most
    importantly, all animal cells possess three main
    components: a nucleus, a cytoplasm, and a
    plasma membrane.

    The Nucleus
    The nucleus houses most of the genetic mate
    rial of the cell. Most of the time, the genetic
    material exists in the form of a threadlike
    complex of DNA and proteins known as

    chromatin. When a cell goes through the
    process of division, the chromatin coils up tightly
    to form compact structures called

    chromosomes. Within the nucleus lies at least
    one nucleolus. This is where ribosomes, the
    machinery of protein synthesis, are assembled.
    The contents of the nucleus are separated from
    the rest of the cell by the nuclear envelope.
    This double membrane is penetrated by nuclear
    pores that permit materials to pass in and out of
    the nucleus.

    The Cytoplasm
    The cytoplasm occupies the area between
    the nucleus and the plasma membrane. It
    consists of the cytosol (which is mostly water
    with dissolved ions and proteins), the protein
    filaments of the cytoskeleton, and a variety of
    organelles, which are specialized structures
    devoted to specific cellular tasks (Table 1).

    continued on next page 3

    Table 1.

    Structure Function
    Ribosomes Protein synthesis

    Rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) Processing and transport of proteins
    Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER) Lipid and carbohydrate metabolism; detoxification
    Golgi apparatus Processing and transport of proteins, especially

    secreted proteins
    Lysosomes Intracellular digestion
    Peroxisomes Catabolism of fatty acids
    Mitochondria ATP production

    Centrioles Organization and movement of chromosomes during
    cell division

    Cilia Movement
    Flagella Movement
    Microfilaments Cytokinesis; changes in cell shape; cell motility
    Intermediate filaments Strength and support for cells and tissues
    Microtubules Motility (internal components of cilia and flagella);

    intracellular transport; chromosome movements during
    cell division


    Background continued
    The Plasma Membrane
    The plasma membrane of the cell (also
    called the cell membrane or the cytoplasmic
    membrane) surrounds and defines each cell
    and separates its internal environment from the
    external environment. The plasma membrane
    is composed primarily of phospholipids. A
    phospholipid molecule consists of a glycerol
    skeleton with two fatty acids and a phosphate
    group attached. The fatty acids are nonpolar
    hydrocarbon chains, and thus, they are hydro-
    phobic (i.e., repelled by water). The negatively
    charged phosphate group forms the polar head
    of the molecule and is hydrophilic (i.e., attracted
    to water). Recall that the cytosol within the cell
    is mostly water, and most cells of the human
    body are bathed in extracellular fluid, which is
    also mostly water. These conditions cause the
    phospholipid molecules to cluster together so
    that their hydrophilic heads are oriented toward
    the water and their hydrophobic tails exclude
    water. The resulting structure is a phospholipid
    bilayer: two layers of molecules, with the hydro-
    philic heads directed to the inside and outside of
    the cell and the hydrophobic tails sandwiched in

    By themselves, the phospholipid molecules
    would form a relatively loose, fluid association,
    with a consistency similar to that of vegetable
    oil. However, phospholipid molecules are not the
    only type of molecule in the plasma membrane.
    In the membranes of animal cells, the phospho-
    lipids are stabilized by sterol molecules, such as
    cholesterol. Glycolipids, which have a carbohy-
    drate group instead of a phosphate group, are
    also present in the outer portion of the bilayer.

    Proteins constitute a major component of the
    plasma membrane and play important roles

    in cell signaling, adhesion, metabolism, and
    transport. Peripheral membrane proteins are
    weakly associated with the membrane, whereas
    integral membrane proteins are more firmly
    embedded. In fact, most integral membrane
    proteins are transmembrane proteins, meaning
    that they completely span the phospholipid
    bilayer and have exposed regions on both sides
    of the membrane. Many proteins are able to drift
    laterally within the phospholipid bilayer, which is
    why the plasma membrane is often described in
    terms of a fluid-mosaic model.

    Cell Transport and Cell Size
    All living things take in nutrients and eliminate
    waste. These vital functions are facilitated at
    the cellular level by the selectively permeable
    (i.e., semipermeable) plasma membrane. The
    cell membrane permits the passage of mole-
    cules and ions of a certain size while restricting
    the passage of larger or differently charged
    molecules or ions. Some molecules, such as
    water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, can move
    freely across the cell membrane’s lipid bilayer.
    These molecules move into and out of the cell
    by diffusion, which can be defined as the net
    movement of molecules or ions down a concen-
    tration gradient. Concentration is defined as
    the amount of a substance per unit volume,
    such as the mass of sucrose (table suguar) in
    a milliliter (mL) of water. So when a substance
    moves down a concentration gradient, it moves
    from a region of higher concentration to a region
    of lower concentration. Larger molecules, on
    the other hand, are excluded by the membrane
    and may enter or leave the cell only through
    processes mediated by dedicated transporter
    proteins located in the membrane.

