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In this Performance Task Assessment, you will imagine you are the newly appointed chief operating officer (COO) for a large healthcare delivery system, Thomason Health System. You will develop a strategic proposal that demonstrates your ability to evaluate collaborative, team building, and conflict-management strategies when leading interprofessional teams.

Professional Skills:

Written Communication


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Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

, and

Information Literacy

 are assessed in this Competency.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.


  • Download the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist to use as a guide when completing your Assessment. Responses that do not meet the expectations of scholarly writing will be returned without scoring. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided, where appropriate.
  • Be sure to use scholarly academic resources as specified in the rubric. This means using Walden Library databases to obtain peer reviewed articles. Additionally, .gov (government expert sources) are a quality resource option. Note: Internet and .com sources do not meet this requirement. Contact your coach or SME for guidance on using Library Databases.
  • Carefully review the rubric for the Assessment as part of your preparation to complete your Assessment work.

This Assessment requires submission of one (1) file. Save the as HR005_firstinitial_lastname (for example, HR005_J_Smith). When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.

Access the following to complete this Assessment:

  • Thomason Health System Background
  • Thomason Health System Bios
  • Academic Expectations Writing Checklist

You are the newly appointed chief operating officer (COO) for Thomason Health System (THS), a large healthcare delivery system that will be acquiring and implementing a new information technology system—electronic medical records (EMRs). The organization has many and differing opinions about EMRs, but the chief executive officer (CEO) and the board of directors want you to establish an onboarding team that will help facilitate the organization-wide adoption of this new technology. Your main responsibility is to identify five team members from a short list of candidates and facilitate the launch of an effective team through conflict resolution and team building. This team will present a unified message and facilitate cultural change within the greater organization.

Prepare a strategic proposal to the board of directors that will cover the following (4–6 pages):

Part I: Team Creation

  • Identify the five different onboarding team members you have selected.
  • Justify your selections and exclusions for the onboarding team, using the principles of interprofessional teams.
  • Explain the different roles and responsibilities each team member will have as a member of the onboarding team.

Part II: Team Building

  • Outline a team-building plan using team building principles (i.e., Team STEPPS).
  • Analyze potential challenges in the process of creating an effective onboarding team.
  • Describe techniques that will be used by the COO and within the team to identify, negotiate, and resolve conflicts.
  • Create an engagement plan to keep the onboarding team motivated and cohesive.

Part III: Engaging the Organization

  • Describe how the onboarding team will apply principles of group dynamics to engage THS staff in the implementation and adoption of EMRs.
  • Identify at least two appropriate strategies the onboarding team will use to address resistance to adopting EMRs by the THS staff.
  • Create a plan for assessing the effectiveness of the onboarding team in 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year.
  • Create a plan for assessing THS staff’s engagement in the adoption of EMRs at 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year.

The proposal to the board should include tables and charts as appropriate considering the audience—board members prefer concise and informative proposals.

©2014 Walden University 1

HR005: Team Building and Conflict Management: Evaluate collaborative, team building, and conflict-management strategies when leading

interprofessional teams.

Assessment Rubric

Not Present

Needs Improvement

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 1: Apply principles of interprofessional teams to the selection of team members.

Learning Objective
Apply principles of
teams to justify the
selection of specific
members of an
onboarding team.

Application of principles of
interprofessional teams to
justify the selection of
specific members of an
onboarding team is

Strategic proposal
identifies either less or
more than five individuals
to form an
onboarding team.

Team members, identified
in the strategic proposal,
are not supported by use
of principles of
interprofessional teams to
justify the selection of
specific members of the
onboarding team.

Justification is not
supported by
resources or the resources
are not relevant.

Strategic proposal
identifies five individuals
to form an
onboarding team.

Strategic proposal
demonstrates appropriate
uses of principles of
interprofessional teams to
justify the selection of
specific members of the
onboarding team.

Justification is supported
by relevant

Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2,” plus the following:

Strategic proposal provides
industry examples to
demonstrate in-depth
insight about the principles
of interprofessional teams
and the selection of
specific members of an on
boarding team.

Learning Objective
Explain roles and
responsibilities of the
chief operating officer

Explanation of the roles
and responsibilities of the
COO and members of the
onboarding team is

Strategic proposal
inaccurately explains one
role and one responsibility
for the COO and each
member of the onboarding

Strategic proposal clearly
explains one role and one
responsibility for the COO
and each member of the
onboarding team.

Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2,” plus the following:

Strategic proposal clearly
explains two additional

©2014 Walden University 2

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

(COO) and members of
the onboarding team.

Roles and responsibilities
are not aligned to leverage
strengths of each member.

