e24.PNGCoM_PPT_-_Scattered_Leaves_with_images_-_Copy.pptxASSIGNMENT-_Final_Paper_-_Part_One__Draft_–do_not_put_your_name_on_it_-_Copy xCoM_PPT_-_Scattered_Leaves_with_images__1__-_Copy.pptxHTHRHSC_4900_Final_Paper___Presentation_Assignment_-_Copy xResearch_Literature_Matrix_-_Copy xASSIGNMENT-_Final_Presentation_-_Copy x

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ASSIGNMENT: Final Paper – Part One (Draft)–do not put your name on it
This is Part One of a two-part assignment.
This project is designed to apply your knowledge of EBP to an area of healthcare you’d like to know more about. E.g., What are the most effective dietary interventions for treating pre-diabetes in older adults?
1. Find and evaluate the current best evidence
2. Identify and apply evidence that relates to health promotion and disease prevention
Directions–do NOT put your name on this draft! We want this to be a ‘blind review’ so you should not put your name there.
Students will submit the draft version of a 3-5 page, double-spaced “mini literature review” paper on their PICO topic. The paper should critically appraise and synthesize the results of at least three original, peer-reviewed research articles. Other sources of information should also be cited throughout the paper as appropriate (e.g. background section of your article). Additional sources may include other original research articles or secondary sources of information, such as credible web-sites and review or meta-analysis articles. The goal of submitting a draft is for the opportunity to receive peer and instructor feedback before submitting your final paper.
Due Dates
Students will turn in a draft of their paper on Friday, Nov 16th by 11:59 p.m.
Students will provide peer feedback by Wednesday, Nov 21st at 11:59 p.m.
The instructor will hand back the drafts with feedback by Sunday, Nov 25th.
The final paper is due on Thurs, Dec 6 by 11:59 p.m.
Papers should include the following (See Scientific Writing Tips PPT/lecture for further guidancePreview the document):
Background/problem statement (use the outline you made for a previous weekly assignment to help you develop this!)

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What should the reader know about your topic before you focus on your specific question and the available evidence?

Significance of your topic – why is your research question important?
Purpose statement – should include components of your PICO question and inform the reader what the rest of the paper will focus on. E.g., The purpose of this paper is to determine the most effective dietary interventions for treating pre-diabetes in older adults.

Describe the search strategies you used to locate the evidence. Consider factors such as the database, key words, filters, and exclusion/inclusion criteria.

Results & Discussion – evidence/discussion of the strength of the evidence
This is a summary of the evidence and evaluation of the strength of the evidence.
The type of evidence should be appropriate based on your research question. For example, experimental studies would be the most useful for treatment/therapy questions.

Summarize each of the original research articles, describing key strengths and weaknesses of the studies as well as pertinent study results. Compare and contrast the research. If the evidence is conflicting, discuss possible reasons for this.

Based on your appraisal of the research, how well does the scientific literature address your research question and what can you conclude? Also consider factors such as generalizability and whether there are implications for clinical practice.


At least 3 peer-reviewed original research articles should be included in your appraisal.
Include other credible sources of information as appropriate (e.g., to provide background information on your topic at the beginning).

Use APA style , professionalism, in-text citation, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation

What to Include
Microsoft Word formatted draft paper with items as listed above

APA Style Guide
Center for Study and Teaching of Writing

PICO topic
Scientific Writing Tips PPTPreview the document
Final Paper & Presentation Assignment InstructionsPreview the document


Therapy is designed to improve perception, memory, attention, learning, judgment, and planning of a person. For this reason, therapy becomes more effective in improving patient’s recovery when focused on cognitive rehabilitation than on physical rehabilitation of patients. A traumatic brain injured patient will benefit more from therapy than a patient who has physical injuries.

Purpose statement: The paper sought to determine whether therapy in traumatic brain injured patients is more effective on cognitive rehabilitation than physical rehabilitation in improving patient’s recovery (Callender et al., 2017).

The research question is important because the information that will be acquired through it will provide complementary insight into the wealth of knowledge that exists in health care and public health. Additionally, through this research, significant discoveries and the development of new therapies may resurface thus having an enormous effect on the field of medicine and human health.

Both qualitative and quantitative methods of research were used. Qualitatively, data were collected from a random sample of relevant patients through in-depth conversations, extensive interview and observation the data was then analyzed and results obtained. Quantitative method focused on measuring the strength of the relationship between various variables that affect the cognitive recovery of patients as well as physical recovery and to what level therapy is significant in both cases (Bowling, 2014)).Statistical tools were used to analyze the obtained data.

