
 This is a required assignment worth 75 points (75-points/1000-points). Assignment must be submitted by the due date. No late assignments are allowed. Please discuss the following topics and provide substantive comments to at least two other posts. Select from the following choose 1 topic and discuss. Your submission must be at least 300 words and be in APA format.The discussion questions this week are from Chapter’s 8 & 9  (Jamsa, 2013).Chapter 8 topics:

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  • Define and describe virtualization.
  • Defend the following statement: Virtualization is not a new concept within computer science.
  • Describe the various types of virtualization.
  • List the pros and cons of virtualization.
  • Discuss the attributes of applications that are not well suited for virtualization.
  • List reasons why companies should virtualize.
  • List the benefits of blade servers.
  • Define and describe the hypervisor.
  • Define and describe green computing.
  • Describe the concept of the desktop on demand, and include the benefits of such a system.

Chapter 9 topics:

  • List the security advantages of cloud-based solutions.
  • List the security disadvantages of cloud-based solutions.
  • Define and discuss the data wiping process.
  • Discuss how a cloud-based solution provider may reduce the risk of a DDoS attack.
  • Define and discuss hyperjacking attacks.
  • Define and discuss guest-hopping attacks.

Note: You are required to use at least two-peer reviewed sources (besides your textbook) to answer the above questions.  and need to respond to two other student posts.

Sai Priya

Virtualization is defined as a procedure of moving physical IT resources to virtual IT resources.  The resources might include servers, storage, network, and power (Jamsa, 2012). A cloud provider helps supply IT resources to multiple organizations from start-up companies to multi-national companies offering a variety of devices, protocols, security, storages, and technologies.

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      The various types of virtualizations (Erl, Mahmood, & Puttini, 2013) include server virtualization that masks servers and creates a single server appear as multiple independent servers hosting various operating systems; desktop virtualization helps various kinds of office personnel have numerous virtual operating systems. Data storage virtualization separates the physical data layer from the virtual data layer.

      Hyperjacking attack is defined as an attack when a hacker targets the hypervisor within the server’s virtual environment (Jamsa, 2012). A hypervisor is a software in a server or a PC, on which all the operating systems are installed. So, a hyperjacking attack is basically getting access to the system resources and execution control.

      Guest-hopping attacks are mainly for hacking operating systems. If a hacker is direct cannot hack an operating system, the hacker chooses guest-hoping approach (Jamsa, 2012). The approaches follow when a hacker cannot go into operating system A, hacker initiates an attack on functional system B. If operating system B is successfully hacked, the hacker continues to find a way to enter operating system A.


Erl, T., Mahmood, Z., & Puttini, R. (2013). Cloud Computing Concepts, Technology & Architecture. Pearson Education.

Jamsa, K. (2012). CloudComputing SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, virtualization, business models, mobile, security and more. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


1. List the benefits of blade servers.

A. Benefits of blade server:

1. Blade servers are extremely small, but the amount of computing is like other server types. It is best suitable for people who have limited space (Brandon, 2018).

2. Maintaining the blade servers in enclosures is easy as they can be connected through single interface.

3. Blade servers are easy to install when we need to add a new server then it is easy to add them to the enclosure.

1. Define and describe green computing.

A. Green computing is a way of using the computer and its related resource responsibly by taking environment into consideration. Green computing can be achieved by reducing the usage of resources and using energy efficient central processing units and also by disposing the electronic waste properly (Margaret, 2017). Designing energy efficient computers helps to attain economic viability.

1. List the security advantages of cloud-based solutions.

A. Security advantages of cloud-based solutions

1. Data encryption within the cloud-based security systems have substantially lowered the risk of data breaches.

2. Cloud based solution provides the safe keeping of important information and refrain it threats.

3. Cloud based solutions provides time to time patch update which eliminates the risk of different vulnerability to be exploited

4.Define and discuss hyperjacking attacks.

A. Hyperjacking is an attack in which hackers takes control over the hypervisor that creates the virtual environment within a virtual machine host. The main purpose of the attack is to target the operating system. Hyperjacking attacks can affect the cloud infrastructure financially as well as there will be no record of user’s activity when the hyperjacked person uses the data on the cloud.


Brandon, G. (2018) 11 Blade server Advantages and Disadvantages

Margaret, R (2020) Green computing


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