HR001 Aligning Work force Capacity

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©2014 Walden University 1

HR001 Aligning Workforce Capacity: Evaluate organizational values and goals in order to align the workforce and deliver cost -effective, high-

quality care.

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Assessment Rubric

Not Present

Needs Improvement

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Part I: Organizational Goals Analysis

Sub-Competency 1: Analyze organizational goals and values to make appropriate staffing decisions.
Learning Objective 1.1:

Infer the goals of an


Description of the

organizational goals of the

Lockeport Medical Center

is missing.

Response provides less


five reasonable

organizational goals of the

Lockeport Medical Center,

and/or the response

provides an unclear or

vague description of the

organizational goals of the
Lockeport Medical Center,
and/or the response

describes unreasonable

goals of the Lockeport

Medical Center.

Response provides an

unclear or vague

explanation of why the
goals are essential to


Response infers five

reasonable organizational

goals of the Lockeport

Medical Center and clearly

explains why the goals are

essential to operational


Response demonstrates
the same level of
achievement as “2,” plus

the following:

Response infers more than

five reasonable
organizational goals of the

Lockeport Medical Center.

Learning Objective
Infer the values of an

Description of values of

the Lockeport Medical

Center is


Response provides less

than five reasonable

values of the Lockeport


Center, and/or the

Response infers five

reasonable values of the

Lockeport Medical Center.
Response demonstrates
the same level of
achievement as “2,” plus
the following:

©2014 Walden University 2

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

response provides an

unclear or vague

description of the values of

the Lockeport Medical
Center, and/or the

response describes

unreasonable values.

Response provides an

unclear or inaccurate

explanation of what the
values communicate about
the organization.

Response includes a clear
and accurate explanation
of what the values
communicate about the

Response infers more than
five reasonable
organizational values of
the Lockeport Medical

Learning Objective 1.3:

Describe employee

traits or qualities

necessary to achieve



Description of traits that

are relevant and necessary

to fulfill the organizational

goals is missing.

Response describes less

than five traits or qualities

that are relevant and

necessary to fulfill the

organizational goals,

and/or the response
provides an unclear or

vague traits or qualities.

Response provides an
unclear or inaccurate

explanation of how each

trait or quality is essential

to achieve the

organizational goals.

Response describes five
traits that are relevant and
necessary to fulfill the
organizational goals.

Response provides a clear
explanation of how each
trait or quality is essential
to achieve the
organizational goals.

Response demonstrates
the same level of
achievement as “2,” plus
the following:

Response describes more
than five traits that are
relevant and necessary to
fulfill the organizational

Sub-Competency 2: Analyze ways to staff an organization.

©2014 Walden University 3

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

Learning Objective 2.1:

Create an

organizational chart.

Organizational chart is

Organizational chart

includes less than 10

potential positions

necessary to achieve the

organizational goals,

and/or the 10 potential

positions are not necessary

to achieve the
organizational goals.

Organizational chart is
unclear and not

Organizational chart
includes 10 potential
positions necessary to
achieve the organizational

Organizational chart is
clear and understandable.

Response demonstrates
the same level of
achievement as “2,” plus
the following:

Selected positions include
cross-functional roles and
reflect different
organization goals.

Learning Objective 2.2:

Explain how positions

can help achieve

organizational goals.

Explanation of ways the

positions will help

Lockeport Medical Center

achieve its organizational

goals is missing.

Response provides a vague
explanation of ways the
positions will help
Lockeport Medical Center
achieve its organizational
goals, and/or the response
describes irrational ways
the positions will help
Lockeport Medical Center
achieve its organizational

Response provides clear

and rational ways the

positions will help
Lockeport Medical Center
achieve its organizational

Response demonstrates
the same level of
achievement as “2,” plus
the following:

The rationale includes an
explanation of how the
different positions
interrelate to achieve
organizational goals.

Part II: Compensation Methods
Sub-Competency 3: Analyze compensation methods for physicians and support staff.

