Sovereignty, state, globalization and finance

3 page assignment on Political science, the question is attached below, I need it by 11 pm tonight 

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1. Sovereignty has been an important and contentious concept in the modern era. Discuss its different meanings in different contexts. How relevant is sovereignty today?

2.Since the 1800s, the liberal state has shifted from the minimal to the Keynesian and then the neoliberal state. Outline the crises that caused these shifts and the major components of each type of state.

3. Does everyone win with the globalization of trade and finance? Discuss with reference to International Financial Institutions and trade agreements.

POLS 2201 B

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Introduction to International Politics

Fall 2020

Final Exam

The exam will need to be submitted no later than 9:00 am on Thursday December 17 via the link located on the Eclass course site as a Word file. On the first page of the exam indicate your name, the course number (POLS 2201 B), the date and your TA’s name. Late exams will not be graded. If you experience any technical problems, attach the file to an email and send to your TA ON TIME. Upload the file on Eclass as soon as possible thereafter.

Instructions: Write an essay on one topic from each of the following sections (3 essays total), drawing from the course lectures, readings, and tutorial discussions. Each essay must be written in essay format, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. Spelling and/or grammar mistakes will not be penalized, but your writing must be in complete sentences and not in point form.

Please note:

-the use of sources outside of the course material is strictly forbidden and will be penalized

-as in any essay, quotations must be used sparingly (very few and short)

-each essay should be a maximum of 750 words

Essay topics (select and write an essay on one topic from each section; total 3 essays)

Section A (select 1)

1. Sovereignty has been an important and contentious concept in the modern era. Discuss its different meanings in different contexts. How relevant is sovereignty today?

Section B (select 1)

1. Since the 1800s, the liberal state has shifted from the minimal to the Keynesian and then the neoliberal state. Outline the crises that caused these shifts and the major components of each type of state.

Section C (select 1)

1. Does everyone win with the globalization of trade and finance? Discuss with reference to International Financial Institutions and trade agreements.

Page 2 of 2

Final Exam Revision Key Terms List

How to use this document:

Use this list as a summary list to revise the terms you learn in this class and refresh your knowledge on the course before the exams. Always look for relations between the key terms/phenomenon, the timelines and shifts of the different phenomenon.

Week 2

Key terms:

1. Realism

a. Classical Realism

b. Structural realism/Neo Realism

2. Liberalism

a. Neoliberalism

b. Post-Cold War liberalism

3. Anarchy

4. Prisoner’s Dilemma vs. Cooperation



s as Unitary Actors

6. States as Rational Actors

7. Relative Power vs. Absolute Power

Thinking Questions:

What are the assumptions that realist, liberals, constructivist (see next section) have about international relations? How does these assumptions affect the ways they think about international cooperation?

Week 3

Key terms:


· Meanings of Anarchy

· Alexander Wendt

· Discursive Practices

· Critiques of Constructivism – from Realist, Liberals perspectives


· Dependency Theory (See Tutorial Slides)

· Dominant vs Dependent States

· Role of Multinational Corporations (MNCs)

· Examples?

· World



· Immanuel Wallerstein

· Core Vs. Periphery vs. Semi-Periphery

Gender and Feminist perspectives

a. Liberal Feminism

b. Social/Marxist Feminism

c. Radical Feminism

d. Postcolonial Feminism

What does the different Feminisms say about the international order?

Thinking Questions:

Week 4

Key terms:

Level of Analysis – System, state, individual


Realist/Liberal/Constructivist understandings of the International System

· Balance of Power

· Bipolar vs. Multipolar

· Pluralism

· Interdependence

· Anarchy (recap from Week 2/3)


· Hegemonic stability

· Gramscian approach


· Sovereignty – define

· Challenges to sovereignty

· Shifting meanings of sovereignty

· Relation between state and sovereignty and power

· Liberal democratic state

· Embedded liberalism


· Role of leaders

· Role of masses

· Public opinion

Thinking Questions:

How the different levels of analysis be used to present your arguments? How have meanings associated with sovereignty change?

Week 5 and Week 11

Key terms:

Intergovernmental Organization (IGOs) – define, give example

Non-governmental Organization (NGOs) – define, give example

IGOs/NGOS and Anarchy

Role of International Law

· Liberal Democratic states

The Liberal Paradigm

· Define

Human Rights

· Shift towards the neoliberal paradigm

· Challenges to the neoliberal paradigm

· Different forms of Crisis

· Global Order – how does hierachy, power and influence look like under the global order?

· Corporate Social Responsibility

Thinking questions:

How does Realist/Liberal/Constructivists perceive NGOs/IGOs and International Law?

How does NGOs/IGOs make international cooperation possible?

Week 6 and Week 7 and Week 10

Key terms:

International Political Economy

· Define

· Timelines of International Trade – Bretton Woods, WTO, GATT


· Define

· Actors of globalization

· Impacts of globalization

Fordism period to Post-Fordism period

Global Trade

· Comparative Advantage – Ricardo

· Types of resources

· Bretton Woods System

· Globalising liberal economy

· Effects of a globalising liberal economy

Transnational migration – trends?

· Define migrants

Push Factors for migration

Pull Factors for migration

Week 9

Key Terms:

· World Systems Theory

· International Financial Institutions

· Relationship between poverty and development

· “Third World”

· Dependency Theory (Recap)

· Radical Dependency

· Mercantilism

· Neoliberal Structural Adjustments

Week 8

Nuclear Weapons

· Define

· The development of nuclear weapons

· Theory of non-proliferations


· Define

· Timelines of terrorism

· Examples

Thinking Questions

How has the nature of conflict and war change overtime? How has nuclear weapons change tensions and conflicts between states?

Final Key Notes for Exams

· Have a brief outline/pointers outline before you start typing down your answers

· Start your essay with a main thesis statement

· Use examples to support your argument

· Paragraph your answers

· Keep sentences short and neat.

· Check through your work when you are done

Breathe, and sleep early before the exams. Good Luck.

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