The results showed that therapy is more effective in patients who require cognitive rehabilitation than in those who need physical rehabilitation. The results are reliable to a greater degree because there were comparison and complementary between qualitative and quantitative approaches of research. However, the main weakness was trying to objectively determine the cause and effect relationship between different variables (Guillamondegui et al., 2011).

In conclusion, the findings of the research are in agreement with the scientific literature already in existence. The research qualifies to be used as a reference point in case one wants to explore more on the same topic. Additionally, the findings contribute to the wealth of knowledge in clinical practice.


Bowling, A. (2014). Research methods in health: investigating health and health services. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

Callender, L., Brown, R., Driver, S., Dahdah, M., Collinsworth, A., & Shafi, S. (2017). Process for developing rehabilitation practice recommendations for individuals with traumatic brain injury. BMC Neurology, 17(1), 54.

Guillamondegui, O. D., Montgomery, S. A., Phibbs, F. T., McPheeters, M. L., Alexander, P. T., Jerome, R. N., … & Salomon, R. M. (2011). Traumatic brain injury and depression.

Horn, S. D., Corrigan, J. D., Bogner, J., Hammond, F. M., Seel, R. T., Smout, R. J., … & Whiteneck, G. G. (2015). Traumatic Brain Injury–Practice-Based Evidence study: design and patients, centers, treatments, and outcomes. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 96(8), S178-S196.


comments by DBH Gracy This paper is not an evidence based process and in fact, i’m not certain what you are actually trying to determine here. You need significant re-write of this work. This is supposed to be a 3-5 page paper to use the literature to answer a clinical question. questions: 1. what is your actual PICO question? It seems to be asking if Cognitive therapies improve recovery for TBI patients more than physical therapies, is that right? questions are: recovery of what exactly? are you asking if patients with TBI will make greater changes with cognitive therapy? you need to define TBI and then give info for what is typically done for them. THEN say what those cognitive therapies are and what those outcomes include when those therapies are done. THEN go find 3 studies where someone tested cognitive therapies versus physical therapies and write a brief description of what they did and what they found. also write your methods for finding those studies……how you searched the literature and what terms u used….. if you need my help further, you need to either get on the phone with me or come to my office if you are on campus. this paper needs significant help but you have time to attend to it. let me know what you will be doing so that i can assist you.




HTHRHSC 4900: Evidence-Based Practice in the Health Sciences

Final Paper/Presentation

Paper Overview:

The healthcare field is not as standardized as one would think. EBP is critical to providing services that are safe and effective, but is everything we do supported by evidence? It is important to understand application and implementation of EBP in healthcare. This project is designed to apply your knowledge of EBP to an area of healthcare you’d like to know more about. E.g., What are the most effective dietary interventions for treating pre-diabetes in older adults?

Paper Instructions:

Students will submit a 3-5 page, double-spaced “mini literature review paper on their PICO topic, which critically appraises and synthesizes the results of at least three original, peer reviewed research articles published within the past 10 years. Other sources of information should also be cited throughout the paper as needed (e.g. background section). Additional sources may include other original research articles or secondary sources of information, such as credible web-sites and review or meta-analysis articles. In order to strengthen the final paper you submit, peer and instructor feedback will be provided during the process.

Submission dates:

Papers should include the following:

1. Background/problem statement

· What should the reader know about your topic before you focus on your specific question and the available evidence?

· Significance of your topic – why is your research question important?

· Purpose statement – should include components of your PICO question and inform the reader what the rest of the paper will focus on. E.g., The purpose of this paper is to determine the most effective dietary interventions for treating pre-diabetes in older adults.

2. Methods

· Describe the search strategies you used to locate the evidence. Consider factors such as the database, key words, filters, and exclusion/inclusion criteria.

3. Results & Discussion

· This is a summary of the evidence and evaluation of the strength of the evidence.

· The type of evidence should be appropriate based on your research question. For example, experimental studies would be the most useful for treatment/therapy questions. Summarize each of the original research articles, describing key strengths and weaknesses of the studies as well as pertinent study results. Compare and contrast the research. If the evidence is conflicting, discuss possible reasons for this.

4. Conclusion

· Based on your appraisal of the research, how well does the scientific literature address your research question and what can you conclude? Also consider factors such as generalizability and whether there are implications for clinical practice.

5. References

· At least 3 peer-reviewed original research articles should be included in your appraisal. Include other credible sources of information as appropriate (e.g., to provide background information on your topic at the beginning).

