case study


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and Submission

  • Worth 15% of final grade
  • Due no later than 11:00 p.m. on Sunday of Unit 3 or as directed by your professor

Late Submission Policy

  • This assignment is subject to the Late Submission penalty policy, namely 5% per day for three days.
  • This page will close and will not allow further submissions after this Late Submission period has expired.
  • In the event of an emergency preventing you from submitting within this time frame, special permission must be obtained from your instructor. Documentation substantiating emergency is required. In such a circumstance, if the extension is granted, the professor will reopen the submission function for you on an individual basis.
  • Please do not email your submissions to your professor, either before or after the due date; all coursework should be submitted through the online course (Moodle).


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By the end of this assignment students will be able to

  • recognize in formal terms what constitutes a block creative thinking in their own lives;
  • identify how to avoid a creativity-blocking situation;
  • identify some techniques to a personal case study that retrospectively would have enhanced their creativity; and
  • use inductive logic to create a generalized lesson to be learned in future situations of blocked creativity.


Students are to write a self-reflective paper that is a case study of one instance of creative thinking being blocked.  Students are to:

  • Think of an incident in his or her past where they experienced a block to their creative abilities. 
  • Post what and how that block might have been avoided and creativity enhanced.
  • Describe these, and the lessons to be learned from this reflection. 
  • The report should be 800 words excluding the title page and reference page, and should follow APA referencing style when references are used.
  • A minimum of four references should be included.


  • Please review the instructions for uploading assignment files through Turnitin.
  • The system will not allow you to resubmit after the due date.
  • Please review the instructions for reviewing your feedback in a Turnitin assignment.


The following rubric indicates those areas you should be focusing on in preparing your assignment, and how the instructor will weigh these components relative to one another.

Activity/Competencies Demonstrated

% of Final Grade


Quality of Analysis (55%)

a. Appropriateness of the reflective instance


b. Insights given and depth of analysis


c. Quality of “Lessons Learnt”



Communication (25%)

a. Uses language clearly and effectively


b. Information organized intelligently and in logical order


c. Proper introduction and conclusion to paper


Attention to Detail (20%)

a. APA Referencing and formatting (title, headings & references)


b. Spelling and grammar




Assignment Value (15%)


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