HR Assessment

 Business Issues and the Contexts of Human
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AVADO Learning Limited. Registered in England with number 06177616.

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Candidate Assessment Activity

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Title of unit: Business Issues and the Contexts of Human

Unit No: 5CHR

Level: 5

Credit value: 6

Assessment method: Report

Learning outcomes: Assessment criteria:

1 Understand the key
contemporary business issues

and main external factors

affecting different

organisations and the impact on


1.1 Assess a range of different factors which
impact on an organisation’s business and its HR

2 Understand how organisational
and HR strategies and practices

are shaped and developed.

2.1 Analyse the forces shaping the HR agenda.

2.2 Compare different tools for analysing the

business environment.

2.3 Explain the key stages in strategy formulation
and implementation and the role of HR.

2.4 Examine HR’s contribution to business ethics
and accountability

3 Know how to identify and
respond to changes in the

business environment.

3.1 Evaluate business performance and the role
of HR in business planning and the change
management agenda.

3.2 Assess and utilise different sources of
business and contextual data for planning

AVADO Learning Limited. Registered in England with number 06177616.

Registered office: Landmark House, Hammersmith Bridge Road, London, W6 9EJ. VAT Registration number: 918560018.

Authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority – Interim Permission Number 611566

Assessment activity

You have been asked by the CEO to compile a report on ‘The developing
role of HR within present day business’. Your report should include;

• An analysis of internal forces which can shape the HR agenda, you
could include for example; structure/model of the HR function, HR
strategies, strategic objectives and stakeholder expectations.


• An assessment and summary of a range of different external factors
impacting on an organisation’s performance and explain how they
affect the HR function.


• A table comparing two different environmental analytical tools e.g.
SWOT, PESTLE, Porter’s 5 Force’s, etc.


• A summary of the key stages of strategy formulation and
implementation. You should refer to the role of HR in each of the
stages summarised. You should also highlight HR’s role in; i) Business
Ethics and ii) Accountability. You should reference all key models and
literature used.

2.3, 2.4

• A table or chart illustrating a range of ways business performance is
measured in the organisation for different purposes. You should also
highlight with examples, the role of HR in; i) Business Planning and ii)
Change Management.


• An assessment of how different sources of business/internal and
contextual/external data should be considered and used when planning
e.g. internal information within the organisation including HR metrics,
industry information e.g. trends in HR, competitive information,
government information.


Evidence to be produced: A report equating to 4000 words in total.
Remember to relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way
organisations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles
and other publications and by using organisational examples for illustration.
All reference sources should be acknowledged using Harvard-style referencing, and a
bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).

Tutor Support Session: 5CHR
Tutor: Victoria Murphy

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Overview of unit
Assessment activities and criteria explained
Format and Submission


What will I gain from this unit?
You will be able to:
1 Understand the key contemporary business issues and main external factors affecting different organisations and the impact on HR.
2 Understand how organisational and HR strategies and practices are shaped and developed.
3 Know how to identify and respond to changes in the business environment.
How will I be assessed?
A report of 4000 words (+/- 10%)
Remember to relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way organisations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications and by using organisational examples for illustration. All reference sources should be acknowledged using Harvard-style referencing, and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).


Analyse 2 internal factors that impact your HR agenda for example; culture, organisation structure, business objectives, management structure, Ownership, Stakeholder Demands) and explain their impact
AC 2.1
2.1: Analyse various internal forces which can shape the HR agenda
Briefly Introduce your organisation and its HR function (how is HR delivered, what are their priorities?)
Underpin with ONE HR model (briefly explain key features of the model and contrast to your organisation’s)
VLC Wk.: 3


AC 1.1
1.1: Assess a range of different factors which impact on an organisation’s business and its HR function
Identify and explain three external factors; for example: (Political) limits to immigration , (Economic) interest rates , (Socio-cultural) ageing population , (Technological) artificial intelligence (Legal) GDPR , (Environmental) increase of green policies
*if you discuss BREXIT or COVID be specific and ensure they are clearly linked/related to an external factor*
Explain how these factors impact both:
– your organisation AND
– your HR function
Recommended layout/structure:
1 sub-heading per factor, provide a minimum of 2 paragraphs per factor covering the impact on your organisation and the impact on your HR function
*You could produce a PESTLE analysis to provide a basis and support for this which should be placed in your appendices*
VLC Wk.: 1