Roles and responsibilities
are aligned with the
individuals’ strengths as
related to their position in
the organization.

roles and responsibilities
for the COO and each
member of the onboarding

Strategic proposal provides
insight into why specific
responsibilities were
assigned to those specific

Sub-Competency 2: Evaluate team building concepts in order to build effective teams.

Learning Objective
LO 2.1:
Outline a team-building

Outline of a team-building
plan is missing.

Strategic proposal
incorrectly or partially
outlines a team-building

Response is not supported
by academic/professional
resources or the resources
are not relevant.

Strategic proposal
effectively outlines a team
building plan.

Response is supported by

Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2,” plus the following:

Strategic proposal infers
how to sustain the team-
building plan.

Learning Objective
2.2: Analyze potential
challenges in the
process of creating an
effective onboarding

Analysis of potential
challenges in the process
of creating an effective
onboarding team is

Fewer than three
challenges are analyzed.
Challenges are vague and
not aligned to the specifics
of the case.

Response is not supported
by academic/professional
resources or the resources
are not relevant.

Three specific challenges
are clearly analyzed that
would impact
effectiveness of an
onboarding team.

Response is supported by

Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2,” plus the following:
Supports the challenges
analyzed with examples
from other organizations
and/or additional
literature citations.

©2014 Walden University 3

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

Learning Objective 2.3:
Describe techniques
used by the chief
operating officer (COO)
to address identified

Description of techniques
to be used by the COO to
identify, negotiate, and
resolve conflicts is

Strategic proposal vaguely
describes one technique
that will be used by the
COO to address identified

Techniques to address
challenges are not
supported by
resources or the resources
are not relevant.

Strategic proposal clearly
describes one technique
that will be used by the
COO to address identified

Techniques are supported
by relevant

Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2,” plus the following:

Strategic proposal provides
insight on why a COO’s
planning for identified
challenges before
engaging the team is

Learning Objective
Create an engagement
plan to keep team
members motivated.

Creation of an
engagement plan to keep
team members motivated
is not described and is

Strategic proposal includes
an inappropriate, unclear,
or ineffective engagement
plan that will keep team
members motivated.

Engagement plan is not
supported by
resources or the resources
are not relevant.

Strategic proposal includes
a cohesive and effective
engagement plan to keep
team members motivated.

Engagement plan is
supported by relevant

Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2,” plus the following:

Strategic proposal provides
insight into why keeping
team members motivated
is important.

Sub-Competency 3: Summarize principles of group dynamics in order to effectively onboard teams and achieve organizational goals.

Learning Objective
Apply principles of
group dynamics to
manage conflict and
engage an organization
to achieve a goal (i.e.,
implementation and

Application of principles of
group dynamics to manage
conflict and engage an
organization is missing.

Strategic proposal applies
less than two principles of
group dynamics to manage
conflict engage the
organization, including
Thomason Health System
(THS) staff, in the
implementation and

Strategic proposal clearly
and accurately applies two
principles of group
dynamics to manage
conflict and engage the
THS staff in the
implementation and
adoption of EMRs.

Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2,” plus the following:

Strategic proposal provides
in-depth insight about
group dynamics to manage
conflict that engages the

©2014 Walden University 4

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

adoption of electronic
medical records, called

adoption of EMRs, or the
principles are applied
vaguely or inaccurately.

stakeholders. (i.e., CEO,
board, external and

Learning Objective
Identify strategies to
address resistance by
members of an

Identification of strategies
to address resistance by
members of an
organization is missing.

Strategic proposal vaguely
identifies less than two
relevant strategies to
address resistance by
members of an

Strategies are not
supported by
resources or the resources
are not relevant.

Strategic proposal clearly
identifies two relevant
strategies that can be used
to address resistance to
EMRs in the scenario.

Strategies are supported
by relevant

Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2,” plus the following:

Strategic proposal provides
insight about the potential
consequences of not
addressing staff resistance.

Learning Objective
Create a plan for
assessing the
effectiveness of an
onboarding team.

Creation of a plan for
assessing the effectiveness
of an onboarding team is

Plan for assessing the
onboarding team’s
effectiveness does not
include an assessment for
3 months, 6 months, or 1

Strategic proposal creates
a clear plan for assessing
the effectiveness of the
onboarding team will be
assessed in 3 months, 6
months, and 1 year.

Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2,” plus the following:

Strategic proposal provides
more than one method of
assessing the effectiveness
of the onboarding team.

Strategic proposal provides
insight into why different
assessments may be
necessary during the
designated time period.

