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For this assignment, you have the opportunity to take a variety of self-assessments to learn more about yourself and identify your assets and weaknesses as a leader. This will assist you in discovering how you can improve your own self-leadership skills. You will be asked to think critically about your results and submit a reflection as directed below. As a starting point, review the resources Mackey and Sisodia. Provide citations to strengthen your claims.on conscious capitalism at: There are several helpful resources, including white papers and speech transcripts, available under the Content tab on the main page of this site. Conduct additional research beyond this website on the principle of conscious leadership.

Refer to the “Self-Assessment Links” resource in Topic Materials and complete each test. Be sure to document the results of each assessment to assist you in completing the reflection portion of the assignment below.

After completing the self-assessments, write a minimum 1,000-1,250 word reflection in which you discuss the following:

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  1. Explain the characteristics of conscious leadership as defined by  Mackey and Sisodia. Provide citations to strengthen your claims. 
  2. Choose two historical management theories and explain their influence on the field of organizational behavior. Provide citations to strengthen your claims.
  3. Describe the importance of self-awareness, self-concept, and emotional intelligence and the role they play in enabling effective conscious leadership and effective self-leadership. Provide citations to strengthen your claims.
  4. Briefly summarize the results of each assessment you completed. In general, do you believe the results represent who you are as a leader? How will the results inspire you to be a conscious leader? Explain.
  5. Briefly, conduct a self-reflection in which you answer the following questions: What insights have you gained about yourself after taking the assessments? How could this knowledge influence your values, attitude towards others, and how you approach new tasks in the workplace? What have you learned about what it takes to lead others or how you respond to the management tactics of others within the workplace? What have you learned about your ability to lead others within the workplace?
  6. Explain the value of analyzing organizational behavior from the individual, group, and organizational perspective. How do your self-assessment results contribute to this? Provide citations to strengthen your claims.

Use a minimum of four scholarly sources to support your analysis and reflection.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not requireThis assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

This is the video the first question is referring to about  Mackey and Sisodia.  


VARK Questi



Your learning preference:

Multimodal (VARK


People with your preference like:

different formats, graphs, diagrams, maps, interesting layouts, sp

ace, listening,

discussing, talking, questioning, notes, h


outs, print, text, practical exercises,

experiences, examples, case studies, trial and error, things that are



, …

But you tend to use Aural and Kinesthetic


To better match the strategies you use to your learning preference, you should:


Try more








n particular, try some of these strategies:


Convert words into diagrams.


Replace words with symbols, pictures or your own codes.


Draw pictures to show ideas.


Convert diagrams and graphs in

to statements.

Your scores were:


Visual 6


Aural 5


Read/Write 11


Kinesthetic 8

This is surprising to

because I feel I am a more hands on, show me then


do it. And I

need to see how things are done rather than someone explaining it to me.


The VARK Questionnaire

Your learning preference:

Multimodal (VARK

People with your preference like:

different formats, graphs, diagrams, maps, interesting layouts, sp
ace, listening,

discussing, talking, questioning, notes, handouts, print, text, practical exercises,

experiences, examples, case studies, trial and error, things that are

, …

But you tend to use Aural and Kinesthetic strategies.

To better match the strategies you use to your learning preference, you should:


Try more






In particular, try some of these strategies:


Convert words into diagrams.


Replace words with symbols, pictures or your own codes.


Draw pictures to show ideas.


Convert diagrams and graphs in
to statements.

Your scores were:


Visual 6


Aural 5


Read/Write 11


Kinesthetic 8

This is surprising to
because I feel I am a more hands on, show me then

do it. And I
need to see how things are done rather than someone explaining it to me.


The VARK Questionnaire

Your learning preference: Multimodal (VARK)

People with your preference like:

different formats, graphs, diagrams, maps, interesting layouts, space, listening,

discussing, talking, questioning, notes, handouts, print, text, practical exercises,

experiences, examples, case studies, trial and error, things that are real, …

But you tend to use Aural and Kinesthetic strategies.

To better match the strategies you use to your learning preference, you should:

 Try more Visual and Read/write strategies.

 In particular, try some of these strategies:

o Convert words into diagrams.

o Replace words with symbols, pictures or your own codes.

o Draw pictures to show ideas.

o Convert diagrams and graphs into statements.

Your scores were:

 Visual 6

 Aural 5

 Read/Write 11

 Kinesthetic 8

This is surprising to because I feel I am a more hands on, show me then I do it. And I

need to see how things are done rather than someone explaining it to me.