Learning Objective 3.1:




Description of

compensation methods for

support staff and

Presentation provides a
description of less than
three different
compensation methods for

Presentation provides a
description of three
different compensation
methods for support staff

Response demonstrates
the same level of
achievement as “2,” plus
the following:

©2014 Walden University 4

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

physicians is missing in the


Audio narration is missing.

support staff and less than
two different
compensation methods for
physicians, and/or the
compensation methods
are not supported by
resources or the resources
are not relevant.

The audio narration is
incomplete or insufficient.

and two different
compensation methods for

Response is supported by
relevant academic/
professional resources.

The audio narration
adequately supports the
slide presentation.

Presentation provides a
summary of more than
three different
compensation methods for
support staff and more
than two different
compensation methods for

Learning Objective 3.2:

Describe the

advantages and

disadvantages of



Description of advantages
and disadvantages of
compensation is missing in
the presentation.

Presentation provides less
than two advantages and
less than two
disadvantages of

designing, implementing,

or using each

compensation method at

Lockeport Medical Center,
and/or the advantages and
disadvantages are illogical.

Presentation is not
supported by
resources or the resources
are not relevant.

Presentation provides two

logical advantages and two

disadvantages of
designing, implementing,
or using each
compensation method at
Lockeport Medical Center.

Presentation is supported
by relevant academic/
professional resources.

Response demonstrates
the same level of
achievement as “2,” plus
the following:

Presentation provides
more than two logical
advantages and more than
two disadvantages of
designing, implementing,
or using each
compensation method at
Lockeport Medical Center.

Learning Objective 3.3:



Recommendations for
compensation methods
are missing.

Presentation provides
unclear or vague
recommendations for one

Presentation provides
recommendations for one
compensation method for

Response demonstrates
the same level of
achievement as “2,” plus

©2014 Walden University 5

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

compensation method for
physicians and one
compensation method for
support staff.

The rationale for the
recommendations based
on the organizational goals
and values is unclear or

physicians and one
compensation method for
support staff.

The rationale for the
recommendations is based
on the organizational goals
and values.

the following:

The rationale incorporates
current research (past
three years) and/ or data
related to compensation of
healthcare professionals.

Learning Objective 3.4:


the impact of

compensation on


Explanation of the impact
of compensation on

recruitment of support

staff and physicians at

Lockeport Medical Center
is missing.

Presentation provides an

unclear, vague, or

inaccurate explanation of

the impact of

compensation on the

recruitment of support
staff and physicians at
Lockeport Medical Center.

Explanation is not
supported by
resources or the resources
are not relevant.

Presentation provides a
clear and accurate
explanation of the impact
of compensation on the
recruitment of support
staff and physicians at
Lockeport Medical Center.

Explanation is supported
by relevant academic/
professional resources.

Response demonstrates
the same level of
achievement as “2,” plus
the following:

The rationale discusses
impacts related to specific
evolving human resource
management trends,
including recruitment cost
containment, productivity
changes, and/or diversity

PS002: Oral Communication: Use effective oral presentation skills.

©2014 Walden University 6

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

Learning Objective
PS 2.1:
Use clear enunciation,
correct pronunciation,
comfortable pacing,
and appropriate

Presenter mumbles or
speaks in a monotone,
mispronounces words,
and/or struggles to find
appropriate pacing or

Presenter inconsistently
uses clear enunciation,
correct pronunciation,
comfortable pacing, and
appropriate volume.

Presenter engages the
audience through mostly
clear enunciation, correct
comfortable pacing, and
appropriate volume.

Presenter enhances
audience engagement
through consistently clear
enunciation, correct
comfortable pacing, and
appropriate volume.

Learning Objective
PS 2.2:
Organize information
to be presented.

Information is disorganized
to a degree that impedes
audience understanding.

Organization of
information minimally
supports audience

Organization of
information generally
enhances audience
understanding of

Organization of
information significantly
enhances audience
understanding of both
general and specific
concepts, and promotes
audience engagement.

