Nursing research articles

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1. Order articles alphabetical ( based on author name)

2. Answer the following questions for each article. 

( Please use the same word document for all articles answer) 

a. Authors

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b.Tittle (year)

c. Methodology

d. Sample ( how many articles, reviews, patients, questioners, tool, how did they select the sample)

e. Study type: randomized, literature review, cohort, single case)

f. Results

g. Conclusions 

h. Recommendations

Association of care bundle for early Sepsis Management with Mortality among with hospital


Association of a Care Bundle for Early Sepsis Management With Mortality Among Patients With Hospital-Onset or Community-Onset Sepsis.

Requirements and technologies improving sepsis management


New requirements and technologies improve sepsis management and outcomes.

Surviving sepsis guidelines




Surviving Sepsis Guidelines Update

Sepsis alert in Emergency D

. 5.

Sepsis: Diagnosis and Management.

Effectiveness of early management Bundle for sever sepsis


Association of a Care Bundle for Early Sepsis Management With Mortality Among Patients With Hospital-Onset or Community-Onset Sepsis.

Recognition and management of sepsis


Recognition and management of sepsis: the nurse’s role

Managing sepsis effectively with national early warning score


Managing sepsis effectively with national early warning scores and screening tools.

Adults sepsis in. pre-hospital environment


Adult sepsis in a pre-hospital environment

Sepsis and chronic wounds


Sepsis and chronic wounds: the extent of the issue and what we should we be aware of.

Treatment of sepsis


Efficacy and safety of antimicrobial de-escalation of treatment for sepsis.

Sepsis mortality

12 .

Prevalence, Underlying Causes, and Preventability of Sepsis-Associated Mortality in US Acute Care Hospitals.

Nursing early detection of sepsis


Healthcare Utilization and Infection in the Week Prior to Sepsis Hospitalization


sepsis due to nosocomial pneumonia


Reducing preventable harm: comment on ‘clinical and economic outcomes attributable to health care-associated sepsis and pneumonia’.

Hospitalization cost due to sepsis

15 1

Sepsis Among Medicare Beneficiaries: 1. The Burdens of Sepsis, 2012-20


Sepsis alert


Sepsis alert: avoiding the shock.

Delay in administration of 2nd dosage of AX after admission

17 .

Delayed Second Dose Antibiotics for Patients Admitted From the Emergency Department With Sepsis: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes

Medication of choice


Ceftriaxone dosing in patients admitted from the emergency department with sepsis.



Epidemiology and Costs of Sepsis in the United States-An Analysis Based on Timing of Diagnosis and Severity Level

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