AC 2.2
2.2 Compare two different tools for analysing the business environment.
Identify two different analytical tools used for environmental analysis (i.e. SWOT, PESTLE, Porter’s 5 Forces)

Briefly describe each of the models’ features, advantages and disadvantages

Explain similarities and differences
You MUST provide a discussion underneath your table demonstrating comparison of your chosen tools

VLC Wk.: 2


AC 2.3
2.3: Explain the key stages in strategy formulation and implementation and the role of HR
Summarise and explain the key stages of strategy formulation and implementation using a theory (i.e. CIPD 7 Step Approach or 5 step approach which can both be found on the VLC)
Discuss the role of HR at each stage e.g. Policy, advice, training etc.
Stage ​ HR’s role ​ Example of Application ​
Analysis​ Provide data, apply analysis tools -SWOT​ ​
Formulation​ Influence direction, consultation with stakeholders, facility meetings ​ ​
Evaluation​ ​ ​
Implementation  ​ ​ ​
Control ​ ​ ​

VLC Wk.: 4


AC 2.4
2.4: Examine HR’s contribution to business ethics and accountability
You could start by providing a definition of ethics and accountability
You must explain how the HR function contributes to business ethics AND accountability Ethics : CIPD’s Code of conduct , Fair and transparent processes, confidentiality, CIPD Profession Map etc. (1- 2 paragraphs)
Accountability: Monitor, Whistle blowing, Policies and discipline (1– 2 paragraphs)

You could illustrate and underpin your answer with an examples from your organisation

VLC Wk.: 4


AC 3.1 (part A)
3.1: Evaluate business performance and the role of HR in business planning and the change management agenda
You must present a table to outline financial AND non financial indicators of how business can be evaluated – you MUST provide three examples overall (i.e. 2 financial/1 non financial)

You must provide a discussion linking the methods to the evaluation of business performance, i.e. how effective are these methods to evaluate the performance of the business? What are they telling you about how the business is performing?
For example; ROI – measure training and development associated with increased sales revenue or how induction reduced turnover and therefore improved retention rates and reduced HR costs.
VLC Wk.: 5


AC 3.1 (part B)
3.1 Evaluate business performance and the role of HR in business planning and the change management agenda
Explain the role of HR in business planning (i.e. Walton & Burgoyne)
For example; what role does HR play? Look at the 7 steps and choose one level e.g. HR is involved in planning at level 4 i.e. HR strategy to implement corporate strategy – HRBP ensures that HR agenda mirrors business objectives

VLC Wk.: 5


AC 3.1 (part C)
3.1 Evaluate business performance and the role of HR in business planning and the change management agenda
Explain the role of HR in change management
Consider an example of change, apply to a change management model (Kotter or Lewin) and discuss the role of HR at the different stages

VLC Wk.: 5


AC 3.2
3.2 Assess and utilise sources of business and contextual data for planning purposes.

Use a table to present three sources of information in total (i.e. 2 internal/1 external)

Assess both internal and external sources
Discuss how business (internal) and contextual (external) data/information can be used for planning purposes
You could apply examples of data used in your organisation
VLC Wk.: 6


Disregard the term – report
Brief introduction – what is the purpose of the assessment?
Know your action/command words
Use headings and subheadings with the corresponding assessment criterion – follow the order in the slides
Utilise tables and appendices effectively
Stay within word count


Structure and Layout (general)
Coversheet – include name, cohort, unit, tutor and word count
Brief introduction – what is the purpose of the assessment?
Submit one document
Diagrams and tables should be numbered e.g. (fig 1, fig 2)
Make reference to everything in your Appendices – it must support your work
Harvard referencing (resources in Getting Started)
Reference Page (references cited within your work)
A Bibliography is good practice but not mandatory (information read but not used)


