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Week 8: individual course Project

Keisha Waldron

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Organizational Structures and Business Processes-MGMT 501

Professor Suraj Bajwa

December 19, 2020


This presentation seeks to apply business process to a realistic local business. The presentation will cover a description of the company and corporate social responsibility, operations management process, and marketing management processes. The presentation will conclude with recommendations for Future Innovation and Performance of Sweet Baking Company.  

Sweet Baking Company
Legal Ownership
Mission Statement

Name of the Business
The name of the business is the sweet baking company.
Mission Statement
The mission statement of the sweet baking company is to use the finest ingredients to make the best quality baked goods with continued commitment to using wholesome, natural ingredients and promoting business practices that respect the environment.
Legal Ownership
The bakery runs under a sole proprietorship model ownership. The advantages of this system is that it is easy to set up and it is the least costly to operate as opposed to the forms and fees needed for other for a business to start operations. The owner is the sole decision maker making it easier to control operations. Tax filings are also easier under this system by putting it in as business income/loss added to the owner’s income on personal returns, attracting the lowest form of taxes. Since Sweet Baking Company is a family run small business the owner can hire family members without the need to formally disclose them as employees.
As many benefits as this system offers Sweet baking Company there are some disadvantages. The biggest disadvantages come because personal finances are tied to those of the business. In the event of business bankruptcy the owner has to first file personal bankruptcy and the owner’s personal assets are not shielded from business liabilities. Finally, the proprietor is required to pay taxes on the net income of the business and incase the owner is incapacitated there will be a lack of continuity.

Corporate Social Responsibilities

Social Responsibility

The corporate social responsibility of sweet baking company are in place to ensure that they are doing the best for the communities they serve by engaging with the locals and doing what is best for the environment. The company recognizes the CSR as a vital part of its daily activities and is committed to a course of social responsibility for the sustainable growth of the business and community.
The Sweet Baking Company strives to be a positive contributor to our environment reducing waste and carbon footprint through a variety of efforts including: to set and achieve targeted recycling goals, improve energy efficiency; undertake community initiatives that will help improve the community we operate in, and use ingredients that are healthy and sustainable.
We source everything in a sustainable way. By using newer, energy efficient equipment there will be less energy and water consumption. Majority of our packaging materials are recycled with a goal to use no plastic. These practices will help achieve an environmentally friendly bakery.
Using local and organic ingredients. Produce and dairy comes from local farms instead of using sources that are thousands of miles away. This will lower carbon footprint because the more transportation needs are limited the smaller impact there will be on the environment. Some ingredients like chocolate sauces and buttercream are made in house to not only save on cost but to also be more eco-friendly.
Minimizing food waste is good for the environment. Unsold bakery items are donated or repurposed. Items are donated to the local shelter or the local hospital rather than throwing away perfectly good food.

Code of Ethics

Sweet Baking Company is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct in all it does. The bakery believes that honesty and integrity builds trust and it conducts business in accordance with all laws and regulations of the city, county, state, and federal government.
Sweet baking Company seeks to provide its customers with products and services that not only meet their requirement but also exceeds them, to respond quickly to the changing demands of its customer and to seek to continuously improve the quality of its products and delivery times. Sweet Baking Company will continue to work with suppliers in order to secure the best ingredients to meet customers’ expectations of the most fresh and tasty baked goods.
Committed to conducting all its activities in a manner which achieves the highest possible standards of health and safety is a high priority for Sweet Baking Company. Below are the pillars upon which the company has built its business;
Customer Service






Customer Service



Operations Management Process

Operations Management Processes
Type of Organizational Structure
Communication Dynamics
Transformation Processes
Supply Chain Strategies

