Fahrenheit 451 Applied Practice Questions for the beginning of Part 3

Read the passage from “Burning Bright” of Fahrenheit 451 which begins “Half an hour later, cold, and moving carefully” and ends “Blackout. Silence. Darkness” carefully before you choose your answers.

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  1. Questions:
  2. Montag is most powerfully affected by fire 
  3. Answer choices:
  4. intensity
  5. destructiveness
  6. capriciousness
  7. duality
  8. unpredictability
  1. The paragraph which begins “How long he stood” contains all of the following EXCEPT
  2. hyperbole
  3. metaphor
  4. onomatopoeia
  5. sensory imagery
  1. From the two paragraphs which begin “There was a silence” and “And then voices began,” it can be inferred that the society from which Montag came is characterized by its
  2. uncomfortable silences
  3. philosophical discussions
  4. mindless chatter
  5. constant bickering
  6. curiosity about the world
  1. Granger’s first words and actions are characterized by
  2. trepidation
  3. civility
  4. irony
  5. pretense
  6. joviality
  1. The police decide to chase a scapegoat because 
  2. They think this will force Montag to turn himself in
  3. Their commanding officers will not accept failure
  4. The scapegoat actually poses a greater threat than Montag does
  5. They know the Hound has the need to capture a victim
  6. They want to sustain the attention of their viewing audience

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