    continued on next page

    4 Carolina Distance Learning

    In Activity 1, you will observe how diffusion
    occurs in the absence of a membrane. However,
    diffusion across a selectively permeable
    membrane, such as the plasma membrane, is
    subject to certain conditions. Four main factors
    determine the rate of diffusion of molecules or
    ions across a membrane:

    1. The steepness of the concentration gradient:
    The greater the difference between the
    concentrations on opposite sides of the
    membrane, the higher the rate of diffusion.

    2. Temperature: Molecules and ions have more
    kinetic energy at higher temperatures. When
    molecules and ions move more rapidly, diffu-
    sion proceeds more rapidly.

    3. The surface area of the membrane: The
    greater the surface area, the higher the rate of
    diffusion. A greater surface area allows more
    molecules or ions to cross the membrane at
    any point in time.

    4. The type of molecule or ion diffusing: Large
    molecules (those of higher molecular weight)
    tend to diffuse more slowly than smaller mole-
    cules (of lower molecular weight). If the large
    molecules are contained within a selectively
    permeable membrane, they may not be able
    to diffuse at all. Ions may move more readily
    along a charge gradient; for example, a cation
    (positively charged ion) may diffuse more
    quickly toward a region rich in anions (nega-
    tively charged ions) than toward a region with
    an overall positive charge.

    Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules
    across a selectively permeable membrane. The

    four factors listed above also apply to osmosis.
    The net movement of water molecules in
    osmosis is to the side of the selectively perme-
    able membrane having the higher concentration
    of solute, and, therefore, the lower concentration
    of water. The cytoplasm is an aqueous solution,
    consisting of water with dissolved molecules
    and ions. If the cell is surrounded by solute-
    free, pure water, the concentration of water is
    actually lower inside the cell compared with the
    outside, and the net movement of water will be
    into the cell. If the cell is in a solution with a high
    solute concentration, the concentration of water
    may be higher inside the cell compared with the
    outside, causing the net flow of water to be out
    of the cell.

    The terms hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic
    are used to compare aqueous solutions of
    varying solute concentration in which the solute
    cannot cross the membrane. If the solutions
    have the same concentration of solute, they are
    called isotonic (iso-, “same”). When two solu-
    tions have different concentrations of a solute,
    the one with the higher solute concentration is
    called hypertonic (hyper-, “above”), and the
    one with the lower solute concentration is called
    hypotonic (hypo-, “below”). The hypertonic
    solution, which contains a higher solute concen-
    tration than the comparison solution, can also
    be thought of as having a lower concentration
    of water. In contrast, the hypotonic solution has
    a lower concentration of solute, but a higher
    concentration of water. Because the solute
    cannot cross the membrane, osmosis occurs
    between solutions of different tonicities. The
    water will move from the solution in which it is

    continued on next page 5


    Background continued
    more concentrated to the solution in which it
    is less concentrated. In other words, water will
    move from the hypotonic solution to the hyper-
    tonic solution. In Figures 1 and 2, the larger
    black circles represent the solute molecules,
    and the smaller open circles represent the water
    molecules. The vertical center line represents a
    selectively permeable membrane. In Figure 1,
    the concentration of solute molecules is higher
    on the left side of the membrane, so the left side
    is hypertonic relative to the right side. The right
    side is hypotonic relative to the left side.
    Figure 2 shows that the left and right sides are
    at equilibrium and are isotonic relative to each
    other. The concentration of molecules on both
    sides of the membrane is equal.

    Osmotic pressure is the measure of a solu-
    tion’s tendency to gain water when separated
    from pure water by a selectively permeable
    membrane. A solution’s osmotic pressure is
    proportional to its solute concentration; the
    greater the solute concentration, the greater
    the osmotic pressure and, therefore, the greater
    the tendency for the solution to gain water. In
    isotonic solutions, water diffuses across the
    membrane from one solution to another at an

    equal rate in both directions. There is no net
    osmotic movement of water and no net osmotic

    Water enters our cells passively through
    osmosis. For instance, most water absorption
    in the digestive tract occurs in the large intes-
    tine, and there are no channels in the plasma
    membranes of intestinal cells that actively
    transport water. While water transport relies on
    osmosis, there are membrane channels that
    actively transport sodium and other ions into
    the cytoplasm, using ATP for energy. In order to
    manipulate the characteristics of osmosis, the
    concentration of solutes can be increased in the
    cells of the intestinal lining such that the cyto-
    plasm becomes hypertonic relative to the lumen
    of the large intestine. Then, water flows into the
    cells by osmosis.

