Research Topic and Problem Statement

Alignmentbetween Teacher’s Proficiency and Integrating Technology

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Traditional classroom learning environments are quickly becoming a thing of the past as research continues to support the integration of learning outside of a structured school environment (Management Association, 2017). For that reason, teachers have to adapt to this new learning style, and incorporate technology into their classroom teaching. Every year new educators are graduating and eager to start teaching in a traditional classroom or online. Studies have additionally demonstrated that classes could be improved by growing the scope of apparatuses and giving more active chances, giving all the more displaying and giving more academic and substance guidance that incorporates technology. In the US, the Education Technology Plan (U.S. Department of Education, 2017) stated that technology has rapidly changed in access to technology in the classroom, the variety and the cost of technology, the emphasis on the data security, the importance given to technology in education by the leaders, and the significance of teacher learning to integrate technology into education (Dinc, 2019). Effectively integrating technology into the educational system is paramount to the continued success of the U.S. educational system (Nicholson, 2018). Notwithstanding, there is an issue with instruction programs that are not making the vital strides in giving explicit classes to preservice educators. As we know technology plays a major role in education and not offering this in the schools could be a major downfall. Teachers who know the internet pitfalls and issues before they start can assist them with creating a domain that can be helpful in learning.

Problem Statement (NEED MORE EVIDENCE)

The problem for this study is there is a lack of alignment between teacher’s proficiency and integrating technology in education settings. Not meeting the needs of students can be detrimental to the continued growth and competitiveness of the United States (Nicholson, 2018). Educational systems must reflect the rapid changes in society and the way students communicate, socialize, and think. K–12 educational leaders have an increasing interest in understanding how to equip students with 21st-century skills designed to enhance their ability and willingness to become productive and knowledgeable citizens (Nicholson, 2018). According to one instructor in the College of Education in the United Arab Emirates, college should provide additional training and symposiums or conferences regarding the best use of technology and to sharpen the current tech skills of the students (Mohebi & David, 2019). The current status of preservice teachers’ perceptions regarding barriers was investigated, and the results showed that preservice teachers still have concerns about the problems they would face when they start teaching although some studies noted that some of the barriers had been removed partially from the learning environments (Dinc, 2019). In order for the schools to keep up with the 21st century this problem needs to be address. As such, teachers need to coordinate knowledge, instructional practices, and technologies within highly complex and dynamic classrooms in ways that promote student success (Courduff, 2016). Addressing this problem at the core will help unprepared teachers with integrating technology within their lessons in hopes of eliminating student failure within their school district.

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Evidence of the Problem

Problem Evidence of the Completion at Our Local Middle School (Lindenwold Middle School) FIND CITATIONS TO BACK UP WITHIN 5 YEARS

In the US, the Education Technology Plan (U.S. Department of Education, 2017) stated that technology has rapidly changed in access to technology in the classroom, the variety and the cost of technology, the emphasis on the data security, the importance given to technology in education by the leaders, and the significance of teacher learning to integrate technology into education. In this research I want to focus on a local Middle school in my community and its teacher proficiency on integrating technology into the classroom. I will use a survey research to assess the use of technology in the classroom and how teachers feel about its integration. Some of the schools in our district do not implement the use of technology into the classrooms. I am not sure if this is due to lack of teacher qualifications, cost, or availability. The state of New Jersey has adopted the common core standards when it comes to teaching. While our district is committed to the success of all students. Students are not a one fits all when it comes to education and neither should the way we teach. Technology plays a major role in or society today and getting students ready for the future will enable them to succeed in and out of the classroom. Not giving them the advantages that some Ivy League schools offer can hinder not only their present, but their future. According to a report written for the U.S. Department of Education regarding the use of technology in education, technology introduces structural changes that can be essential to enhancing productivity (USDE, 2017). To help succeed with the increase of integrating technology in the classrooms, I want to speak with committees, parents in the district, stakeholders, teachers, and staff on what issues, cost, and benefits would come from trying to get technology into their curriculum at their school. If there are organizations we can reach out to, to help with the problem and how can the community assist as a whole. Once we have come up with some blueprints we can come to some kind of conclusion that will benefit our students in our district, so they will be able to have the same education as their neighboring peers.

Evidence of Problem

Evidence of the Problem from the Literature (NEED MORE EVIDENCE HERE)

1. synthesize the evidence from research literature that this is a current, meaningful problem in the educational discipline

Education in the 21st century is not equivalent to past education. There needs to be further research done to find out how modern technologies motivate, and foster student’s education change the way of teaching in the future? The traditional chalk and talk approach of teaching and learning will leave the hi-tech learners bored (Maycock, 2019). Notwithstanding, presently society requests that schooling frameworks furnish students with the capacity to go past learning center information and ideas to utilizing and applying them inside the socio-social setting of their social orders. Technology also has a positive effect on their engagement, motivation, and ability to work independently, interaction with peers and teachers, and class preparation (Dinc, 2019). Instructors taking an interest in the expert occasion experience-revealed expanded inspirational mentalities toward innovation combination and were more positive about joining PC undertakings in their educating (Amador, et al., 2019). More and more students already attending school who were raised on technology.