· Use APA style

You will also be graded on technical writing skills, including organization, professionalism, in-text citation, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Presentation Overview:

Many times a clinician or researcher will be required not only to write a manuscript detailing their findings, but also make a presentation at a conference or to a workgroup providing a summary of the research performed and the conclusions. In addition, clinicians often explain and justify clinical care decisions to colleagues. Learning how to concisely explain the evidence base used to inform clinical practice will prepare you to communicate more effectively as a healthcare provider.

This assignment will showcase the summary of your final paper – your research. In addition to receiving a grade from the instruction, you will also provide feedback to one of your peers.

Presentation Instructions:

1. Create a PowerPoint presentation using a professional template background. A standard PowerPoint presentation template will be created and posted for your use.

2. Your PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of five slides and include:

· Introduction/Background (1 – 2 slides)

· Results: literature search summarizing each article used, key findings, and strength of the evidence. (minimum of 3 slides)

· Conclusion (1 slide)

3. For your PowerPoint presentation, you should submit your presentation as a voice over PowerPoint video presentation.

· Instructions for creating a voice over PowerPoint presentation video is included in the Student Resources module – Student Narrated PowerPoints Assignments and Discussions – Student Information

· The presentation should be approximately 4-6 minutes in length

Submission date:



Research Literature Matrix

Research Literature Matrix

PICO Question: Therapy in traumatic brain injured patients is more effective on cognitive rehabilitation than physical rehabilitation in improving patient’s recovery

Study (author(s), year); Study design

Subject characteristics (P)

Intervention or exposure; How this was measured in the study

Outcome(s); How this was measured in the study

Key Results

Limitations to the study

Callender, L., Brown, R., Driver, S., Dahdah, M., Collinsworth, A., & Shafi, S. (2017).
Systematic review and evidence-based review

Sample size: Not indicated
Gender: both male and female
Age: over 18 years
Health status: Traumatic brain injury under rehabilitative care
Comparison group: No brain injury

Checking patients with disturbing brain wound.
Rehabilitation of individuals
guideline for clinical practice.
proof-based drug.

Experience of the clinicians.
Hospital characteristics.
Patient characteristics
Processes of care

Findings of the best clinical practice were listed.
Practices to be shared with representatives and stakeholders so they can agree.

A systematic review was limited by publication date thus only included published data. Also, used different research methods in individual recommendations for TBI diagnosis.

Horn, S. D., Corrigan, J. D., Bogner, J., Hammond, F. M., Seel, R. T., Smout, R. J., & Whiteneck. (2015)
Prospective and longitudinal observational study design.

Sample size: n=2130
Gender: both male and female
Age: >18 years
Health status: traumatic brain injury
Comparison group:

Not applicable

Care for rehabilitation.
Time is taken in rehabilitation.
Measuring the functions, you can handle independently at discharge.
9-months post rehospitalization.

The degree of acceptance creation of similar subgroups for future investigation of the best treatment composition. Notable dislikes in injury as well as patient features, therapy, rehabilitation goals and results by admission FIM attention unions.

Inadequate proof to notify what schedule of involvement should be.
Less clear how functional gains during inpatient can be assigned to distinct rehabilitation treatments and involvements.
Check the number that should be assigned to age, natural healing as changed by brain wound seriousness and patient pre-lesion characteristics?

Guillamondegui, O., Montgomery, S., Phibbs, F., McPheeters, M., Alexander, P., Jerome, R. & Salomon, R. (2011).
Prospective, longitudinal observational study

Sample size: n ≥ 50
Gender: both male and female
Age: Adults aged ≥18 years old
Health status: traumatic brain injury patients who are diagnosed with depression in adulthood
Comparison group: Participants with no treatment. Placebo

Individual/ group psychotherapy.
Community- based rehabilitation.
Neuromodulation therapy.
Neuropsychological rehabilitation.

Symptom status
Additional treatment
Standard of life
Affairs of daily life.
Repetition of depression.

Found that long and short-term results of a therapy are being brain wounded are changed by the person himself.
Pre-existing mental health status.

Studies from only one publication language.
Considered developed nations only.
Understanding those people identified with sadness following an adulthood traumatic brain lesion leaving out other groups.

Comparison of each study results

The results of each study were different but they had a relationship, for instance, the first article came up with the best clinical practices and shared them with involved stakeholders such as clinical management and partners for them to acquire agreement (Callender, Brown, Driver, Dahdah, Collinsworth, & Shafi, 2017). Furthermore, a study by Horn, Bogner, Hammond, Seel, Corrigan, Smout, & Whiteneck (2015), found that noteworthy dislikes among injury and patient features, therapy, rehabilitation goal were caused by acknowledgment of functional independent measures (FIM). According to Guillamondegui & Montgomery (2011), long and short-term results of a therapy of brain injured are as a result of personal pre-existing mental health conditions. All these results from the three studies agree that individuals suffering from traumatic brain injury are the main solution to their problem, that is, their behavior determines their medical condition.

