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Health policy does not develop in a vacuum, but is created within a complex social, political, cultural, and economical environment. This assignment will examine this environment and its impact on policy development.

For this assignment, after reading the background materials and doing additional research, write a 4- to 5-page paper that examines how politics and economic interests influence the development and direction of health policy and provide at least one historical example (other than the ACA). You must use the Gordon reading from the background materials as a primary source for this assignment.

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.
  2. Limit your response to a maximum of 5 pages (title and reference page is not included in page number count).
  3. Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:
    Angelo State University Library. (n.d.). Library guides: How to recognize peer-reviewed (refereed) journals. Retrieved from
  4. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment:
    Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). General APA guidelines. Retrieved from
  5. For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source:
    Georgetown University Library. (n.d.). Evaluating internet resources. Retrieved from


Dead on Arrival : The Politics of Health Care in Twentieth-Century America

Series:Politics and Society in Twentieth-century AmericaAuthors:Colin GordonPublication Information:Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press. 2003Resource Type:eBook.Description:Why, alone among industrial democracies, does the United States not have national health insurance? While many books have addressed this question, Dead on Arrival is the first to do so based on original archival research for the full sweep of the twentieth century. Drawing on a wide range of political, reform, business, and labor records, Colin Gordon traces a complex and interwoven story of political failure and private response. He examines, in turn, the emergence of private, work-based benefits; the uniquely American pursuit of’social insurance’; the influence of race and gender on the health care debate; and the ongoing confrontation between reformers and powerful economic and health interests. Dead on Arrival stands alone in accounting for the failure of national or universal health policy from the early twentieth century to the present. As importantly, it also suggests how various interests (doctors, hospitals, patients, workers, employers, labor unions, medical reformers, and political parties) confronted the question of health care–as a private responsibility, as a job-based benefit, as a political obligation, and as a fundamental right. Using health care as a window onto the logic of American politics and American social provision, Gordon both deepens and informs the contemporary debate. Fluidly written and deftly argued, Dead on Arrival is thus not only a compelling history of the health care quandary but a fascinating exploration of the country’s political economy and political culture through’the American century,’of the role of private interests and private benefits in the shaping of social policy, and, ultimately, of the ways the American welfare state empowers but also imprisons its citizens.Subjects:Medical care–Political aspects–United States
Medical policy–United StatesCategories:HISTORY / United States / 20th Century
MEDICAL / Health Policy
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Social Services & WelfareRelated ISBNs:9780691119519. 9780691058061. 9781400825677.OCLC:367667937Accession Number:273096Publisher Permissions:Print/E-mail/Save 40 Pages
Restricted Copy/Paste
Concurrent User Level:Unlimited User Access

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  • Contents
  • Table of Contents


    • Acknowledgments
    • Abbreviations
    • Introduction: Why No National Health Insurance in the United States?
    • 1. The Political Economy of American Health Care: An Overview, 1910–2000
    • 2. Bargaining for Health: Private Health Insurance and Public Policy
    • 3. Between Contract and Charity: Health Care and the Dilemmas of Social Insurance
    • 4. Socialized Medicine and Other Afflictions: The Political Culture of the Health Debate
    • 5. Health Care in Black and White: Race, Region, and Health Politics
    • 6. Private Interests and Public Policy: Health Care’s Corporate Compromise
    • 7. Silenced Majority: American Politics and the Dilemmas of Health Reform
    • Conclusion: The Past and Future of Health Politics
    • Archival Sources
    • Show Level Index

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