Structure and Layout (specific to 5CHR)
Cover Page
2.1: Analyse various internal forces which can shape the HR agenda
Briefly Introduce your organisation and its HR function (how is HR is delivered, what are their priorities?) (1 paragraph)
Underpin using ONE HR model (explain key features of the model and contrast to your organisation’s) (1 paragraph)
*HR Models; Ulrich, Michigan, Harvard – check the VLC*
Identify 2 internal factors that impact your HR agenda (i.e. culture, organisation structure, business objectives) and explain their impact (two sub headings, 1 for each internal factor)
1.1: Assess a range of different factors which impact on an organisation’s business and its HR function.
Identify and explain 3 external factors. For example: limits to immigration (P), interest rates (E), ageing population (S), artificial intelligence (T) GDPR (L), increase of green policies (E) – if you discuss BREXIT, be specific (3 sub headings, one for each factor)
Explain how these factors impact both:
your organisation (1 paragraph per factor)
your HR function (1 paragraph per factor)
*You could produce a PESTLE to provide a basis for this and other criteria = appendix*


Structure and Layout (specific to 5CHR)
2.2 Compare two different tools for analysing the business environment.
 Identify two different analytical tools used for environmental analysis (i.e. SWOT, PESTLE, Porter’s 5 Forces) (1 paragraph explain which you have chosen and why)
Briefly describe each of the models’ features, advantages and disadvantages (this could be presented in a table but must contain detail)
Explain similarities and differences (provide narrative underneath your table ensuring comparison) (2 paragraphs)
2.3: Explain the key stages in strategy formulation and implementation and the role of HR
 Summarise and explain the key stages of strategy formulation and implementation using a theory (i.e. CIPD 7 Step Approach from VLC) you could insert a flow chart/diagram but you MUST provide an explanation of each stage
Discuss the role of HR at each stage e.g. Policy, advice, training etc. (this could be done along side the above or separately underneath) – ensure you are relating to the HR role – good place to utilise working examples


Structure and Layout (specific to 5CHR)
2.4: Examine HR’s contribution to business ethics and accountability
 You could start by defining ethics and accountability
You must explain how the HR function contributes to business ethics AND accountability
– Ethics : CIPD’s Code of conduct , Fair and transparent processes, confidentiality etc. (1-2 paragraphs)
– Accountability: Monitor, Whistle blowing, Policies and discipline (1-2 paragraphs)
You could illustrate your answer with an explanation of your organisation/working examples
3.1: Evaluate business performance and the role of HR in business planning and the change management agenda (part a)
 You must present a table to outline financial AND non-financial indicators of how business can be evaluated (three methods in total)
You must provide a discussion linking the methods to the evaluation of business performance
how effective are these methods to evaluate the performance of the business? (1 paragraph per method)
What are they telling you about how the business is performing? (1 paragraph per method)


Structure and Layout (specific to 5CHR)
3.1 Evaluate business performance and the role of HR in business planning and the change management agenda (part b)
 Explain the role of HR in planning (i.e. Walton & Burgoyne) (1-2 paragraphs)
Select one stage of Walton and Burgoyne related to where your organisation currently sits and discuss why? Is this sufficient? Are they trying to increase their presence?
3.1 Evaluate business performance and the role of HR in business planning and the change management agenda (part c)
Explain the role of HR in change management (1-2 paragraphs)
Consider an example of change, apply 1 change management model (Kotter or Lewin) and discuss the role of HR at the different stages
*this is a good place to include working examples*
3.2 Assess and utilise sources of business and contextual data for planning purposes.
Use a table to present external and internal sources of information (3 in total)
Underneath the table provide a discussion assessing both business and external sources
Discuss how business (internal) and contextual (external) data/information can be used for planning purposes
Reference Page


Useful Links
 HR Models:

Analytical tools:

Ethics and Accountability:

Business Performance and HR

What is HR’s role in enhancing business performance?

What’s the role of HR in successful business transformation?



Key Dates
Next Tutor Support Session Tuesday 2nd February @ 12.30pm & 6.30pm (UK Local Time)
Cohort Cafe Wednesday 13th January @ 12pm (UK Local Time)
Submission Date (Main Assessment) Sunday 14th February @ 23.55pm (UK Local Time)
Resubmission Date Sunday 14th March @ 23.55pm (UK Local Time)


Question Time


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