SPSS Creating and Interpreting a Demographic Table


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Create a baseline demographic table and a 2-to-3 page narrative summary.

Statistics is the art and science of data collection and interpretation. It is an art because it requires a combination of creativity, an eye for what makes sense, and personal judgment about how to use the end result. It is a science because it requires a systematic way of organizing, transforming, analyzing, describing, and interpreting data. Even if you dislike math, you can still enjoy statistics because it is not just about doing calculations or performing mathematical gymnastics. Most of the mathematics that makes learners uncomfortable is hidden inside statistical technological tools that we can use with relative ease in health care to make important discoveries. So relax—we are going to let technology do most of the work!

In this assessment, we focus on the cornerstone of quantitative research: the variable. One of the many things that makes the health care field so fascinating (and challenging) is the variation we find from one human to the next. Age, gender, eye color, heart rate, ethnicity, emotional response, and food preferences are some of the differences we find in our communities around the globe. In the language of statistics, each of these characteristics is called a variable. Some characteristics, like gender, have little variation, while other characteristics, like age, can have a much larger amount of variation.

Throughout this course, you will see that variables have special names based on their functional roles in the experiment. For example, when a variable is associated with the intervention (such as treatment, where we design the experiment to allow for only two options: practicing yoga versus not), it is referred to as an independent variable.

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And when a variable is associated with an outcome in the experiment (for example, stress—which we decide, arbitrarily, will have only three possible levels: high, medium, and low) that is used to measure the direct consequences of the experimental treatment, we refer to this as a dependent variable.

The sneaky thing about statistics is that depending on the circumstances, the independent variable is often referred to in other terms, such as the controlledexplanatory, or predictor variable. If you consider this briefly, the names make sense because you are controlling who gets which treatment, where the treatment really is the key factor in explaining (or predicting) any outcome. The dependent variable may also be referred to as response, outcome, output, or experimental variable. In this course, we will try to be fairly consistent, using the terms independent and dependent.


The baseline demographic table plays an important role in reporting study results. It summarizes key characteristics of participants numerically (such as age, gender, and ethnicity) at the beginning of a study, before any intervention takes place. Baseline demographic tables are often among the first tables found in the results section of capstone papers, dissertations, and peer-reviewed publications as well. For this assessment, you will create a baseline demographic table and narrative summary using the linked Resources.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment you will address the following scoring guide criteria, which align to the indicated course competencies.

  • Competency 1: Describe underlying concepts and reasoning related to the collection and evaluation of quantitative data in health care research.

    Write a summary narrative about statistical results.

  • Competency 2: Apply appropriate statistical methods using common software tools in the collection and evaluation of health care data.

    Perform descriptive statistics for selected variables in a data set.
    Create a demographic table populated with descriptive data for specific treatment groups.
    Use appropriate statistics for a given data measurement level.

  • Competency 3: Interpret the results and practical significance of statistical health care data analyses.

    Explain the clinical significance of a demographic table.

  • Competency 5: Address assignment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

    Articulate meaning relevant to the main topic, scope, and purpose of the prompt. 
    Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.



The following statistical analysis software is required to complete your assessments in this course:

IBM SPSS Statistics Standard or Premium GradPack, version 22 or higher, for PC or Mac.

You have access to the more robust IBM SPSS Statistics Premium GradPack.

Please refer to the

Statistical Software

page on Campus for general information on SPSS software, including the most recent version made available to Capella learners.

Part 1: Baseline Demographic Table
  1. Use the Yoga Stress (PSS) Study Data Set [XLSX] for this assessment.
  2. Follow the steps described in this assessment to use SPSS for performing a descriptive statistical analysis for the following selected variables from the Yoga and Stress Study data set: Age, Gender, Race, Military Status, Pre-intervention Psychological Stress Score.
  3. Using How to Create a Demographic Table [PPTX], create a demographic table and populate the table with the results of descriptive analysis.

    Use the type of descriptive statistics most appropriate for the particular kind of data measurement level of each variable being reported.
    Include appropriate univariate statistics for the variables for each treatment group: Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Education, and current Military Status.
    Use appropriate statistics for a given data measurement level.

Part 2: Interpretive Summary
  1. Write a summary narrative about statistical results. 
  2. Prepare a properly formatted demographic table that includes appropriate univariate statistics for the variables for each treatment group.

    Explain the practical significance of a demographic table.

  3. Use the unit readings, media resources, and collaborative insights from the discussions for general guidance in reporting a demographic table.

Additional Requirements

  • Length: 2–3 typed, double-spaced pages of content plus title and reference pages.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.
  • APA Format: Your title and reference pages must conform to APA format and style guidelines. See the APA Module for more information. The body of your paper does not need to conform to APA guidelines. Do make sure that it is clear, persuasive, organized, and well written, without grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors. You also must cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

Please review the scoring guide before submitting your assessment. The requirements outlined above correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. In addition, you may choose to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

HDAP 8070-02 DATA



active duty


active duty


Some college active duty


Male African American Graduate education or above active duty 22

African American College graduate active duty


22 Female African American Some college active duty 14

18 Female Asian Some college active duty 22 16

Female Caucasian College graduate active duty 23 20


Some college active duty 33

30 Male Native American College graduate



US Civilian 25 15

Female African American College graduate US Civilian


Female African American Less than HS US Civilian 12 12

Male Asian

US Civilian 17 12

Male Caucasian HS graduate US Civilian 10 10

33 Male Caucasian Graduate education or above US Civilian


44 Female Hispanic College graduate US Civilian 18 12

55 Female Hispanic College graduate US Civilian 12 10

Female Native American College graduate US Civilian 16 9

30 23 Male African American Graduate education or above active duty 25 20
3002 26 Asian College graduate 22 15
3003 33 Caucasian Some college 17 16
3004 35 Hispanic 32
3005 48 14
3006 51 Female 18
3007 12

9 44

10 40 Native American 36
4001 US Civilian 21
4002 55 Two or more races Less than HS
4003 57 13
4004 47
4005 39 HS graduate
4006 29
4007 34
4010 60

How to Create a Demographic Table

Let’s look first at what a demographic (or baseline characteristics) table looks like in healthcare journals. Look in Google Images to find other examples.

Note that this column has the variables of interest
N = number of study participants
MEAN for interval/ratio data and (standard deviation) values
These columns report the data. In this case there were two groups that were studied.
Numbers of participants and (%) for categorical data

Click on INSERT  Table functions at the top of MS Word. You can then select the number of rows and columns you need for your table.
Note that the variable column also has information about how the data is reported, such as the unit of measure (such as yrs) and the statistics being used (for example, mean, SD, n, %).

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