Political Thought

 Below you will find the assignment. You will also find three attachments. the final must include the topic selected, the outline provided, and use the reference provided. The of GOOGLE is ok. 

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5-7 pages (5 pages will do just fine!)

Module 05 Course Project – Final Project Submission

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. It should be a 5-7 page paper using a minimum of 5 credible and scholarly sources that compare and contrast the political theories of two philosophers. The paper should examine a modern political issue and apply the philosophy of both philosophers. Use APA format and citation when writing your paper.



Annotated Bibliography

Sonia Martinez

Rasmussen College

COURSE#: G440/POT4001 Section 02 Political Thought

Professor’s Siemson

December 13, 2020

Annotated Bibliography

Aristotle Philosophy. (n.d.). Retrieved from


This article the author introduces Aristotle as a classical Greek philosopher. The author goes into detail about Aristotle being one of Plato’s students and how Aristotle may have fixed some of the errors that Plato may have done. The article also states that Aristotle’s writing and theories could be divided into five categories and that his logical work teaches about deductive and inductive argument. This article is a reliable source because it is from a non-profit organization and it can be exceptionally reliable. I think that this source can compare to others because since the site is a non-profit organization there can be other political views. I believe that this source will help with my course project because it has a list of his great philosophies. Which I believe will help when putting my assignment together, I can not only focus on of his philosophies but also incorporate many of his other ones.

Ryan N. S. Topping. (2010). St Augustine. Bloomsbury Academic.

This book is about Aristotle from early age until death. It also talks about his reputation being secure and how he was well known for his conclusions about women, about hell, and about sex. The author about the book also questions whether one needs to catholic in order to follow Aristotle’s philosophy. This book is a reliable source because it comes from an academic journal and it is a scholar source. I believe that this book will help when arguing whether Aristotle could help during a world wide pandemic or if his stands would be different.

Tegtmeier, E. (2018). Substances, Facts and the Problem of Complexity. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 26(5), 659–668.


This journal has to do with problems and how to cope with them. One of the problems the author talks about is Aristotle separates accidentals from substance. This journal is a reliable source comes from a scholar source. I think that this source compares with other is that it is source approved by schools but also because it is an academic journal. I think this journal will help with my project because it gives examples of problems and examples of there solution. My topic for the course project there is a problem, and we need a solution so it will help.

Tornau, C. (2019). Saint Augustine. Retrieved from


This article introduces philosopher St. Augustine as one the of the greatest Christian philosopher of Antiquity. The article also goes into detail regarding St. Augustine’s views on sin, grace, freedom, and sexuality on Western culture. The author of article also gives valid information regarding St. Augustine life, work, and his stands regarding ethics, along with all his philosophies. I think this source is a reliable source because it provides thorough information, and it is from a scholarly source. This source compares to other sources because it focuses solely on Philosophy and it is outlined properly to find accurate and correct information. I believe that this article will help with my project because it has highly informative information on the philosopher and on all his stands.

Webber, R. (2020). COVID-19 and race: Protecting data or saving lives? International Journal of Market Research, 62(5), 528–537.


This peer academic journal gives details about Covid-19 and the world-wide pandemic. It focuses on how it is affecting certain races znc ethnic heritage. The journal highlight different mindsets that could benefit from simply understand the virus. This peer reviewed academic journal is a reliable source because it is a scholarly source. I also believe that this differs from other sources because it gives a different point of view about Covid-19. This journal will help me with my project because this is the topic and knowing more about how it is affecting different cultures and ethnicity will help when adding information from both philosophers.



Project Outline

Sonia Martinez

Rasmussen College

COURSE#: G440/POT4001 Section 02 Political Thought

Professor’s Siemson

December 6, 2020

Project Outline

Thesis: There are many ongoing issues in modern society that affect many all around the world, one of those issues is the current pandemic of Covid-19. Given the situation we are in, having not only the government and medical professionals point of view on the topic, having philosophers have an input on how to handle the situation would be beneficial to help mitigate and/or end the pandemic.

A. Introduction to modern society issue, Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 not only is a pandemic affecting many with jobs and, food and shelter, but it is also affecting many physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is an important issue because people are still dying, and many are losing loved ones.

B. Aristotle, I believe would address the ongoing pandemic issue by slowing down and figuring out a solution to the problem. He was a philosopher that was big on morals and that things could be different if everyone understood the causes of not following the government rules and regulations in a specific manner.

C. St. Augustine, I believe would use God and church to help many copes with the ongoing pandemic. Ensuring many that together we can get through this together if we would comply with the government rules and regulations.

D. Based on Aristotle’s and St. Augustine principles I think applying to the Covid-19 pandemic would help many understand the severity of the virus and how it is important to follow basic rules such as wearing masks to mitigate the spread of the virus. I think that between both philosopher’s philosophy principles together they would come up with a way to help with not only the virus but also help people cope and understand it better.

E. In conclusions Aristotle and St. Augustine were two great philosophers in the world and the current pandemic of Covid-19 is a big issue that we are all currently faced with. Although there is no promising vaccine to help prevent the virus having these two men around would be greatly beneficial to everyone.



Course Project – Topic Selection

Sonia Martinez

Rasmussen College

COURSE#: G440/POT4001 Section 02 Political Thought

Professor’s Siemson

November 28, 2020

Course Project – Topic Selection

There are many modern society issues in the current era that we are living. Some of the issues that we are currently living are education, the Black Lives Matter, the Covid-19 Pandemic, police brutality, unemployment, gun violence, immigration policies, taxes, and human rights. For this course project I would like to focus on our current living situations of the Covid-19 Pandemic. This issue is significant to modern society right because it is currently what we are all living right now. Covid has so many unknown that it is been hard figuring out a treatment for it. Covid affecting so many lives in not just in the health perspective but with the pandemic comes the issue of many losing their jobs, being unemployed, unable to pay for groceries and unable to pay for their rent. These issues fall under the pandemic issues the only reason we are living this is due to the pandemic.

For this topic, I would like to focus on two philosophers, Aristotle and Saint Augustine. I would like to know how they would have handled the current pandemic of Covid-19 for himself. Aristotle, being an intellectual philosopher, I wonder if he would have figured out a solution or maybe taken a different approach on handling the situation. I would to also focus on Saint Augustine and how he would relate the pandemic to God and religion, and/or how relating both would help some cope with what we are living.

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