Sport Facilities VI

Hello everyone, I have an Assignment for you today. This assignment must be DONE by Wednesday, January 27, 2021, no later than 10 pm. By the way, I need this assignment to be PLAGIARISM FREE & a Spell Check when completed. Make sure you READ the instructions CAREFULLY. Now without further ado, the instructions to the assignments are below:

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Facility Marketing Plan

Marketing a sport facility is a major component of facility management. It is something that all sport facility managers must be able to do if their facility is to be successful. Sport facility marketing requires a strategy that considers the local audience, the capabilities of the facility and staff, and the goals for the facility.

For this assignment, you will choose a college or professional team in your local area. You will take on the task of developing a strategy for marketing the team’s home schedule that could be presented to the team or facility executives. Then you will write a two-page paper detailing your proposed strategy. References are not required for this assignment, but you may include them if you want to provide more depth to your paper.

Steps for completing the assignment are as follows:

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  1. Select a high school or college team in your local area. If you are deployed military or living in a location that is not local to you, you may select a team from your hometown.
  2. Secure a copy of an upcoming home event schedule. Schedules can typically be found by using a search engine and typing in “[name of school] [type of sport] schedule” (e.g., “Anywhere, USA High School football schedule”).
  3. Consider what you know about the team’s fan base and the local community, then:

    determine which four events would be good for specialty nights (e.g., use of promotions, giveaways, fireworks, etc.), and explain why, and
    determine the specific strategies you would recommend the team or facility pursue to guarantee a sellout for one additional event, and explain why.

  4. Read the instructor feedback from the last assignment and apply it as you write this paper.
  5. Write the paper. Include in the content:

    an introduction naming the sport team you chose,
    an overview of the fan base and local community,
    the strategy (strategies) you recommend for accomplishing the items in Step 3 above,
    a summary of your overall marketing plan for the team’s season, and
    your analysis of whether the schedule will effectively market the team. Use critical thought and support your reasoning.

  6. Submit your paper according to the information provided below.

Paper requirements are as follows:

  • Write a minimum of two double-spaced pages.(APA Format)
  • Address the topic of the paper using critical thought. The required information listed above should clearly stand out and be unambiguous. Otherwise, it will be determined to be missing.
  • Ensure that you have prepared a detailed, thoughtful marketing proposal that could be presented to the team or facility executives.
  • Ensure that all parts of your paper are formatted according to the APA style as detailed in the approved APA manual.
  • Include a title page that includes:

    title of paper,
    your name, and
    university name.

  • Include an introductory section at the start of your paper.
  • Include the following first-level headings:

    Overview of [the Sport Team]
    Recommended Strategies
    Summary of Overall Marketing Plan for [the Sport Team]
    Analysis of How Schedule Will Market [the Sport Team]

  • References are not required for this assignment; however, include a reference page as the final page of your paper, if references were used. Ensure that this page is completed and formatted according to the correct APA style.
  • Avoid the serious consequence of plagiarism by using your own words and including citations for sources you used.
  • As with all discussion board responses and assignments, non-scholarly sources such as Wikipedia and may not be cited in your work.

By the way, I have a attachment below which is a study guide. Be sure to use the resources below & please be sure reference any information. Remember NO PLAGIARISM & I need will need a PLAGIARISM REPORT upon completion.

BSM 4001, Sport Facilities 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VI

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Recognize the basic principles related to sport facility planning and management.

Reading Assignment

Chapter 11: Marketing and Sales

Human Kinetics. (n.d.) Chapter 11 [Video file]. Retrieved from,AAAA0gHQG-

Click here to access the transcript for Video 11.1.

Chapter 12: Finance and Budgeting

Human Kinetics. (n.d.) Chapter 12 [Video file]. Retrieved from,AAAA0gHQG-

Click here to access the transcript for Video 12.1.
Click here to access the transcript for Video 12.2.
Click here to access the transcript for Video 12.3.

Unit Lesson

Unit VI looks at marketing and sales, as well as financing and budgeting for the sport facility manager. It takes
a keen understanding of the business side of facility management to be a solid manager. Additionally, being
able to market a facility is extremely important for its success. Every facility has something of value to offer to
the community.

Chapter 11 focuses on the importance of marketing and sales, first examining the basic elements associated
with marketing and the various methods used to promote an event or facility. New sport facilities might bring
some people out; however, it takes using tried and true marketing to keep them coming back. Each facility
has specific resources that can be easily marketable.

The chapter then analyzes the marketing process, which starts with identifying the customers and positioning
the product. The facility manager must figure out what these are. Sports marketing accounts for all activities
designed to satisfy needs and wants of sport consumers through the exchange of products, services, or
features. The four P’s, product, price, place, and promotion, help determine these features (Fried, 2015). The
facility’s marketing department and staff then need to determine who the customers are (the target market)
and how to reach them. Most long-time sport managers understand that the price attached to facility use,
facility location, promotional strategies used to market the facility, and the product generally influence the
level of facility use.