    The kidneys regulate the water balance in our
    bodies. Like the large intestine, the movement
    of water by osmosis is regulated by the active
    transport of salts. In addition, some cells of the
    kidneys have selective channels called aqua-
    porins, which allow water to move across the
    membrane very quickly in response to osmotic

    In Activity 2, you will use dialysis tubing to
    simulate the plasma membrane of a cell. The
    flat, transparent dialysis tubing has microscopic
    pores that permit the passage of water, but not
    larger solutes such as sugars.

    6 Carolina Distance Learning

    Figure 1. Figure 2. 7

    Included in the materials kit:


    4 Plastic
    cups, 10 oz

    100 g packet

    5 Pipets

    Petri dish Potassium
    1 g

    blue, 1 g


    2 Micro

    3 Weigh boats

    3 Pieces of
    dialysis tubing,

    30 mL

    3 Beakers,
    250 mL

    Grease pencil

    100 mL

    10 mL

    Reorder Information: Replacement supplies
    for the Cell Structure and Function investigation
    (item number 580506) can be ordered from
    Carolina Biological Supply Company.

    Call: 800.334.5551 to order.

    Needed but not supplied:
    • Tap water
    • Timing device
    • Paper towels
    • Digital camera or mobile device

    capable of taking digital photos
    • Pot holder or mitt

    (recommended but not


    8 Carolina Distance Learning

    Do not eat, drink, or chew gum while performing
    these activities. Wash your hands with soap and
    water before and after performing the activities.
    Clean up the work space with soap and water
    after completing the investigation. Keep pets
    and children away from lab materials and

    Read all of the
    instructions for
    these laboratory activities before beginning.
    Follow the instructions closely and observe
    established laboratory safety practices,
    including the use of appropriate personal
    protective equipment (PPE).

    Wear safety goggles, gloves, and a lab apron
    while performing this laboratory investigation.
    Work in close proximity to a sink or other source
    of running water. A kitchen sink sprayer or a
    shower may serve as an emergency eyewash
    station if needed.

    Potassium permanganate is
    an oxidizing agent.

    Methylene blue is an irritant of the
    skin, eyes, and respiratory passages;
    exposure may result in drowsiness

    or dizziness and may impair fertility or, if preg-
    nant, cause harm to an unborn child. If either
    substance is inhaled, seek fresh air immediately
    and seek medical attention. In case of contact
    with the eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of
    water and seek medical attention. In case of
    contact with skin, wash immediately with soap
    and rinse with plenty of water. If skin irritation
    results, seek medical advice or attention. If swal-
    lowed, call a poison center and/or seek medical
    attention immediately.


    Simple Diffusion
    1. Read the procedure description thoroughly

    and become familiar with the kit materials and
    procedure steps prior to beginning.

    2. Put on PPE (safety goggles, gloves, and lab
    apron) and wear throughout the rest of the
    preparation and procedure.

    3. To prepare the Petri dish containing agarose:
    a. Loosen, but do not remove, the cap of the

    agarose bottle.
    b. Using a microwave, heat the agarose
    at 30-second intervals until the
    agarose is completely melted. The agarose

    must have no lumps and should pour easily.
    The container will be hot, so you may wish
    to use a potholder or oven mitt.

    c. Place the Petri dish on a level surface.
    Remove the lid and set it aside.

    d. Pour all of the melted agarose slowly into
    the Petri dish, making sure the bottom of
    the dish is evenly covered and there are no
    bubbles in the agarose.

    e. Allow the Petri dish to sit undisturbed
    and uncovered for 25–30 minutes,

    or until the agarose is completely solidified.
    4. Turn the Petri dish upside down and use the

    grease pencil to draw a line down the center
    of the bottom of the dish, as shown in Figure
    3. Then turn the Petri dish right side up (agar
    facing up).

    5. Fill a micro spoon about half full of potassium
    permanganate. Use a pipet to suction up
    the permanganate crystals and deposit
    the contents gently onto the surface of the
    agarose in the center of one side of the

    dish. Take care not to scatter any crystals of
    potassium permanganate across the surface
    of the agarose.

    6. Use a pipet to suction an equivalent amount
    of methylene blue and deposit the contents
    onto the surface of the agarose in the center
    of the opposite side of the dish.

    If scattering does occur, you may wish to
    try again using a clear area of the agarose
    surface. Just make a note of the new dye
    location and make sure it is as far from the
    other dye as possible.

