Human Communication

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After completing this assignment, you will be more familiar with the role of conflict in communication.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

· Determine the influence of conflict in communication.

· Apply effective verbal message formation for the context.

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· Identify nonverbal elements of message formation.


· Textbook: 

Communication in the Real World:  An Introduction to Communication Studies

, Chapter 6.

Background Information

Communication does not exist without conflict.  We are all participants to conflict. It’s part of effective and ethical communication to consider your style of addressing conflict and what that means for your role in the conflict process.  This assignment will encourage you to explore your conflict response style and consider the implications of that style to effective communication.


1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

2. Review your course materials to identify the various conflict styles.  Decide which of the styles you use most often.  Be sure to include the styles in the resources. 

3. In a brief one-page (250-word) reaction and response paper, describe your conflict style.

a. Drawing from personal experience, how do you usually resolve conflict?  Provide examples.

b. Who wins and who loses?

c. Find a personal conflict assessment online to determine which style best fits you.  Describe the results of the assessment you took and cite the source of the assessment.

d. What further insight into your personal conflict style have you gained as a result of the assessment results?  What elements of the communication process (verbal, nonverbal, listening) will you use to support a more productive and collaborative conflict style?

4. Be sure to prepare a title page, running head, and page numbers.

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