Marketing, Sales, Financing,
and Budgeting

BSM 4001, Sport Facilities 2



A marketing example from the world of sport facility managers is running a tournament. The four P’s are big in
this, as having a marketable product (in this case, the tournament), having a product with proper pricing in
place (entry fees for each team), place (the actual hosting venue), and promotion of the tournament
(marketing of event and facility) can provide an idea for marketing staff that will bring people to the venue
(known as the target audience). By the way, tournaments can not only bring in revenue now, but in the future
as well, if they are run and marketed well.

What about marketing a new facility? While there would be some attractive features for the new venue,
marketers must do their part to highlight the qualities just like they would with an older facility. It takes offering
a unique sport experience regardless.

Focusing on further development of the product is paramount for actual use of the facility. Ticket sales, facility
memberships, sponsorships, naming rights, and luxury seats could be part of development in many venues;
again, remember that it is all about the total consumer experience. It takes constant product enhancement
and modification to drive additional use of the venue as well as provide something to sell (Fried, 2015). One
example of this modification is the addition of all-you-can-eat tickets at professional sporting events. Many
arenas and stadiums offer tickets that come with unlimited snacks. These seats have become a major money
maker for these facilities. The creativity in marketing and sales of the product is endless.

Still others would argue the case for increasing the focus on the place element of the marketing mix when
marketing sport. This is based largely on the significance of the venue in influencing the promotion of the
sport product. For sport managers, it is important to use these elements to their advantage when marketing

Chapter 12 highlights the finance and budgeting process. Although this topic is not as exciting compared with
marketing a facility, finance is possibly more important. Many people do not like to talk about finance because
they do not understand some of the numerous terms and formulas. However, to have any credibility, facility
managers need to have a strong grasp of finance and how to run a facility under a budget.

Your facility’s vision and/or goals are extremely important in the process of completing your budget, which
should be the mirror image of the overall plan for the venue. The process of developing any budget can be
demanding and gratifying. However, the key is planning. In addition, your budget depends on your overall
plan, and the overall plan will probably change along the way.

Analyzing the revenue and expenses generated by the facility through the use of income statements and
balance sheets helps inform the manager on how to make more money or reduce costs. Having an
understanding of income and expenses as well as assets and liabilities of a facility can determine how well
the facility is doing financially (Fried, 2015).

One other aspect that needs to be considered when funding a venue is what kind of funding will be sought:
public funding or private funding. Public funding may include, but may not be limited to taxes, municipal
bonds, certificates of participation, and special authority bonds. Private funding may include, but is not limited
to, cash donations, contributions, naming rights, concessionaire and/or restaurant rights, sponsorships, lease
agreements, luxury and preferred seating, parking fees, advertising, and gifts shop revenues. In addition,
some will combine public and private funding (U.S. Sports Academy, 2008).

Financial analysis is used to forecast the future and develop an operating budget that will help the facility
reach its goals. If the forecast or budget is wrong, it is almost impossible for a facility to reach its goals.

Projecting the future can help the sport facility manager develop an operating budget to reach the objectives
of the facility. This process not only looks to the daily financial expectations for running a facility; it may also
include developing a capital project to renovate an existing facility or build a new one.

It is important to remember that financial analysis should not end when a facility has been completed, it
should continue as long as the facility is operating. Financial analysis is also needed when the time comes to
dispose of a facility.

One of the more dubious venues disposed of was the Seattle Kingdome. It was razed in 2000, but the
taxpayers of King County, Washington had to pay for it for another 15 years (talk about poor decision making
by the city of Seattle and King County). Expect to hear about these kinds of situations more in the near future,

BSM 4001, Sport Facilities 3


as the facility boom continues (especially in Atlanta with the razing of Turner Field and the Georgia Dome. It is
worth the time to research that).

Prior to completing the reading assignments for the unit, please watch this video from Columbia Southern
University faculty member, Dr. Tim Rice. The video addresses the unit’s assignments and provides additional
information pertinent to the unit.

Click here to watch the Unit VI video, or you may navigate to:

Rice, T. (2015, Oct. 22) Unit VI Sport Facilities Overview [Video file]. Retrieved from

To turn on closed captioning in the video, click the captions icon at the bottom of the video.

Click here to access a transcript of the Unit VI video.


Fried, G. (2015). Managing sport facilities (3rd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

U.S. Sports Academy. (2008, February). Financing options and facility development. The Sport Journal.

Retrieved from

Suggested Reading

If you are interested in learning more about financial concepts, check out this article that uses football to
illustrate some of these concepts. The article looks at time value of money and other financial concepts from
the sport perspective.

Mahar, J., Jr., & Paul, R. (n.d.). Using football to teach finance. Retrieved from

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