Software Development Project

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(In Software Engineering and Human Computer Interaction)

you are requirement to code (In other word create a prototype) of the project summary below:
Namibia university of Science and Technology (NUST) want to create awareness about the strategic direction
of the university. The university has a guiding document called strategic plan in which all goals and the key
performance indicators (KPI) are outlined. The university community and the public do not effectively read and
get to know the plan. In an effort to encourage the public to engage the plan more, the department of
institutional planning proposed the gamification of the plan. You are required to make a game that will assist
the stakeholders to learn more about the plan and get to memorize and understand the strategic direction of
the plan. You are free to propose your own ideas of the game.

(In Software Engineering and Human Computer Interaction)


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Full Name


David Ndantsi


Nhamu Tanaka


Uzemba Kangootui


Ndamononhenda Saarti Josef


George Stage Uugwanga


Clinton Nghiwilepo


· Introduction

· Purpose

· Scope

· Problems

· Definitions

· References

· Functional Requirements

· Non-Functional Requirements

· Testing

· Conclusion

· Gantt chart



1.1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to to create awareness about the strategic direction of the university by using educational game that will assist the stakeholders to learn more about the strategic plan and get to memorize and understand the strategic direction of the plan. It will show the aim and complete declaration of the development system. This document will be presented to the the department of institutional planning for its approval, then the development of the first game will commence.

2. Scope

The games will educate the public about the vision, mission, goals, strategic direction and priorities of the university. The games will also give the public an interactive and engaging experience that will help them understand the strategic plan.

· Existing Problem

· The university community and the public do not effectively read and get to know the strategic plan.

· Many people neglect the importance and value of the strategic plan.

· People find it dull and tedious

3.Definitions and acronyms

Strategic plan

Documentation of the university’s goals ,direction ,values and priorities .

Strategic direction

Actions taken to achieve strategic goals


Ambitions/aspirations of the university


The end goal


Purpose and commitments of the university


Morals and principles of the university


Gomaa, H., & Scott, D. B. (1981, March). Prototyping as a tool in the specification of user requirements. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Software engineering (pp. 333-342).

5. Functional requirements

· User will be able to select a level of their choice

· Users will be able to retry a failed attempt

· Game will prompt user to play

· User may pause the game at any time

· Users scores are updated after the current level has been archived

· User are able to mute game to mute the game at any moment

· User can select their preferred level of difficulty

6.Non-functional requirements

· Portable

· The games will run on any operating system

· The game will run on any device

· Usability

· The game will work in such a way that it will be usable and accessible for user interactions.

6.3. Maintenance

· Regular updates and maintenance will be sustained to avoid program error

6.4 Performance

· Speed of response – The game will execute every command within 5 seconds

· Testing

· Unit Testing : Individual objects, functions and methods will be tested.

· Module Testing: A combination of modules are tested.

· System testing: Testing the whole system to see if everything works well.

· Acceptance testing: Testing to see if game meets overall client requirements

· Conclusion

Our game creates awareness about the strategic direction of the university by using games as an interactive tool for testing and educating the university community and public. The game tests the community and public their understanding and knowledge about the strategic plan . Above we stated functional and non-functional requirements that will be expected from our game upon completion. We also mentioned the testing methods that we will carry out.

9.The Gantt Chart

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