PS003: Technology: Use technology tools effectively.
Learning Objective
PS 3.1:
Use images and layout
of presentations to
communicate content
to a specific audience.

Images and layout are
inappropriate, hard to
read, and/or impede
audience understanding of
key concepts.

Images or layout provide
limited support for
audience understanding of
key concepts.

Images and layout
generally support audience
understanding of key

Images and design
elements are used
purposefully, and they
effectively support
audience engagement and
understanding of key

Part III: Job Description

Sub-Competency 4: Create a job description that aligns with organizational goals.
Learning Objective

LO 4.1:

Identify key indicators

to complete a Job

Requirements Matrix.

Job Requirements Matrix is


Job Requirements Matrix:

• Identifies less than 10


• Inaccurately lists the

corresponding task-

specific dimensions.

• does not assign

Job Requirements Matrix

• Identifies 10 job-specific


• Lists the corresponding

task-specific dimensions

• Assigns percentage to

Response demonstrates
the same level of
achievement as “2,” plus
the following:

Job matrix identifies more

than 10 job-specific tasks.

©2014 Walden University 7

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

percentage to each task

indicating how

important each task is to

the overall position

• Unclearly or vaguely

defines job-specific

Knowledge, Skills,

Abilities, and Other

characteristics (KSAOs).

• Unclearly or vaguely

identifies which


are required and which

are preferred to fulfill

the job role

• Does not rate the

relative importance of

each KSAO on a scale


ranges from 1–5

Response provides a

recommendation of less

than five of the most

important skills for the

position and/or unclearly

or vaguely explains why

each is so important.

Response unclearly and/or

each task, indicating

how important each task

is to the overall position

• Defines job-specific


• Identifies which KSAOs

are required and which
are preferred to fulfill
the job role

• Rates the relative

importance of each

KSAO on a scale that

ranges from 1–5

Response provides a
recommendation of the
five most important skills
for the position and clearly
explains why each is so

Response clearly and
accurately explains the
purpose of the selected
skills in terms of the
organization’s outcome
measures and strategic

©2014 Walden University 8

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

inaccurately explains the
purpose of the selected
skills in terms of the
organization’s outcome
measures and strategic

Learning Objective 4.2:

Create a job


Position summary,
essential job functions,
goals, prerequisite
preparation, worker traits,
working conditions,
physical demands,
responsibility for errors
and losses, and job
relationships are missing in
the job description.

Response provides a
vague, unclear, or
inaccurate description of
the position summary,
essential job functions,
goals, prerequisite
preparation, worker traits,
working conditions,
physical demands,
responsibility for errors
and losses, and job

Response clearly and
accurately provides the
position summary,
essential job functions,
goals, prerequisite
preparation, worker traits,
working conditions,
physical demands,
responsibility for errors
and losses, and job
relationships in the job

Response demonstrates
the same level of
achievement as “2,” plus
the following:

Response incorporates
specific practice demands
in the job description,
including assessment
management and/or
specialized job functions,
goals, and job

PS001: Written Communication: Demonstrate graduate-level writing skills.

Learning Objective
PS 1.1:
Use proper grammar,
spelling, and

Multiple major and minor
errors in grammar,
spelling, and/or mechanics
are highly distracting and
seriously impact

Multiple minor errors in
grammar, spelling, and/or
mechanics are distracting
and negatively impact

Writing reflects competent
use of standard edited
American English.

Errors in grammar,
spelling, and/or mechanics
do not negatively impact

Grammar, spelling, and
mechanics reflect a high
level of accuracy in
standard American English
and enhance readability.

Learning Objective
PS 1.2:
Organize writing to

Writing is poorly organized
and incoherent.
Introductions, transitions,

Writing is loosely
organized. Limited use of
introductions, transitions,

Writing is generally well-
organized. Introductions,
transitions, and

Writing is consistently
Introductions, transitions,

©2014 Walden University 9

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

enhance clarity.

and conclusions are
missing or inappropriate.

and conclusions provides
partial continuity.

conclusions provide
continuity and a logical
progression of ideas.

and conclusions are used
effectively to enhance
clarity, cohesion, and flow.

