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Sunil Neupane

Spring 2021

MATH 2053

Minorities in STEM Fields

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Minority students feel are underrepresented in STEM careers. STEM fields have traditionally been dominated by white men. They have been seen be unwelcoming for the racial minorities including Latinos and African-Americans


Underrepresentation of minorities in STEM fields can be reduced by organizing workshops and gatherings that promote minority groups, connecting STEM with disciplines such as arts and humanities, giving minority students access to mentors

First main point: Organizing workshops and gatherings that promote minority groups to join STEM

a. There should be workshops to motivate minority students to enter the STEM fields

The workshops should be held regularly.

b. Minority students should be encouraged to participate in the workshops and gatherings.

1. There are many groups that help minorities learn about STEM (Fouad et al, 2017).

2. They should be encouraged to join such groups at a tender age

Second main point: Connecting STEM with disciplines such as arts and humanities

a. Minority students do well in arts and humanities

Most of them have developed an interest in arts and humanities because the previous ones did well.

b. Connecting STEM with arts would help the students develop a positive attitude towards science courses (Hurtado et al, 2018).

c. The number of minority students in STEM fields would increase

Third main point: giving minority students access to mentors

a. Minorities should be given access to mentors who show interest in their careers.

The mentors will help motivate minority students.

b. Minority students entering STEM fields should be mentored to ensure they can overcome the challenges they might face (Sansone et al, 2020).

1. Minority students are likely to face numerous challenges when they are underrepresented in STEM

2. The mentors can help resolve the challenges.


The underrepresentation of minority students in STEM fields should be reduced. Organizing frequent workshops for minority groups, connecting STEM with humanities, and finding the minority students mentors would help reduce their underrepresentation in STEM. School administrators should be committed to eliminating underrepresentation in STEM fields.


Fouad, N. A., & Santana, M. C. (2017). SCCT and underrepresented populations in STEM fields: Moving the needle. Journal of Career Assessment, 25(1), 24-39.

Hurtado, S., Newman, C. B., Tran, M. C., & Chang, M. J. (2018). Improving the rate of success for underrepresented racial minorities in STEM fields: Insights from a national project. New Directions for Institutional Research, 2010(148), 5-15.

Sansone, D., & Carpenter, C. S. (2020). Turing’s children: Representation of sexual minorities in STEM. PloS one, 15(11), e0241596.

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