Competence Self

Assessment Checklist

Cultural Competence Self

assessment Checklist Adapted from the Greater Vancouver Island

Multicultural Society Cultural Competence Sel

fassessment Checklist. That checklist was created with

funding from the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia. This self

assessment tool

is designed to explore individual cultural competence. Its purpose is to help you to consi




knowledge, and awareness of yourself in your interac


with others. Its goal is to assist you to

recognize what you can do to become more effective in working and living in a diverse environment. The

term ‘culture’ includes not only culture rela

ted to race, ethnicity and ancestry, but also the culture



beliefs, common experiences and ways of being in the world


shared by people with characteristics in

common, such as people with disabilities, people who are Lesbian Bisexual, Gay and Transgen


(LGBT), people who are deaf, members of faith and spiritual communities, people of various socio

economic classes, etc.) In this tool, we are focusing on race, ethnicity and ancestry. However, remember

that much of the awareness, knowledge and skills

which you have gained from past relationships with

people who are different from you are transferable and can help you in your future relationships across

difference. Read each entry in the Awareness, Knowledge and Skills sections Place a check mark in the

appropriate column which follows. At the end of each section add up the number of times you have

checked that column. Multiple the number of times you have checked “Never” by 1,

“Sometimes/Occasionally” by 2, “Fairly Often/Pretty well” by 3 and “



ry Well” by 4. The more

points you have, the more culturally competent you are becoming. This is simply a tool. This is not a

test. The rating scale is there to help you identify areas of strength and areas that need further

development in order to help yo

u reach your goal of cultural competence. Remember that cultural

competence is a process, and that learning occurs on a continuum and over a life time. You will not be

asked to show anyone your answers unless you choose to do so. While you complete this as


stay in touch with your emotions and remind yourself that learning is a jour



Value Diversity


I view human difference as positive and a cause for celebration

) Always

Know myself


I have a clear

sense of my own ethnic, cultural and racial identity

) Always

Share my culture


I am aware that in order to learn more about others I need to understand and be


prepared to share my own culture


Be aware of areas of discomfort


I am aware of my discomfort when I encounter differences in race,

colour, religion, sexual

orientation, language, and ethnicity

) Always

Check my assumup

tions (

I am aware of the assumptions that I hold about people of cultures different

from my own

) Always

Challenge my stereotypes


I am aware of my stereotypes as they arise and have developed personal

strategies for reducing the harm they cause

) Always

Reflect on how my culture informs my judgement (I am aware of how my cultural perspective influences my judgement about what are ‘appropriate’, ‘normal’, or ‘superior’ behaviours, values, and communication styles.) Always

Accept ambiguity (I accept that in cross cultural situations there can be uncertainty and that uncertainty can make me anxious. It can also mean that I do not respond quickly and take the time needed to get more information) Always

Be curious (I take any opportunity to put myself in places where I can learn about difference and create relationships) Sometimes

Aware of my privilege if I am White N/A

Aware of social justice issues (I’m aware of the impact of the social context on the lives of culturally diverse population, and how power, privilege and social oppression influence their lives) Always

Gain from my mistakes ( I will make mistakes and will learn from them) Always

Assess the limits of my knowledge ( I will recognize that my knowledge of certain cultural groups is limited and commit to creating opportunities to learn more) Always

Ask questions (I will really listen to the answers before asking another question) Always

Acknowledge the importance of difference ( I know that differences in colour, culture, ethnicity etc. are important parts of an individual’s identity which they value and so do I. I will not hide behind the claim of “colour blindness”) Always

Know the historical experiences of non-European Canadians ( I am knowledgeable about historical incidents in Canada’s past that demonstrate racism and exclusion towards Canadians of non-European heritage (e.g. the Chinese Head Tax, the Komagata Maru, Indian Act and Japanese internment). Always

Understand the influence culture can have ( I recognize that cultures change over time and can vary from person to person, as does attachment to culture) Always

Commit to life- long learning ( I recognize that achieving cultural competence involves a commitment to learning over a life-time) Always

Understand the impact of racism, sexism, homophobia ( I recognize that stereotypical attitudes and discriminatory actions can dehumanize, even encourage violence against individuals because of their membership in groups which are different from myself) Always

Know my own family history ( I know my family’s story of immigration and assimilation into Canada) Always