Learning Objective
PS 1.3:
Apply APA style to
written work.

APA conventions are not

APA conventions for
attribution of sources,
structure, formatting, etc.,
are applied inconsistently.

APA conventions for
attribution of sources,
structure, formatting, etc.,
are generally applied
correctly in most
instances. Sources are
generally cited
appropriately and

APA conventions for
attribution of sources,
structure, formatting, etc.,
are applied correctly and
consistently throughout
the paper. Sources are
consistently cited
appropriately and

Learning Objective
PS 1.4:
Use appropriate
vocabulary and tone
for the audience and

Vocabulary and tone are
inappropriate and
negatively impact clarity of
concepts to be conveyed.

Vocabulary and tone have
limited relevance to the

Vocabulary and tone are
generally appropriate for
the audience and support
communication of key

Vocabulary and tone are
consistently tailored to the
audience and effectively
and directly support
communication of key

PS005: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Use critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze professional issues and inform best


Learning Objective
PS 5.2:
Generate reasonable
and appropriate

Assumptions are missing. Response does not
adequately present and
discuss key assumptions in
an original argument.

Response presents and
discusses key assumptions
in an original argument.

Response justifies the
reasonableness and need
for assumptions in an
original argument.

Learning Objective
PS 5.3:
Assess multiple
perspectives and

Assessment of multiple
perspectives is missing.

Response does not identify
nor adequately consider
multiple perspectives or

Response identifies and
considers multiple
perspectives and

Response justifies
selection of chosen
alternative relative to

This assessment has three-parts that all work together to create a recommendation to executive leadership.  Click each of the items below to complete this assessment.

Part I: Organizational Goals Analysis

This is a case-based paper. You have just obtained a key management position within the Lockeport Medical Center Human Resources Department and are charged with conducting an analysis of Lockeport’s organizational goals, identifying essential positions that align with those goals to ensure goals are achieved, and making reasonable recommendations for compensation strategies that are specific to the workforce trends and potential challenges of recruitment and retention for the geographic location and type of organization presented in the case. You have been asked to assist in aligning workforce capacity with the organizational needs of the organization in order to ensure delivery of cost-effective, high-quality healthcare. You must first become familiar with Lockeport Medical Center by reviewing the document “Organizational Description—Lockeport Medical Center, and conduct your own research into the workforce conditions specific to healthcare workers and physicians that pertain to Lockeport. Based on your analysis of the workforce environment for Lockeport and the organizational description and goals you have developed and inferred from the case information, address the following: (2-4 pages)

· Provide a brief and specific introduction to Lockeport Medical Center including a discussion of its geographic location and the anticipated advantages and challenges that it may experience related to workforce environment specific to that geographic location. Make sure to include any unique considerations that apply to this type of organization. Cite your research about workforce conditions relevant to the location and type of organization that describes Lockeport

· Infer five organizational goals of the Lockeport Medical Center, and explain why the goals are essential to the operational success of this medical center. Create goals in your own words that best address the goals as outlined in the case.

· Infer five values of the Lockeport Medical Center, and explain what the values communicate about this organization.  Discuss values using specific language that relates to the case details about Lockeport’s location and the anticipated needs for this type of organization.

· Describe five key employee traits or qualities relevant to and necessary to fulfill the described organizational goals that are specific to Lockeport, and explain how each key employee trait or quality is essential to achieve the organizational goals.

· Insert an organizational chart that highlights 10 potential positions that align to specific organizational goals you have created.  Present a realistic and authentic organizational chart that illustrates where these potential positions would be placed within the chart showing realistic lines of reporting. The organizational chart needs to be realistic for the size and type of organization as described in the case.

· Summarize by explaining how each of these positions will specifically help Lockeport Medical Center achieve its organizational goals.