    7. Put the ruler underneath the
    Petri dish, and record the initial
    diameter of each dye ring (in mm) in Data
    Table 1. Start the timer. Take a photo of the
    Petri dish.

    Figure 3.

    continued on next page 9




    ACTIVITY 1 continued
    8. Record the diameter of each dye
    ring in Data Table 1 at 15-minute
    intervals for 1 hour. At the end of the hour,

    take a final photo of the Petri dish.
    9. Determine the rate of diffusion for each dye

    using the following formula:

    where time is the time in minutes when the
    dye front reaches the edge of the Petri dish or
    the hour had elapsed.

    10. Based on the information recorded in Data
    Table 1, determine whether the two dyes
    diffused at the same rate or at different

    1. Read the procedure description thoroughly

    and become familiar with the kit materials
    and procedure steps prior to beginning.

    2. Put on PPE (safety goggles, gloves, and lab
    apron) and wear throughout the rest of the
    preparation and procedure.

    3. Prepare one solution of 40% sucrose and two
    solutions of 20% sucrose:

    a. Label two 250-mL beakers “20% sucrose”
    and one 250-mL beaker “40% sucrose.”

    b. Add five level teaspoons (20 g) of sucrose
    to a “20% sucrose” beaker. Add warm tap
    water to approximately the 90-mL mark
    on the beaker and stir with the teaspoon
    until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    Pour into the 100-mL graduated cylinder,
    and carefully add more water to reach a
    total volume of 100 mL. Pour back into the
    beaker and rinse the graduated cylinder
    and teaspoon with tap water.

    c. Repeat Step 3b to produce another beaker
    of 20% sucrose solution.

    d. Add 10 level teaspoons (40 g) of sucrose
    to the “40% sucrose” beaker. Add warm
    tap water to approximately the 90-mL mark
    on the beaker and stir with the teaspoon
    until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    Pour into the 100-mL graduated cylinder,
    and carefully add more water to reach a
    total volume of 100 mL. Pour back into the
    beaker and rinse the graduated cylinder
    and teaspoon with tap water.

    continued on next page

    10 Carolina Distance Learning

    Rate of diffusion (mm/min) =
    final diameter – initial diameter

    time (min)


    e. Allow all three sucrose solutions to cool
    to room temperature before starting the

    4. Label three weigh boats “A,” “B,” and “C” for
    each treatment.

    5. Label three plastic cups “A,” “B,” and “C” for
    each treatment.

    1. Use the 100-mL graduated cylinder to
    measure 90 mL of 20% sucrose solution.
    Pour into Cup “A.”
    2. Use the 100-mL graduated cylinder to
    measure 90 mL of 20% sucrose solution.
    Pour into Cup “B.”
    3. Use the 100-mL graduated cylinder to
    measure 90 mL of 40% sucrose solution.
    Pour into Cup “C.”
    4. Fill another clean plastic cup with

    tap water. Place the flat, transparent
    dialysis tubing in the water. Allow the dialysis
    tubing to remain in the water for at least 30

    5. Remove the dialysis tubing from the water,
    and gently roll the end of the tubing between
    your index finger and thumb. This should
    cause the dialysis tubing to open. Slightly
    wetting your fingers will make opening the
    dialysis tubing easier.
    Opening Dialysis Tubing


    6. Continue rolling the tubing down its length
    until the tubing is completely open. Tie

    a simple knot on one end of the dialysis
    tubing, as shown in Figure 4. This knot
    should be as close to the end as possible.
    Repeat this process for all three pieces of
    dialysis tubing.

    Figure 4.

    7. Use the 10-mL graduated cylinder to
    measure out 6 mL of 20% sucrose solution.
    Use a pipet to transfer all 6 mL into a piece of
    dialysis tubing. You may need to pour the last
    milliliter or so into the open end of the tubing.

    8. Carefully remove almost all of the air from the
    space above the sucrose solution, leaving
    only a small bubble, so the tube will float
    when placed in its designated cup. To expel
    the air, gently squeeze upward with the
    thumb and index finger of one hand while
    supporting the filled tubing with the other

    continued on next page 11


    ACTIVITY 2 continued
    9. Twist the top inch of the tubing and tie a

    simple knot at the top end, as shown in

    Figure 5.

    10. Rinse the outside of the dialysis tubing with
    water, and gently blot it dry with a paper

    11. Place the dialysis tubing in the weigh boat
    labeled “A.”

    12. Repeat steps 7–10 with the next piece of
    dialysis tubing. Place the tubing in the weigh
    boat labeled “C.”

    13. Rinse the 10-mL graduated cylinder with tap
    water. Use it to measure out 6 mL of 40%
    sucrose solution. Use a new pipet to transfer
    all 6 mL into the last piece of dialysis tubing.
    Pour the last bit into the open end of the
    dialysis tubing if necessary. Repeat Steps
    8–10, and place the tubing in the weigh boat
    labeled “B.”

