2.4 Project Assignment: Personal Ethic Statement (Integrity and Work Ethics test) Web Page


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  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. In Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership, read Chapter 3: Integrity section and Chapter 10: Integrity section.
  3. Watch the following videos:

    TED Talk: Simplifying Humility and Integrity
    Ethics Defined: Integrity

  4. Complete the Integrity and Work Ethics Test.
  5. With clear, insightful critical thinking, reflect and respond to the following questions:

    Do you believe the outcome of the Integrity and Work Ethics test provide a good depiction of who you are?
    Did you disagree or agree with the outcome of this test?
    Look back at the outcome of the Self-Assessment from Workshop One and compare the results from the Self-Assessment and the Integrity and Work Ethics test.  Do the outcomes have anything in common? How do these two results help you better understand your ethical behavior? 

  6. Your reflection should be between 450 and 700 words and include at least two scholarly sources. Be sure to use correct spelling, grammar, and APA format in the paper. For questions on APA style, go to OCLS APA Writing Styles Guide. 

    Note: cover pages, academic sources, reference pages, etc. do not count towards the word length requirement in your paper.  Remember the work you do here will benefit you in completing your final paper in Workshop Six

  7. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself (name your assignment “LastName _PersonalIntegrity”) and submit a copy through the Assignment Submission Page by the end of the workshop.

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During the course of your graduate program of study, you will be introduced to many business disciplines requiring many types of insight and decisions.  Listening to the words of many different people who speak the different languages of their discipline and their culture will be necessary. As we listen and make business decisions, our moral and ethical foundation must be preeminent.  Developing a personal ethical statement is the first step in making ethical decisions.  

Throughout this course, you will be working on the various components of your personal ethics framework. These pre-writing assessments and assignments will help you measure performance with respect to important ethical behaviors, skills, or concepts discussed throughout the course. These pre-writing assignments are essential to your final paper due in Workshop Six.

Examples of unethical behavior in business abound. Though many may try to explain away such actions as isolated mistakes or accidents, ultimately the character of an organization’s leaders guides the character of the organization. This exercise will help you determine your inclinations towards viewing the character of others and behaviors you want as part of your ethical framework. 

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

· Evaluate one’s personal ethical standards and create a personal/professional framework to guide decision making compatible with a Christian world-view.  


· Textbook: Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership 

· Video:

Ethics Defined: Integrity

· Video:

TED Talk: Simplifying Humility and Integrity

· Website: Psychology Today:

Integrity and Work Ethics Test


1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

2. In Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership, read Chapter 3: Integrity section and Chapter 10: Integrity section.

3. Watch the following videos:

a. TED Talk: Simplifying Humility and Integrity

b. Ethics Defined: Integrity

4. Complete the Integrity and Work Ethics Test.

5. With clear, insightful critical thinking, reflect and respond to the following questions:

a. Do you believe the outcome of the Integrity and Work Ethics test provide a good depiction of who you are?

b. Did you disagree or agree with the outcome of this test?

c. Look back at the outcome of the Self-Assessment from Workshop One and compare the results from the Self-Assessment and the Integrity and Work Ethics test.  Do the outcomes have anything in common? How do these two results help you better understand your ethical behavior? 

6. Your reflection should be between 450 and 700 words and include at least two scholarly sources. Be sure to use correct spelling, grammar, and APA format in the paper. For questions on APA style, go to 

OCLS APA Writing Styles Guide

a. Note: cover pages, academic sources, reference pages, etc. do not count towards the word length requirement in your paper.  Remember the work you do here will benefit you in completing your final paper in Workshop Six

7. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself (name your assignment “LastName _PersonalIntegrity”) and submit a copy through the Assignment Submission Page by the end of the workshop.

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