Part II: Compensation Methods

During your training for the management position you now hold at Lockeport, you learned that developing an effective compensation method is essential to a company’s employee turnover and retention. You also understand that factors that reduce turnover and allow for competitive recruitment are very different based on geographic location and by type of organization. For this slide presentation, you will prepare a brief and informative summary of your recommendations on the most effective compensation methods to achieve Lockeport’s goals. Your audience is the executive leadership for Lockeport, including its Board of Trustees. Create a 6 slide (not counting references slide) presentation with audio narration to present to the executive leadership team. Your presentation should:

· Describe at least three different compensation methods for support staff and at least two different compensation methods for physicians that would be options for Lockeport.

· Describe two advantages and two disadvantages for each method you describe.

· Recommend the one best compensation method to be used for physicians and the one best compensation method for support staff that are the most relevant and reasonable based on what you know about the workforce environment and organizational goals for Lockeport Defend why you made each recommendation.

· In a summary slide, explain the impact of compensation on the recruitment of support staff and physicians at Lockeport Medical Center.

Part III: Job Description

As a final part of your three part proposal package for the executive leadership team, you will provide a job description that aligns with the goals of the organization for one of the specific and key positions you identified in Part I. 

· Complete the “Job Requirements Matrix” for one key position at Lockeport Medical Center.

· Create a job description for the key position. (Use the sample “Job Description” as a guide.)

Presentation Title

Your Name

Program Name or Degree Name, Walden University

COURSE XXX: Title of Course

Instructor Name

Month XX, 202X

Slide Title

Go to the “Home” tab at the top and click the “New Slide” or “Layout” button to access different formatting for your slides.

Choose formatting that presents your information in the most logical way.


consistent, grammatically parallel format

for bulleted lists (for example, on this slide, each element begins with an imperative verb).

You can also consult APA’s suggestions on

formatting lists


End bullet points consistently, either with or without a period.

Slide Title

Keep font of text consistent.

Be sure headings are consistent in their spacing, placement, size, etc.

Consider using the slide after the title slide to summarize your presentation’s points (like an

abstract for a paper


Slide Title

Your slides can also contain entire paragraphs, like this one does. In both paragraphs and bulleted lists in your presentation, citation rules apply just as they do in papers: when using or referencing another author’s ideas, you must cite that source. When incorporating a citation in a slide, do so just as you would in a traditional paper: According to Jones (2020), presentations are not very different from papers.

According to Smith and Cat (2020), you should make your presentation great, not just good.

Use APA style rules to format any

tables and figures

in your presentation:

Figure 1

Title Reflecting Figure Information

Note. Any needed general notes on figure. From “Utilizing Bar Graphs,” by A. Jones, 2020, Journal of Handy Graphs, 76(2), p. 3 (

). Reprinted with permission.

Slide Title
Remember to adhere to any assignment guidelines regarding presentation format. This template contains suggestions only.
Keep in mind that there is no such thing as an “APA standard PowerPoint.” Review our presentation tips for more information!
Visit the Academic Skills Center for more tips on how to use PowerPoint or visit Microsoft’s PowerPoint help and learning website.

Slide Title
Always include a reference list at the end of your presentation, just like you would in a paper. Reference list entries take the same format they would in a paper, including a hanging indent. Visit the Common Reference List Examples page for the correct APA format. Here are a few examples:
Jones, P. (2020). This great book. Publisher.
Smith, W., & Cat, D. (2020). How to make a good presentation great. Presentations Quarterly, 45(4), 56-59.


Category 1 Category 1 Category 1
Category 2 Category 2 Category 2
Category 3 Category 3 Category 3
Category 4 Category 4 Category 4

Series 1
Series 2
Series 3


Series 1 Series 2 Series 3
Category 1 4.3 2.4 2
Category 2 2.5 4.4 2
Category 3 3.5 1.8 3
Category 4 4.5 2.8 5
To resize chart data range, drag lower right corner of range.

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