Management Discussions

I have 4 discussions. Need 250 words Initial Post and two replies each. I will post replies later.  This is management class.  No Plagiarism. Due by Sunday. Post each discussion separately.  

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Discussion Board 1: Let’s Discuss Managers

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In this discussion, you must identify a manager whom you admire (at work, prior jobs, volunteer position).

· Identify their level of management.

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· Identify two roles fulfilled by this manager and give examples of corresponding behaviors.

· What types of skills do they need in order to be successful? Give examples.

Discussion Board 2: Workplace Culture

In this discussion you will identify aspects of culture from your workplace.

· Describe your organization’s culture.  What kinds of stories do members tell?

· Describe your rituals. What kinds of symbols or artifacts do they use? Describe them. 

· What kinds of language do you use at your job (jargon)? 

· How do these dimensions of culture affect employees?  The organization?

Discussion Board 3: Integrative Managerial Issues

You are on the board of directors for an American toy company. The CEO just presented a proposal that involves moving your company’s manufacturing operations overseas.  Board members are in an uproar.  Some members are for this change. Others are against it. Describe your position. 

· Are you for or against the move?  Why?

· Explain your position to the group. 

· Give examples that support your ideas.

· Respond to one person who agrees with you and another who disagrees (add new ideas, give examples).

Discussion Board 4: Making Decisions & Planning and Goal Setting

Conduct a personal SWOT analysis.  Assess your personal strengths and weaknesses (skills, talents).

· What are you good at?

· What do you need to improve?

· What do you enjoy doing?

· What are some of the things that you find unpleasant?

· Give examples that support your ideas for each statement.

· Identify career opportunities and threat by researching (cite them) job prospects in the industry you’re interested in.   

Integrative Managerial Issues

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Lisette Davila posted Jan 24, 2021 3:38 PM


I am not in agreement with moving the manufacturing operations overseas.


A few key things need to be taking into consideration, however, one of my many reasons is that we are taking jobs away from Americans.  Many are struggling to find work in the US and are unemployed because of this.  I believe that keeping the jobs in the US allows us to be able to give back to the community while helping to reduce unemployment.  Our goal should be to help those in need in our own country and moving the manufacturing operations overseas is doing the exact opposite. 


Additionally, other things that need to be taken into consideration would be language barriers, understanding of the product, associated cost, taxes, benefits, staff and so much more. Determining a location and getting approval is another lengthy process that needs to be researched.  Language barriers are a big concern and combined with lack of knowledge of the product, this can cause a major decrease in sales.  The product is an American product, and we need to make sure to protect the integrity of the product.  Some may believe that moving the manufacturing operations is a cost-saving, but I believe that in doing this we jeopardize the integrity of the product.  To be able to protect the integrity of the product you need to be hands-on, and having the operations overseas makes this difficult.


Lastly, we run the risks that the quality of the product is not going to be the same, therefore running the risk of a product malfunction, which in the long run will end up costing more to fix the issue as well as increased cost in legal fees.


Work cited:

Discussion 3

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Julio Caceres posted Jan 25, 2021 10:33 AM


Hello class, 

I am against the moving of the manufacturing operations overseas because it is upsetting, it might be a profit for the company for having less production costs overseas but employees stateside might lose their jobs because of the move. In our textbook it states “during the last economic crisis, many organizations reconsidered their decisions to source globally. For instance, Dell, Apple, and American Express were just a few U.S. companies that scaled back some of their offshore customer service operations. Others brought manufacturing back home” . The move might seem like a good idea at the time but it can affect the company in a negative way, like employee job loss, and costs of keeping another company overseas. 

My position is to stay in the united states, because moving can cause a negative impact to the company, we need are employees and we can still make a profit state side. In an article on Harvard business review states “Labor unions claim that it deindustrializes the country and destroys American jobs. Some observers have argued that it “hollows” the nation’s industrial base and threatens the standard of living”. Many americans depend on jobs and times like this during COVID, companies should worry more about keeping their employees and manufacturing operations stateside because COVID has impacted the world in many ways. It might be profitable for the company but also the customer expect a certain quality of their products and oversea productions might degrade that quality. With that being said the company needs to stay in the united states to avoid these problems, so the uproar is understandable. 


Cenzo, S.P.R.M.A.C.D.A. D. (2019). Fundamentals of Management (Subscription). [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from

Manufacturing Offshore Is Bad Business. (2014, August 01). Retrieved January 25, 2021, from

Discussion 4

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Julio Caceres posted Jan 31, 2021 10:40 PM


Hello Class, 

Firstly, SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and with SWOT an organization can have a better understanding on fix things within the company. Our textbook states what happens after SWOT analysis “managers are ready to formulate appropriate strategies—that is, strategies that (1) exploit an organization’s strengths and external opportunities, (2) buffer or protect the organization from external threats, or (3) correct critical weaknesses”.

With that in mind, I am good at adapting to change quickly, for example being in the army made me accustomed to that lifestyle, change is quick and you have to learn or you’ll fail the mission. The improvement I need to work on is being to blunt to people, not really taking their feelings into consideration, I just got use to getting the job done no matter what and if someone was slacking and causing us to stay late then I would speak up. I enjoy playing music because it puts me in a peaceful place and all the stress goes away for a bit, for example just grabbing my guitar after a long day is something I look forward too. Some of the things I find unpleasant is when people don’t help each other out because team work is key to completing the job, also another thing is lying because you have to earn respect to get respect.

I am interested in the IT field and some threats in the are people trying to gather information from companies in order to use it against or harm them. In an article on it states “When an element of the IT infrastructure is directly targeted, the goal is to destroy a sufficient amount of IT-based capability to have a significant impact”. Some of the career opportunities are that IT is a big field and as technology grows so does the field. 


Cenzo, S.P.R.M.A.C.D.A. D. (2019). Fundamentals of Management (Subscription). [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from

Read “Information Technology for Counterterrorism: Immediate Actions and Future Possibilities” at (n.d.). Retrieved February 01, 2021, from


ulia Clark SWOT Analysis

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Julia Clark posted Feb 2, 2021 7:19 PM


I am confident in saying I am good at leading. I am great at setting goals and leading others to reach these goals with my help. I need to improve on coming across several difficulties at once. Sometimes I tend to get too stressed out by these difficulties and shut down for a while before I get back to it. I enjoy all things cosmetology, clothing and independence. I have always worked best alone, and learning from my mistakes. I do not like to be told what to do, because I like to have everything done before it was ever needed. My dream has always been to own and run a salon/ boutique as well as be a hairdresser there. There aren’t as many opportunities in this field other than to continue to grow, but there are several risks such as with client and employee health, as well as trying to make a profit. 

Willis, G. (2016, May 24). Managing business threats: The invisible risks within spa facilities. Retrieved February 03, 2021, from 

Managing Business Threats: The Invisible Risks within Spa Facilities

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