APA Nursing


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APA format

Mission and Members

· What is the stated purpose/mission/goal(s) of the organization?

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· What is the shared interest of the members of the organization? Is this

focus a clinical, cultural, religious, or professional interest?

· Who is eligible for membership? Be specific. Are there any minimum requirements? May non-nurses or non-RNs be members?

· Does this organization meet locally? If so where/when?


Organizational Activities

· What services, activities, and support does the organization offer its members?

· What are the organization’s legislative priorities and political positions?

· Does the organization offer or support any type of professional

certification? If so, what is it?

· Describe one publication the organization sponsors. If the publication is a journal, cite one recent article, be sure to include the title and author of the article; if it is another type of publication cite the publication itself.



· How does the organization work to promote the professional stature (quality or status) of nursing?

· What are the educational, professional and experiential credentials of the president of the organization? How does she/he convey the image of the nurse as a professional?

· What else might the organization do to promote professionalism/stature?

· Would you join or encourage other nurses to do so? Why or why not?

· Are you a member of/attend this organization or any other? Be specific. If not, why not?


Scholarly Writing

· Must include a minimum of two (2) references.

· Inclusion of introductory and concluding paragraphs


· Quality of references will be considered in grading.

· Grammar, sentence structure, spelling, etc.

· Content must be paraphrased (in your own words not copied from other sources) with no more than 1-2 short (<40 words), direct quotes. You do not have to include any quotes. Never copy/paste from a source even if you give credit.




Mission and Members:

· What is the stated purpose/mission/goal(s) of the organization?

· What is the shared interest of the members of the organization? Is this focus a clinical, cultural, religious, or professional interest?

· Who is eligible for membership? Be specific. Are there any minimum requirements? May non-nurses or non-RNs be members?

· Does this organization meet locally? If so where/when?

Organizational Activities:

· What services, activities, and support does the organization offer its members?

· What are the organization’s legislative priorities and political positions?

· Does the organization offer any type of professional certification? If so, what is it?

· Describe one publication the organization sponsors. If the publication is a journal, cite one recent article, be sure to include the title and author of the article; if it is another type of publication cite the publication itself.


· How does the organization promote the professional development of the members?

· How does the organization work to promote the professional stature (quality or status) of nursing?

· What are the educational, professional and experiential credentials of the president of the organization? How does she/he convey the image of the nurse as a professional?

· What else might the organization do to promote professionalism?

· Would you join or encourage other nurses to do so? Why or why not?

· Are you a member of/attend this organization or any other? Be specific. If not, why not?

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