    14. Take a photo of all three pieces of filled
    dialysis tubing sitting in their weigh boats.

    15. Measure the volume of each solution in each
    tube by displacement:

    a. Add 80 mL of tap water to the 100-mL
    graduated cylinder.

    b. Drop tubing “A” into the graduated
    cylinder and make sure the solution inside
    the tubing is completely submerged.

    c. Observe the new water level and record
    the value as “initial volume” in Data
    Table 2.

    d. Remove the tubing from the graduated
    cylinder and discard the water. Dab each
    end of the tubing with a paper towel to
    remove any excess water, and place the
    tubing in its designated weigh boat. continued on next page

    12 Carolina Distance Learning

    Figure 5.

    c. Observe the new water level and record
    the value as “final volume” in Data
    Table 2.

    d. Remove the tubing from the graduated
    cylinder, squeeze any excess water out
    from the ends of the tubing, and place
    the tubing in its designated weigh boat.
    Discard the water.

    e. Perform Steps 21a–d for tubing pieces
    “B” and “C.”

    22. Determine the change in the volume of
    solution within each piece of dialysis tubing
    and record in

    Data Table 2.

    23. Determine the percentage change in the
    volume of solution within each piece of
    dialysis tubing and record in Data Table 2.

    24. Based on the results, determine whether
    the solution in each piece of tubing was
    isotonic, hypotonic, or hypertonic relative
    to the solution in the cup. Record your
    conclusions in Data Table 2. 13

    e. Perform Steps 15a–d for tubing pieces
    “B” and “C.”

    16. Transfer the tubing pieces into the labeled
    cups containing the appropriate sucrose
    solutions as follows:

    a. Cup “A”: 20% sucrose solution in the cup
    and 20% sucrose solution in the dialysis

    b. Cup “B”: 20% sucrose solution in the cup
    and 40% sucrose solution in the dialysis

    c. Cup “C”: 40% sucrose solution in the cup
    and 20% sucrose solution in the dialysis

    17. Make sure the dialysis tubing is
    completely submerged, and start the

    18. Allow the tubing to sit in the cups for
    1 hour.
    19. Remove each piece of tubing from its cup,

    dab each end of the tubing with a paper
    towel to remove any excess water, and place
    the tubing back into its corresponding weigh

    20. Take a photo of all three pieces of filled
    dialysis tubing sitting in their weigh boats.
    21. Measure the new volume of the solution in

    each piece of tubing.
    a. Add 80 mL of tap water to the 100-mL

    graduated cylinder.
    b. Drop tubing piece “A” into the graduated

    cylinder and make sure it is completely


    14 Carolina Distance Learning

    Disposal and Cleanup
    1. Keep your PPE (safety goggles, gloves, and

    lab apron) on throughout the disposal and
    cleanup process.

    2. Carefully pour all liquids down the drain,
    flushing with excess tap water for at
    least 1 full minute.

    3. The weigh boats, plastic cups, pipets, and
    dialysis tubing should be disposed of in the
    household trash.

    4. Secure the lid on the Petri dish of agarose,
    wrap in a plastic bag, and dispose of in the
    household trash.

    5. Wash and dry the teaspoon, micro spoons,
    beakers, and graduated cylinders.

    6. Store remaining materials in the materials kit
    bag or equipment set.

    7. Sanitize the work space and wash your

    Data Table 2.

    Treatment A Treatment B Treatment C

    Solution in dialysis tubing 20% sucrose 40% sucrose 20% sucrose

    Solution in cup 20% sucrose 20% sucrose 40% sucrose

    Initial volume (Vi) (mL)

    Final volume (Vf) (mL)

    Change in volume
    (Vf−Vi) (mL)

    Percent change in volume
    (change in volume/Vi) x 100

    Hypotonic, isotonic, or





    Methylene Blue (mm)


    Data Table 1.

    NOTES 15

    Cell Structure and Function

    Investigation Manual

    Carolina Biological Supply Company • 800.334.5551
    ©2019 Carolina Biological Supply Company

    CB781901901 V2.1

      Cell Structure and Function
      Table of Contents
      Time Requirements
      The Nucleus
      The Cytoplasm
      The Plasma Membrane
      Cell Transport and Cell Size
      ACTIVITY 1
      A Simple Diffusion Preparation
      ACTIVITY 2
      A Osmosis

      Disposal and Cleanup

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