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Question options:Daily schedules should become more individualized as children become older.Daily schedules should be designed for the larger group in the infant room.Daily schedules should discourage children from being self-directed.Once children learn the routine of the daily schedule they are able to be more self-directed.

Question 12 2.5 / 2.5 points

If a child is absent without notification what is the recommended teacher approach?

Question options:Call the family to ask about the reason for the absence.Wait to see if the child is absent more than one day, then contact the family.Inform the director to record the absence.When the child returns remind the family that you prefer notifications in the future.

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Question 13 2.5 / 2.5 points

Where do most reported injuries to young children occur?

Question options:Child’s homeChild care centersPublic schoolsParks

Question 14 2.5 / 2.5 points

Which age group experiences the highest overall injury rate for any age group under the age of 15?

Question options:Birth to 1 year1 to 4years old5 to 9 years old9 to 15 years old

Question 15 0 / 2.5 points

Which of the following is a recommended safety guidance strategy to take with an infant who is grabbing?

Question options:Remove him/her to a crib to distract from grabbing.Introduce him/her to gentle touching.Remove what is being grabbed.Say “no” sternly.

Question 16 2.5 / 2.5 points

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a reminder of the important contribution teachers make because it emphasizes the:

Question options:need to address children’s cultural practices.building blocks of social and emotional development in early childhood.importance of modeling desired behaviors.essential role of physical and emotional safety in the classroom to promote children’s well-being.

Question 17 0 / 2.5 points

What is the earliest age a child can be out of sound supervision for short periods of time according to NAEYC?

Question options:InfantsToddlersPreschoolersSchool age

Question 18 0 / 2.5 points

Children feel protected and free from worry about their physical and emotional safety when early childhood classrooms are seen as a/an:

Question options:educational establishment.learning center.refuge for children.institution.

Question 19 0 / 2.5 points

The primary principle of the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct states:

Question options:above all, teachers are responsible for the safety of children.above all, infants must be watched closer than any other age.above all, we shall not harm children.above all, teachers must be aware of safety problems.

Question 20 2.5 / 2.5 points

The leading cause of death of children under the age of one year is

Question options:SIDS.falls.burns.drowning.

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