Know my limitations (I continue to develop my capacity for assessing areas where there are gaps in my knowledge) Always

Awareness of multiple social identities ( I recognize that people have intersecting multiple identities drawn from race, sex, religion, ethnicity, etc and the importance of each of these identities vary from person to person) Always

Inter-cultural and intracultural differences ( I acknowledge both intercultural and intracultural differences) Always

Point of reference to assess appropriate behaviour ( I’m aware that everyone has a “culture” and my own “culture” should not be regarded as a point of reference to assess which behavior is appropriate or inappropriate) Always

Cultural Competence Self

Assessment Checklist

Cultural Competence Self

assessment Checklist Adapted from the Greater Vancouver Island
Multicultural Society Cultural Competence Sel
fassessment Checklist. That checklist was created with
funding from the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia. This self

assessment tool
is designed to explore individual cultural competence. Its purpose is to help you to consider your

knowledge, and awareness of yourself in your interactions with others. Its goal is to assist you to

recognize what you can do to become more effective in working and living in a diverse environment. The
term ‘culture’ includes not only culture rela
ted to race, ethnicity and ancestry, but also the culture (e.g.

beliefs, common experiences and ways of being in the world) shared by people with characteristics in

common, such as people with disabilities, people who are Lesbian Bisexual, Gay and Transgen
(LGBT), people who are deaf, members of faith and spiritual communities, people of various socio

economic classes, etc.) In this tool, we are focusing on race, ethnicity and ancestry. However, remember
that much of the awareness, knowledge and skills
which you have gained from past relationships with
people who are different from you are transferable and can help you in your future relationships across
difference. Read each entry in the Awareness, Knowledge and Skills sections Place a check mark in the

appropriate column which follows. At the end of each section add up the number of times you have
checked that column. Multiple the number of times you have checked “Never” by 1,
“Sometimes/Occasionally” by 2, “Fairly Often/Pretty well” by 3 and “Always/Ve
ry Well” by 4. The more
points you have, the more culturally competent you are becoming. This is simply a tool. This is not a
test. The rating scale is there to help you identify areas of strength and areas that need further
development in order to help yo
u reach your goal of cultural competence. Remember that cultural
competence is a process, and that learning occurs on a continuum and over a life time. You will not be
asked to show anyone your answers unless you choose to do so. While you complete this as
stay in touch with your emotions and remind yourself that learning is a jour


Value Diversity
I view human difference as positive and a cause for celebration

Know myself

I have a clear
sense of my own ethnic, cultural and racial identity

Share my culture

I am aware that in order to learn more about others I need to understand and be

prepared to share my own culture


Be aware of areas of discomfort
I am aware of my discomfort when I encounter differences in race,
colour, religion, sexual

orientation, language, and ethnicity

Check my assumup
I am aware of the assumptions that I hold about people of cultures different
from my own

Challenge my stereotypes

I am aware of my stereotypes as they arise and have developed personal
strategies for reducing the harm they cause

Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Checklist

Cultural Competence Self-assessment Checklist Adapted from the Greater Vancouver Island

Multicultural Society Cultural Competence Selfassessment Checklist. That checklist was created with

funding from the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia. This self-assessment tool

is designed to explore individual cultural competence. Its purpose is to help you to consider your skills,

knowledge, and awareness of yourself in your interactions with others. Its goal is to assist you to
recognize what you can do to become more effective in working and living in a diverse environment. The

term ‘culture’ includes not only culture related to race, ethnicity and ancestry, but also the culture (e.g.

beliefs, common experiences and ways of being in the world) shared by people with characteristics in

common, such as people with disabilities, people who are Lesbian Bisexual, Gay and Transgender

(LGBT), people who are deaf, members of faith and spiritual communities, people of various socio-

economic classes, etc.) In this tool, we are focusing on race, ethnicity and ancestry. However, remember

that much of the awareness, knowledge and skills which you have gained from past relationships with

people who are different from you are transferable and can help you in your future relationships across

difference. Read each entry in the Awareness, Knowledge and Skills sections Place a check mark in the

appropriate column which follows. At the end of each section add up the number of times you have
checked that column. Multiple the number of times you have checked “Never” by 1,