©2014 Walden University 5

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

Learning Objective:
Create a plan for
assessing staff
engagement in the
adoption of electronic
medical records

Creation of a plan for
assessing staff
engagement in the
adoption of EMRs is

Plan for assessing staff
engagement in the
adoption of EMRs does not
include an assessment for
3 months, 6 months, or 1

Strategic proposal creates
a clear plan for assessing
how staff engagement in
the adoption of EMRs will
be assessed in 3 months, 6
months, and 1 year.

Demonstrates the same
level of achievement as
“2,” plus the following:

Strategic proposal provides
more than one method of
assessing the engagement
and adoption of EMRs by
the organization.

Strategic proposal provides
insight into why different
assessments may be
necessary during the
designated time period.

PS001: Written Communication: Demonstrate graduate-level writing skills.

Learning Objective
PS 1.1:
Use proper grammar,
spelling, and

Multiple major and minor
errors in grammar,
spelling, and/or mechanics
are highly distracting and
seriously impact

Multiple minor errors in
grammar, spelling, and/or
mechanics are distracting
and negatively impact

Writing reflects competent
use of standard edited
American English.

Errors in grammar,
spelling, and/or mechanics
do not negatively impact

Grammar, spelling, and
mechanics reflect a high
level of accuracy in
standard American English
and enhance readability.

Learning Objective
PS 1.2:
Organize writing to
enhance clarity.

Writing is poorly organized
and incoherent.
Introductions, transitions,
and conclusions are
missing or inappropriate.

Writing is loosely
organized. Limited use of
introductions, transitions,
and conclusions provides
partial continuity.

Writing is generally well-
organized. Introductions,
transitions, and
conclusions provide
continuity and a logical
progression of ideas.

Writing is consistently
Introductions, transitions,
and conclusions are used
effectively to enhance
clarity, cohesion, and flow.

©2014 Walden University 6

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

Learning Objective
PS 1.3:
Apply APA style to
written work.

APA conventions are not

APA conventions for
attribution of sources,
structure, formatting, etc.,
are applied inconsistently.

APA conventions for
attribution of sources,
structure, formatting, etc.,
are generally applied
correctly in most
instances. Sources are
generally cited
appropriately and

APA conventions for
attribution of sources,
structure, formatting, etc.,
are applied correctly and
consistently throughout
the paper. Sources are
consistently cited
appropriately and

Learning Objective
PS 1.4:
Use appropriate
vocabulary and tone
for the audience and

Vocabulary and tone are
inappropriate and
negatively impact clarity of
concepts to be conveyed.

Vocabulary and tone have
limited relevance to the

Vocabulary and tone are
generally appropriate for
the audience and support
communication of key

Vocabulary and tone are
consistently tailored to the
audience and effectively
and directly support
communication of key

PS005: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Use critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze professional issues and inform best

Learning Objective
PS 5.1:
Analyze assumptions
and fallacies.

Analysis of assumptions is

Response is weak in
assessing the
reasonableness of
assumptions in a given

Response does not
adequately identify and
discuss the implications of
fallacies or logical
weaknesses in a given

Response generally
assesses the
reasonableness of
assumptions in a given

Response identifies and
discusses the implications
of fallacies and/or logical
weaknesses in a given

Response clearly and
comprehensively assesses
the reasonableness of
assumptions in a given

Response provides a
detailed and compelling
analysis of implications of
fallacies and logical
weaknesses in a given

©2014 Walden University 7

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations

Learning Objective
PS 5.2:
Generate reasonable
and appropriate

Assumptions are missing. Response does not
adequately present and
discuss key assumptions in
an original argument.

Response presents and
discusses key assumptions
in an original argument.

Response justifies the
reasonableness and need
for assumptions in an
original argument.

Learning Objective
PS 5.3:
Assess multiple
perspectives and

Assessment of multiple
perspectives is missing.

Response does not identify
nor adequately consider
multiple perspectives or

Response identifies and
considers multiple
perspectives and

Response justifies
selection of chosen
alternative relative to

Learning Objective
PS 5.4:
Use problem-solving

Problems and solutions are
not identified.

Response presents
solutions, but they are
ineffective in addressing
the specific problem.

Response presents
solutions that are practical
and work in addressing the
specific problem.

Response presents
compelling supporting
arguments for proposed

PS006: Information Literacy: Apply appropriate strategies to identify relevant and credible information and data in order to effectively
analyze issues and make decisions.

Learning Objective 6.3:
Synthesize data to
create an effective
graphic interpretation.

Graphic is missing. Graphic is incomplete or
ineffective in its
presentation of data.

Data are synthesized
appropriately and
presented in an effective,
informative graphic.

Data are synthesized
critically and presented in
an effective, informative,
and visually impactful

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