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CNET is a great website for technology news and review. Their About Us page states, “CNET tells you what’s new in tech, culture and science, why it matters, how it works and what you need. Our global team works 24/7 to explore and explain the changing world around us. You can depend on CNET for news, commentary, analysis, features, FAQs, advice, hands-on reviews, buying guides, amazing photography and fun and informative videos.”

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We want you to read at least one article or view a video about hardware (not software). Then write a brief summary (or create a short presentation) summarizing the article using MS Word or PowerPoint. Brief means no less than 10 sentences but not more than one page. Make sure to cite your source properly.

Post this summary to the Hardware Assignment discussion board. Read at least one other student’s summary on hardware and provide a peer review. A peer review is an evaluation of another student’s academic work. This could include but is not limited to taking a stand on the topic and providing evidence for/against it; providing additional information on the other student’s topic; posing questions about the topic and possible answers; demonstrating your understanding or application of the topic with examples. You may need to cite a source in your reply. Remember that if the information does not come out of your own head, you need to cite it. The summary is work 35 points and the review 15 for a total of 50 points for this assignment.

Check your course Detailed Schedule for the due date.  

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