scrum board


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Wk 4 Team – Apply: Scrum Board 

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Projects that conform to the Agile methodology often use something called a scrum board. You can think of a scrum board as a digital whiteboard containing yellow “stickies,” each listing a task, posted beneath categories such as “to do,” “in process,” in testing,” etc. Using a scrum board in this way allows all project members to see where important tasks are in the overall project process quickly and easily.  

For this Learning Team assignment, you will collaborate with your team members to create an Agile scrum board based on the Global Treps project from the Wk 2 Team assignment (see below).

Note that in an industry situation, you would most likely use a specialized software tool to manage your scrum board such as Jira, Rally, Asana, or Basecamp. However, in this course, you will be using a tool that you may already be familiar with—Microsoft Excel—to create your scrum board and other deliverables. It is the organization and assignment of tasks that is important about a scrum board, not the specific software tool you use to create and manage it. 

To complete this Learning Team assignment: 

Reread the

Global Treps Scenario

that you read in the Wk 2 Team – Apply assignment.

Review the 

Learning Team Scrum Board Example

 spreadsheet. (Note: Click the Board tab that appears at the bottom of the spreadsheet to see the scrum board example.) 

Create a scrum board in Microsoft Excel format, similar to the linked example, to align with the project scoping document your team created in Wk 2. Ensure that your finished scrum board incorporates a project budget.  

Submit the team assignment.

CMGT/410 v20

Global Treps Scenario

CMGT/410 v20

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Global Treps Scenario

Note: Refer to the following scenario for the Wk 2 Team – Apply: Creating a Scoping Document assignment and Wk 4 Team – Apply: Scrum Board assignment.

You have been selected as the project manager for the Global Treps project. You helped to run a local Shark-Tank-like event at your college last year as part of a class project, so you have a general idea of what is involved. The schedule goal is 6 months, and the budget is $120,000. Your favorite professor, Dr. K., and a few of her associates have agreed to fund the project. Your strengths are your organizational and leadership skills.

You are a senior who lives on-campus and gets free room and board by being a resident assistant in your dorm. Bobby, a computer whiz who funded most of his college expenses by building websites, will be your main technical guy on the project. He goes to your college and lives off-campus. Three other people will form your core project team: Kim, a new college grad now working for a nonprofit group in Vietnam; Ashok, a business student in India; and Alfreda, a student in the United States planning to visit her home town in Ethiopia for 2 months in a few months. You will hold most meetings virtually, but you can meet face-to-face with Bobby and Dr. K. as needed. You have all known each other for at least a year and are excited to make this project a success.

You and your team members will do the work part-time while you finish school or work at other jobs, but you can use up to $50,000 total to pay yourselves. You estimate that you will need another $30,000 for travel expenses, $20,000 for hardware and software, and the other $20,000 will go toward organizing events, consultants, legal/business fees, etc.

Your goal is to develop a fully functioning website and test it by holding 4 events in 4 different countries. You’ll make improvements to the site after those events, develop plans to scale it up, and recommend how to transition the project results into a successful business.

Recall from Chapter 4 that this system would include the following capabilities:

· Provides guidelines and templates for running a Shark-Tank-type event

· Provides guidelines and templates for running a Shark-Tank-type event

· Accepts donations from potential investors targeted toward specific schools or organizations wishing to host an event (similar to the popular site, where people can fund teachers’ requests)

· Accepts ideas for needed new products or services

· Provides the ability for organizations to create their own custom site to solicit local participants and sharks, accept applications, and promote the winners as well as losers.

Note that you decided not to include the idea of providing an online version of the event as part of the initial project as your sponsor and team decided that physical events would be most effective. You have also decided to limit the scope of this first project to provide the ability for 20 organizations to create their own custom websites. Your team members will screen the organizations and assist people in using the site to plan their events.

