Workshop #2


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Assigment 2

Read the summaries on p. 123 from chapter 3 sections 3.1-3.5; The summaries on p. 159-160  sections 4.1-4.4 and then from 4.7-4.9 from ch. 4;  the summaries on p. 188 sections 5.1 -5.3 from ch. 5; finally, summaries on p. 221-222 sections 6.1-6.3 from ch. 6.  

Solve the following exercises, be sure that you show your work and do it by hand, not in computer.

Chapters 3:  Ex. 3.14, 3.32, 3.40, 3.48, 3.52, (p.124)

Chapter 4: Ex. 4.28, 4.40, (p. 160)

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Chapter 5: Ex. 5.18, 5.30, 5.48, (p.188-189

Chapter 6:  Ex. 6.18 (p.223)

Chapters 3: Ex. 3.14, 3.32, 3.40, 3.48, 3.52, (p.124)

Chapter 4

: Ex. 4.28, 4.40, (p. 160)

Chapter 5

: Ex. 5.18, 5.30, 5.48, (p.188-189

Chapter 6

: Ex. 6.18 (p.223)

Chapter 3

3.14 Draw the appropriate Lewis symbol for each of the following atoms:

a. Be

b. B

c. F

d. S

3.48 Write a suitable formula for:

a. aluminum nitrate

b. potassium nitrate

Chapter 4

4.28 What is the mass, in g, of 15.0 mol of carbon?

Chapter 5

5.18 Express each of the following in units of atm:

a. 128 cm Hg

b. 255 torr

c. 1405 mm Hg

d. 303 kPa

5.30 Use the kinetic molecular theory to explain why aerosol cans carry instructions warning against heating or disposing of the container in a fire.

Chapter 6

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