Line Organizational Structure
The pyramid-shaped design is known as a hierarchical organizational structure. It’s the most common type of organizational structure where the chain of command goes from the top to the bottom. Line organizational structure is one of the simplest types of organizational structures.
The benefits of this structure is that it defines levels of authority and responsibility, gives employee a specialty, and show who each employee reports to should consult foe decision making. This structure also creates camaraderie between employees in the same department. Since sweet baking company is a small business employees aren’t affected by some of the cons of this structure to include hindrances to innovation and employees loyalty to their department instead of the company as a whole.
Changing Organizational Structures
As a small business, Sweet Baking Company is started off structuring the business by trial and error. The business started with the owner and two assistants; however, as employee roles change and the business developed the organizational structure transitioned from one to another to fit the needs of the business. The current structure is subject to even more changes as the company achieves its goals to expand its business to other communities.
Communication Dynamics
Formal communication is conveyed from the top leadership to employees through official channels. Some organization may even follow a procedure for formal conversation. However, there is no predetermined structure for informal communication in any organization. It helps create and maintain relationships among colleagues.
In order to improved efficiency, productivity, and trust among the employees a blend of formal and informal communication is important. Sweet baking company is a very small business and employee’s work closely together. The dynamic between employees in a small space is important and customers can feel the synergy employees create. When employees have a bond they are happy to come to work, it becomes a second home and they are happy to be there. That feeling plays out in how the perform at work to include how they treat their work environment, how well they perform everyday tasks, and they interact with customers.
Transformation Process
“The creation of goods or services involves transforming or converting inputs into outputs” (Stevenson, 2005). Inputs include employees, facilities, buildings, equipment, capital, energy, information, and raw materials like flour, butter, sugar, eggs, and managerial skills.
The transformation process for Sweet Baking Company includes input of raw materials received weekly form local farmers and shops that are stored in temperature controlled coolers. These ingredients are then paired with information, which are our secret recipes. The information changes the individual ingredients transforming them into delicious cakes, cookies, donuts, cheesecake, and other sweet treats customers are presented with.
Supply Chain Strategies
A sustainable supply chain is critical to the success of Sweet Baking Company and the community it serves. Sweet Baking Company’s strategy to a sustainable supply chain includes:
Make packaging easier to recycle by labeling products with “how to recycle” instructions on the packaging.
Waste reduction and Improving carbon footprint by evaluating equipment to consider waste generation
Use of biodegradable packaging
Utilizing a higher percentage flexible packaging products instead of rigid packaging.
Whenever plastic packaging products are used choose thinner gauge plastics, without compromising the integrity of the package.
Buying as many local ingredients as possible for the production of our baked goods. While also reducing total cost of ownership (TCO) by reducing packaging weight because we buy local. 
A sustainable supply chain cannot happen without the compliance of our suppliers. Their contribution includes:
Learning the sustainability practices they have in place and evaluate their alignment with goals of Sweet Baking Company.
Establish and communicate expectations through the supplier’s code of conduct, which is a critical step in involving suppliers in sustainability efforts.
Once supply line partnerships have been established and expectations communicated, data will be collected through a benchmarking questionnaire. This will highlight areas for improvement.
Develop opportunities for training to keep all suppliers aligned with current efforts.

PERT Chart
Receive/store raw materials
Mix Batter
2 hrs
Pre Heat Oven
20 Min
Create Toppings/Frosting
2 hrs
Bake Cake/Cookies. 20 min
Cool Cakes/Cookies 4 hrs
Decorate cookies/Cakes
3 hrs
Update store/online Menu 30 min

The Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) chart is a project management tool that provides a graphical representation of a project’s timeline. It does so by breaking down the individual tasks of a project for analysis and identifies task dependencies. A PERT chart is vital to The Sweet baking Company so that it would have baked goods to sell to consumers that are expecting these good. It also helps the company stay true to its code of ethics in being punctual in delivering baked goods at an accurate time.

Marketing Management Processes

4 Ps

The Sweet baking Company is a small Bakery located in Lompoc, California offering high quality, custom, and whimsical desserts. There are also options for vegan and gluten free treats. All treats are made from the best ingredients most of which is sourced locally.
We are a small batch custom cupcake shop. We offer a variety of handcrafted desserts in the shop each day. Our shop menu changes almost daily because everything we do is small batch.
When The Sweet baking Company opens, one of its key objectives will include strong market share, survival, and return on investments. Achieving these goals will eventually allow the business to become profitable. Keeping these goals in mind, the company has chosen prices that are competitive with the industry. Doing so will help The Sweet Baking Company stay in business with prices that are not higher than its competitors, which would bar a huge portion of the market from supporting. Yet by not setting prices too low below the market price, the business will still be able to receive as much possible income while remaining competitive.
Place and Distribution
The Sweet Baking Company will open as a single bakery in the town of Lompoc, California. Although the company is beginning as a little bakery in a small town, the objective of the business is to continually grow. In order to do this, the company will slowly open more of the same bakeries starting in nearby towns, and gradually expand to larger areas. The Internet is an extremely efficient way to cast a wider net and connect with consumers no matter where they are; therefore, The Sweet Baking Company has developed a website through which customers can place orders or view menu items. Customers can then pick up their order at a nearby bakery, or, if they are not located near one, The Sweet Baking Company will find an appropriate way to safely ship treats. Doing so will not only increase the number of consumers that will be able to access the business, but will also allow The The Sweet Baking Company to determine appropriate locations for opening more successful bakeries, based on the areas from which the most orders are placed.
Promotional Plan
The promotion objectives of The Sweet Baking Company consist of creating consumer awareness, generating interest and desire, and moving the customer to make the purchase. The strategies for making consumers aware of the bakery includes advertising on all social media and local community platforms and hosting a grand opening. Free samples of the tasty treats will be offered at the grand opening, which will lead to both consumer interest and desire. As customers try the delicious delights, they will be less hesitant about making a purchase. By simply building customer awareness, interest, and desire, consumer purchases will increase, raising company sales. Being located in a small town, public relations will also be important for the business. Community involvement will be an extremely valuable method of addressing this. Being involved in the community will help The Sweet Baking Company receive more business from locals and will also increase the company’s chance of referrals in the community. Public relations through community involvement will be achieved by taking part in community activities, sponsoring local events, or donating gift certificates or baked goods for fundraisers. This will show the company’s desire to be involved and help out the community, which is extremely appealing to community members. It will also provide positive exposure for the company.