Major methodological differences between the studies

The studies by Horn et al. (2015) and Guillamondegui et al. (2011), used the same study designs i.e. both Prospective and longitudinal observational study design. However, the other study used different study designs namely Systematic review and evidence-based review (Callender et al., 2017). Their sample size differed having the study by Horn et al. (2015) with the highest sample size of 2130, followed by that of Guillamondegui et al. (2011) with sample size (n) ≥ 50 although Callender et al. (2017) had not included its sample size. All the studies health status characteristics were the same that is, individual diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, the age was similar in all of them that is, equal or over 18 years old and they all included both genders. Unfortunately, the study differed in the way they were measured, for example, the study by Callender et al. (2017), measured its results by looking at the experience of the clinicians, hospital characteristics, patient characteristics and processes of care. Additionally, another study used symptom status, quality of life, additional treatment, harms, recurrence and activities of daily living to measure the outcomes (Guillamondegui et al., 2011). Besides, the study by Horn et al. (2015) used the functional independence measure after discharge, rehabilitation length of stay and post-rehospitalization to measure the outcomes.

In conclusion, the research literature matrix has indicated three research articles that address the PICO question ‘Therapy in traumatic brain injured patients is more effective on cognitive rehabilitation than physical rehabilitation in improving patient’s recovery’. Each article has been analyzed using different factors such as its author (s), study design, subject characteristics, intervention, outcomes, key results, and their limitation. The factors used for each study were compared with one another and described both their comparisons and differences.


Callender, L., Brown, R., Driver, S., Dahdah, M., Collinsworth, A., & Shafi, S. (2017). Process for developing rehabilitation practice recommendations for individuals with traumatic brain injury. BMC Neurology, 17(1), 54.

Guillamondegui, O. D., Montgomery, S. A., Phibbs, F. T., McPheeters, M. L., Alexander, P. T., Jerome, R. N., … & Salomon, R. M. (2011). Traumatic brain injury and depression.

Horn, S. D., Corrigan, J. D., Bogner, J., Hammond, F. M., Seel, R. T., Smout, R. J., … & Whiteneck, G. G. (2015). Traumatic Brain Injury–Practice-Based Evidence study: design and patients, centers, treatments, and outcomes. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 96(8), S178-S196.

Santos, C. M. D. C., Pimenta, C. A. D. M., & Nobre, M. R. C. (2007). The PICO strategy for the research question construction and evidence search. Revista Latino-americana de enfermagem, 15(3), 508-511.

ASSIGNMENT: Final Presentation

Many times a clinician will be required not only to write a manuscript detailing their findings, but also make a presentation at a conference or to co-workers providing a summary of the research performed and the key findings.
This assignment will showcase the summary of your final paper – your research.
3. Identify and apply evidence that relates to health promotion and disease prevention

Create a 4-6 minute PowerPoint presentation using a professional template background.
A standard PowerPoint presentation templatePreview the document has been created for your use

Your PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of five slides and include:
Introduction (1 – 2 slides). The background of your topic should be summarized concisely, but enough to highlight the significance for the audience. Your PICO/research question should be clear.

Results (minimum of 3 slides). This is where original research articles should be summarized in terms of study design, population characteristics, measurement of variables, and key findings. Compare and contrast the studies.
Conclusion (1 slide). Key take home message(s) and clinical implications should be emphasized.

Additional tips
Content of the slides should be concise as you can elaborate on each point during your oral presentation.

The content should be written professionally with proper writing mechanics applied.
The delivery of the presentation should be professional, clearly audible, and avoid use of filler words, such as “ums” and “likes.”

For this presentation, you do not need to include a reference slide at the end.
Submit your presentation as a voice over PowerPoint video presentation.
Instructions for creating a voice over PowerPoint presentation video is included in the Student Resources module – Student Narrated PowerPoints Assignments and

Discussions – Student Information
Submit your PowerPoint presentation to this assignment by clicking the red Submit Assignment button at the top right of this screen.
Attach your PowerPoint voice over video by clicking the Media tab.

What to Include
Voice over PowerPoint presentation
Assignment InstructionsPreview the document
Information from your paper and feedback from your instructor and peers
Outside research
PowerPoint standard presentation templatePreview the document (if desired)

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