You plan to hold 4 Shark-Tank-like events within 4 months, using your team members abroad to help organize and run those events, plus 1 at your college. Your semester has just started, so you plan to hold your event at the end of the term. The project will fund refreshments for the events and prizes for the winners, with a budget of $1,000 for each event. You don’t think you’ll get any donations via the new website before these events, but you’ll try to have it set up to accept donations by the last month.

You will create some short videos to show people how to use the site and provide suggestions for holding the events.

After testing the site and getting customer feedback, you will make some changes and document recommendations for a follow-on project. You will also create a business plan recommending how to transition this project into a real business that can make a profit after 2 years.

Assume that you would pay for a new website and account through an online provider. Bobby would do most of the customization/programming for the site, but you would consider outsourcing or purchasing services to provide some of the capabilities like accepting donations and developing the short videos on the site. You would also buy a new laptop and Internet access for your 3 team members abroad so that they could share information with their contacts in those countries.

You and Dr. K. want to attend all of the events as part of the project, and you might include a full face-to-face meeting with the whole team if possible.

Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Wk 4 Team – Apply: Scrum Board

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Projects that conform to the Agile methodology often use something called a scrum board. You can think of a scrum board as a digital whiteboard containing yellow “stickies,” each listing a task, posted beneath categories such as “to do,” “in process,” in testing,” etc. Using a scrum board in this way allows all project members to see where important tasks are in the overall project process quickly and easily.




For this Learning Team assignment, you will collaborate with your team members to create an Agile scrum board based on the Global Treps project from the Wk 2 Team assignment (see below).


Note that in an industry situation, you would most likely use a specialized software tool to manage your scrum board such as Jira, Rally, Asana, or Basecamp. However, in this course, you will be using a tool that you may already be familiar with—Microsoft Excel—to create your scrum board and other deliverables. It is the organization and assignment of tasks that is important about a scrum board, not the specific software tool you use to create and manage it. 

To complete this Learning Team assignment: 

Reread the

Global Treps Scenario

that you read in the Wk 2 Team – Apply assignment.

Review the 

Learning Team Scrum Board Example

 spreadsheet. (Note: Click the Board tab that appears at the bottom of the spreadsheet to see the scrum board example.) 


Create a scrum board in Microsoft Excel format, similar to the linked example, to align with the project scoping document your team created in Wk 2. Ensure that your finished scrum board incorporates a project budget.  

Submit the team assignment.

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Creating a Scoping Document

Micheal de Leon

Eric Lewis

Lynnell Payne

Jan Rabanal

Maria Lourdes Ramirez


December 16,







Hall Bookbinder


Project Title: Global Treps Scenario

Date: 12/16/2020 Prepared by: Learning Team 2

Project Justification:
Team 2 will develop an operating website with software and test the site. The objective for the website will be tested by hosting four events in four different countries. Additionally, we will analyze and design the website with software. The objective is to provide the ability for organizations to create their own specific custom site to solicit participants. In example, as the Shark Tank show model.
Our team’s plan for the website is to have a fully functional website that will store all the information for everybody that wants information about the event. On our website, it will include an investor section for future investors that would want to invest in our site directly. Our website will also allow companies to create their website to attract clients or sharks and applications and showcase winners. On our website, it will also suggest new services and products for the customers.
The project scope will consist of the following: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitor and Control and lastly the final close of the events. We will utilize the Agile methodology.

Product Characteristics and Requirements:

1. Successful operating software
1. Successful implementation of website
1. Ability for potential investors to make
1. User friendly application

Product User Acceptance Criteria:

The product will have a fully operating website with software. The product must also accept donations from potential investors. Including, an open category for viewers to provide ideas, suggestions for new products or services. The site will have the capability to solicit local participation and acceptance as mentioned above to promote the Shark Tank experience model. The website will also continue to promote the champions and losers.

Summary of Project Deliverables

Project management-related deliverables: business case, charter, team contract, scope statement, WBS, schedule, cost baseline, status reports, final project presentation, final project report, lessons-learned report, and any other documents required to manage the project.

Scope Statement: available as outlined.