Target Market

As a bakery, The Sweet Baking Company will have a broad target market. People of all ages, races, and ethnicities, children through adults, enjoy delicious treats, and therefore will be incorporated in the target market. These products are not priced out of the range of the local community and as a result, will be available to all people regardless of incomes levels. Though The Sweet Baking Company is located in an area with a low tourism rate; the target market of this company will still include tourists. The Sweet Baking Company will be able to rely on the local market for year round business whereas the tourists will only frequent during the summer months. All consumers who simply enjoy a decadent treat will appreciate the products of Sweet Baking Company. Whether consumers are looking for plain, simple cupcakes, or intricately designed treats, this bakery will be able to meet their needs. Consumers who would like to sit down enjoy a calm and comfortable atmosphere will prefer The Sweet Baking Company.

Customer Service Plan
Communicate with and train employees
Multiple means of contact

The company understands that prioritizing its new and existing customers is important to the survival of Sweet Baking Company and without customer retention there is no one to consume these amazing baked goods. Therefore Sweet Baking Company has invested in a plan to continue to bring the best experience to each customer every time.
Communicate with and train employees
Clearly communicate the company’s mission, vision, and communication plan so that all employees understand the organizational goal and culture.
Provide proper training to all employees so that they have the mental, emotional, physical, and digital tools to handle customers complaints and answer questions.
Offer multiple means of contact
Sweet Baking Company will communicate with its customers by:
Using social media such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Providing contact information on the company website
Investing in a chat system


Automation & New Technologies
Total Cost Of Workforce

Automated processes have been useful in many industries by reducing cost, reducing errors, and reducing the need for human capital in repetitive processes freeing up time for the organization to refocus its employees on tasks that require more skills. New technologies will allow Sweet Baking Company to attract new customers and stay abreast with the current market trends.
Sweet Baking Company began as a is a singular storefront business that has plans to expand to other locations in the future. It would be in the best interest of the company to understand the total Cost of its Workforce. This process determines how goods and services are priced and as the company grows so does its overhead. The total cost of workforce also impact the company’s ability to invest in its growth and compete in the marketplace. The total cost of workforce includes total rewards like base pay, supplemental pay medical plans, tuition reimbursement, retirement plans, and wellness perks. Employer cost for labor is another segment of the TCOW, which includes taxes, temporary staff, consultants, and workers compensation. Workforce overhead is the final segment and this includes training, recruiting, onboarding, facilities, organizational change expenses, and recognition.

Champ, R. (2016, December 29). Write your business plan. Retrieved November 30, 2020, from https://www.sba.gov/business-guide/plan-your-business/write-your-business-
 Ferrante, M. (2017, July 06). Sustainability and the supply chain. Retrieved November 20, 2020, from https://www.bakingbusiness.com/articles/32164-sustainability-and-the-supply-chain
Ferrell, O. C., Hirt, G. A., & Ferrell, L. (2020). Business foundations: A changing world (12th ed.). New York,, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
Institute of Medicine (US) and National Research Council (US) Committee to Ensure Safe Food from Production to Consumption. (1998, January 01). The Current US Food Safety System. Retrieved November 08, 2020, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK209121/

Scherer, Andreas Georg, and Guido Palazzo. “The new political role of business in a globalized world: A review of a new perspective on CSR and its implications for the firm, governance, and democracy.” Journal of management studies 48.4 (2011): 899-931.
Stevenson, W. J. (2005). Operations management (8th ed.). New York, NY, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
What Is Formal And Informal Communication. (2020, August 19). Retrieved November 20, 2020, from https://harappa.education/harappa-diaries/formal-and-informal-communication

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Presentation Title


Week:8 Individual Course Project
Manoj Khatri
Organizational Structures and Business Processes-MGMT501
Professor: Siraj Bajwa

December 15, 2020
Company Description
Business Ethics Processes
Operations Management Processes
Marketing Management Processes
Recommendations for Innovation and Performance 

Name of the Organization
December 15, 2020

December 15, 2020
Name of the Business
Legal Ownership
Company Description

December 15, 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies
Code of Ethics
Business Ethics Processes

December 15, 2020
Type of Organizational Structure
Communication Dynamics
Transformational Processes
Supply Chain Strategies
Total Quality Management
PERT Chart
Operations Management Processes

December 15, 2020
Marketing Processes
Place and Distribution
Promotional Plan
Digital Media Strategies
Marketing Management Processes

Final Recommendations
December 15, 2020

December 15, 2020
List of recommendations for future innovation and performance
Make recommendations for all the areas of business processes: ethics, operations, and marketing.

December 15, 2020

December 15, 2020
Author, X. (Year). Title of the article, etc.
Be sure to integrate in-text citations as needed throughout the presentation

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