“Sometimes/Occasionally” by 2, “Fairly Often/Pretty well” by 3 and “Always/Very Well” by 4. The more

points you have, the more culturally competent you are becoming. This is simply a tool. This is not a
test. The rating scale is there to help you identify areas of strength and areas that need further

development in order to help you reach your goal of cultural competence. Remember that cultural

competence is a process, and that learning occurs on a continuum and over a life time. You will not be

asked to show anyone your answers unless you choose to do so. While you complete this assessment,

stay in touch with your emotions and remind yourself that learning is a journey


Value Diversity (I view human difference as positive and a cause for celebration) Always

Know myself ( I have a clear sense of my own ethnic, cultural and racial identity) Always

Share my culture ( I am aware that in order to learn more about others I need to understand and be)

prepared to share my own culture Always

Be aware of areas of discomfort ( I am aware of my discomfort when I encounter differences in race,

colour, religion, sexual orientation, language, and ethnicity) Always

Check my assumuptions ( I am aware of the assumptions that I hold about people of cultures different

from my own) Always

Challenge my stereotypes (I am aware of my stereotypes as they arise and have developed personal

strategies for reducing the harm they cause) Always


the following two pages are two lists of values, each in alphabetical order. Each value is

accompanied by a short description and a blank space. Your goal is to rank each value in its order of

importance to you for each of the two lists. Study each l

ist and think of how much each value may

act as a guiding principle in your life.

To begin, select the value that is of most importance to you. Write the number 1 in the blank space

next to that value. Next, choose the value is of second in importance to

you and write the number 2 in

the blank next to it. Work your way through the list until you have ranked all 18 values on this page.

The value that is of least importance to you should appear in Box 18.

When you have finished ranking all 18 values, turn t

he page and rank the next 18 values in the same


Please do each page separately.

When ranking, take your time and think carefully. Feel free to go back and change your order should

you have second thoughts about any of your answers. When you have comp

leted the ranking of both

sets of values, the result should represent an accurate picture of how you really feel about what’s

important in your life.

Page 2

A Comfortable Life __8

a prosperous life

Equality __10___

brotherhood and equal opportunity for all

An Exciting Life __9___

a stimulating, active life

Family Security __4___

taking care of loved ones

Freedom __11___

independence and free choice

Health __6___

physical and mental well-being

Inner Harmony __2___

freedom from inner conflict

Mature Love __14___

sexual and spiritual intimacy

National Security ___17__
Terminal Values

protection from attack

Pleasure __13___

an enjoyable, leisurely life

Salvation __1___

saved; eternal life

Self-Respect __3___


A Sense of Accomplishment __7___

a lasting contribution

Social Recognition ___18__

respect and admiration

True Friendship __15___

close companionship

Wisdom __5___

a mature understanding of life

A World at Peace __12___

a world free of war and conflict

A World of Beauty __16___

beauty of nature and the arts Page 3

On the following two pages are two lists of values, each in alphabetical order. Each value is

accompanied by a short description and a blank space. Your goal is to rank each value in its order of
importance to you for each of the two lists. Study each l
ist and think of how much each value may
act as a guiding principle in your life.

To begin, select the value that is of most importance to you. Write the number 1 in the blank space
next to that value. Next, choose the value is of second in importance to
you and write the number 2 in
the blank next to it. Work your way through the list until you have ranked all 18 values on this page.
The value that is of least importance to you should appear in Box 18.

When you have finished ranking all 18 values, turn t
he page and rank the next 18 values in the same
Please do each page separately.

When ranking, take your time and think carefully. Feel free to go back and change your order should
you have second thoughts about any of your answers. When you have comp
leted the ranking of both
sets of values, the result should represent an accurate picture of how you really feel about what’s
important in your life.
Page 2

On the following two pages are two lists of values, each in alphabetical order. Each value is
accompanied by a short description and a blank space. Your goal is to rank each value in its order of

importance to you for each of the two lists. Study each list and think of how much each value may

act as a guiding principle in your life.

To begin, select the value that is of most importance to you. Write the number 1 in the blank space

next to that value. Next, choose the value is of second in importance to you and write the number 2 in

the blank next to it. Work your way through the list until you have ranked all 18 values on this page.

The value that is of least importance to you should appear in Box 18.

When you have finished ranking all 18 values, turn the page and rank the next 18 values in the same

way. Please do each page separately.

When ranking, take your time and think carefully. Feel free to go back and change your order should

you have second thoughts about any of your answers. When you have completed the ranking of both

sets of values, the result should represent an accurate picture of how you really feel about what’s

important in your life. Page 2

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