Business Case:
Shark Tank Events: The website will contain a section on hosting Shark Tank events. The section will speak about how to host the event as well as instructions on setting up the event. There will be documents and templates to aid in setting up and hosting the event (University Innovation Fellows, 2020). The project will include hosting 4 of these virtual shark type events in 4 different countries. The team will host one at the college. Another shark tank event will be hosted in Kim’s country, who lives in Vietnam. There will be an event hosted in India, and the final event will be hosted in Ethiopia (University of Phoenix, 2020).

Business Plan- See below:

Global Treps Project

Business Plan

Prepared By:
Bobby, Kim, Ashok, Alfreda
Los Angeles, California

Business Description

The company was formed on 12/15/2020 as C-Corporation under California State Laws and Headed by Bobby, Kim, Ashok, and Alfreda.

Business Mission

Our Mission is to develop a fully functioning website and test it by holding 4 events in 4 different countries.

Global Treps Project

Business Plan

Prepared By:
Bobby, Kim, Ashok, Alfreda
Los Angeles, California

Business Description

The company was formed on 12/15/2020 as C-Corporation under California State Laws and Headed by Bobby, Kim, Ashok, and Alfreda.

Business Mission

Our Mission is to develop a fully functioning website and test it by holding 4 events in 4 different countries.

New Service

The company is prepared to introduce the following service to the market:
Website: Website development

Business Goals

Short Term:
Develop a fully functioning website
Long Term:
Host 4 events in 4 months

Price Strategy

The company had completed a thorough analysis of its pricing. Keeping in mind our competition’s pricing and cost of customer acquisition, we have decided on the following pricing strategy
Overall Budget: $120,000
Payroll: $50,000
Travel Expenses: $30,000
Hardware/Software: $20,000
Events: $20,000

Promotional Strategy

The company will promote sales using the following methods:
Plan to hold 4 Shark-Tank-Like Events within 4 Months


First-rate service Is intended to be the focus of the Company and a cornerstone of the brands success. All clients will receive conscientious, one-on-one, timely service in all capacities, be they transactions, conflicts or complaints. This is expected to create a loyal brand following and return business.

New Service

The company is prepared to introduce the following service to the market:
Website: Website development

Business Goals

Short Term:
Develop a fully functioning website
Long Term:
Host 4 events in 4 months

Price Strategy

The company had completed a thorough analysis of its pricing. Keeping in mind our competition’s pricing and cost of customer acquisition, we have decided on the following pricing strategy.
Overall Budget: $120,000
Payroll: $50,000
Travel Expenses: $30,000
Hardware/Software: $20,000
Events: $20,000

Promotional Strategy

The company will promote sales using the following methods:
Plan to hold 4 Shark-Tank-Like Events within 4 Months


First-rate service Is intended to be the focus of the Company and a cornerstone of the brands success. All clients will receive conscientious, one-on-one, timely service in all capacities, be they transactions, conflicts or complaints. This is expected to create a loyal brand following and return business.

Product-related deliverables: research reports, design documents, software code, hardware, etc.

The Website UI – which is the general and framework structure for our website.
· Inside will have User Registration, Home Page, About Us, Expandable section to include pages and features as the project goes by.

Shark Tank Event
· Host instructions for hosting the Shark Tank type events
· Includes the templates and documents etc. For the events
Donations User Interface
· This section of the website will be where any customers or future investors can donate to any organization that wishes to host an event.
· Will also have payment processing features for a small fee.

Suggestion Section
· This part of the website will include a submission section to submit new ideas for products and services. All the submissions will be stored in a small database hosting server by the site admin. Any submissions will also notify the admin with an email when new submissions are made and received.

Sub-site Creation Feature
· It is a basic editor where future users would want to host events and create their sub-site for local participants and sharks.
· Accept applications and promote winners or losers.

4x Shark Tank Events
This project will include hosting within timeline of 4 months
One for our college, and each individual team member’s locations.


Schwalbe, K. (2019). Information technology project management (9th ed). Cengage Learning.






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