Teachers want to integrate technology that has clear proof that it will improve what they are already doing and that can be integrated with relative ease, and these beliefs and values are not generally influenced by differences in teaching experience between novice and veteran teachers (Kimmons & Hall, 2016). At the end of the day, the 21st century has seen a significant move in learning objectives—formal education in different countries around the world need children to have the option to think critically and innovatively, tackle complex issues, make sound decisions, and work cooperatively.

“A study done by Kimmons and Hall (2016) stated, in authentic K-12 settings, technology integration is influenced by the decisions and perspectives of a variety of stakeholders, but current research and practice related to teacher technology integration tends to revolve only around pedagogical and technical skill factors influencing integration, thereby ignoring the institutional realities that teachers face when integrating technology.”

The significant issue confronting nations, at that point, is the manner by which to execute completely a 21st century abilities plan that centers around instructing, learning, and assessment that is lined up with changing instructive objectives. As such, teachers need to coordinate knowledge, instructional practices, and technologies within highly complex and dynamic classrooms in ways that promote student success (Courduff, 2016). Not only should students be fluent with new technology. Teachers should be properly trained and able to implement any new and existing technology. To address this problem, all teachers should be given the opportunity to have professional development on the technology.

Benefits of addressing the Problem (NEED MORE BENEFITS HERE-WHO WOULD BENEFIT)

One of the benefits of online learning is the opportunity it gives students to participate in a course or program of study regardless of where they reside (Milheim, 2017). Nobody doubts that technology has revolutionized many aspects of human life (Dinc, 2019). Effective use of technology in the teaching and learning process has been a concern in many educational systems (Njiku et al., 2019). Over time, new technology integration pathways are being explored, new ideas are being developed to remove barriers, new barriers are emerging, and opinions about the place of technology in education change (Dinc, 2019). Understanding the unique differences between online and traditional classroom environments, and how culture manifests itself within each setting, can help shape a positive educational experience for students (Milheim, 2017). Technology, when integrated into the educational plan, alters the learning cycle. An ever-increasing number of studies show that innovation mix in the educational program improves students’ learning cycles and results. Future teachers can benefit by addressing the issue. Also, beyond the practitioner level, organizations should encourage more culturally inclusive ways of thinking to help support faculty and staff development as well (Milheim, 2017). They move from a social way to deal with a more constructivist approach. Innovation and intuitive media are more helpful for venture-based learning. With the continued growth of the global, online classroom, it is important to continue the conversation related to better understanding and supporting students from diverse cultures (Milheim, 2017). Educators who perceive technology as critical thinking devices change the manner in which they instruct. This will help support sustained improvement of online course design and facilitation, while benefitting students and their learning (Milheim, 2017).


Amador, J. M., Kimmons, R., Miller, B. G., Desjardins, C. D., & Hall, C. (2019). Preparing preservice teachers to become self-reflective of their technology integration practices. In Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1298-1325). IGI Global.

Dinc, E. (2019). Prospective teachers’ perceptions of barriers to technology integration in education. Contemporary Educational Technology. 10(4), 381-398.


Management Association, I. (Ed.). (2017). Blended Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0783-3

Maycock, K. W. (2018). Chalk and talk versus flipped learning: A case study. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(1), 121–126. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12317

Milheim, K. (2014). Facilitation across Cultures in the Online Classroom. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 5.

Mohebi, L., & David, S. (2019). Pre-Service Teachers’ Perspectives on Their Preparedness to Use Technology in Classrooms in the United Arab Emirates: A Qualitative Approach. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3421431

Nicholson, H. D. (2018). Middle school educators’ best practices for integrating technology in education: A descriptive case study (Order No. 10928856). Available from Education Database; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Social Sciences; Publicly Available Content Database. (2103180538). Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology, (2017). Reimagining the role of technology in education: 2017 National Education Technology Plan update. Retrieved from

Dinc, E. (2019). Prospective teachers’ perceptions of barriers to technology integration in education. Contemporary Educational Technology, 10(4), 381-398. doi:

Mertala, P. (2019). Teachers’ beliefs about technology integration in early childhood education: A meta-ethnographical synthesis of qualitative research. Comput. Hum. Behav., 101, 334-349.

Njiku, J., Maniraho, J. F., & Mutarutinya, V. (2019). Understanding teachers’ attitude towards computer technology integration in education: A review of literature. Education and Information Technologies, 24(5), 3041-3052. doi:

Courduff, J., Szapkiw, A., & Wendt, J. L. (2016). Grounded in What Works: Exemplary Practice in Special Education Teachers’ Technology Integration. Journal of Special Education Technology, 31(1), 26–38.

Kimmons, R. & Hall, C. (2016). Toward a Broader Understanding of Teacher Technology Integration Beliefs and Values. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 24(3), 309-335. Waynesville, NC USA: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. Retrieved December 22, 2020 from


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