Most Important Things Learned


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The Clayton Christensen article, “How Will You Measure Your Life?” and the case study on Chris and Alison Weston provide a powerful conclusion to this course on Managing People and Organizations.  After all the principles that we have covered, from Leadership and Erik Peterson to Change Management with Peter Browning, being inspirational leaders and effective managers comes down to our personal priorities and individual actions.  

Christensen makes a powerfully moving argument to not “reserve your best business thinking for your career,” but to instead, to “create a strategy for your life.”  I personally have found his final recommendation to “Think about the metric by which your life will be judged, and make a resolution to live every day so that in the end, your life will be judged a success” to be incredibly insightful.

By contrast, the case study on Chris and Alison Weston provides a cautionary tale of what can happen when we don’t follow Christensen’s advice.  The Westons never expected the outcome they received, but their small unethical actions, each one justified and seemingly harmless, steadily led them to disaster. 

In my personal experience, our daily decisions do determine our destiny.  Consider creating a personally meaningful strategy for your life and then acting each day in a way that will bring you there.

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To help you in this process, take a few minutes and review the material covered during this course.  Consider the various readings, articles and case studies that you have read, and the answers that you have posted in the online discussion board and submitted for the written case study analyses.  Out of all the material that we have covered, what principles stand out the most to you?  Which do you think will be most important for you in your career going forward?  Of all the protagonists from the case studies, which one has had the greatest impact on you?  What are the most important things that you have learned?  

I think the most important things I learned this semester are individuals, teams and communication. If you want to manage others, you must first be yourself. First of all, to become a manager, you must have a clear understanding of yourself. The corresponding ability and way of doing things are necessary. At the same time of managing others, you are actually taking responsibility for yourself, learning and progressing to achieve a better self. The goal of managers should be to achieve a perfect unity of life value and achievement motivation. 

However, if an enterprise wants to go for a long time, it needs some conditions. Everyone is one mind and spare no effort for the better development of the company. The company will also prosper in this atmosphere. However, if the employees have different intentions, the entire company will gradually go to extinction like a mess. The management team is more integrated into the team, learning different cultures and creating a process of integration.

Communication is the process of obtaining information. Society is actually a big platform built on communication. People exchange information to get along and progress better. Then managers should also communicate to obtain or disseminate information. The behavior and process of communication are very important in team building. All management work in the world can be carried out smoothly with the help of communication, which is the main way, method, means and way of implementing various management functions. Communication not only exists in the entire process of horizontal management activities but also exists at all levels of vertical management activities. It can be said that communication is the core and soul of management.

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