Unit 6 Assessment – Written Proposal


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In Unit 1, you identified recent technological advancements that have impacted human beings. In Unit 2, you analyzed the life cycle of a social problem related to that technological advancement. In Unit 3, you explained the impact of this technological advancement on both individuals and society. In Unit 4, you identified key stakeholders that you plan to engage as a change agent to solve a technologically related social problem. In Unit 5, you created moral justifications for the reforms you are advocating to stakeholders.

Now, you will write a proposal to present these ideas to your target audience. In this regard, you are going to explain the significance of this issue, choose a solution to the problem, and create a strategy for implementing that solution. Make sure your proposal is written in a format appealing to the target audience. To this end, use insights you developed from previous exercises to guide your writing of this proposal.

Please include the following components in your proposal:

   I.  Executive Summary

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   II.  Introduction

  III.  Goals/Objectives

  IV. Needs/Problem

   V.  Proposed Solution

  VI. Conclusion

  VII. References

References: Be sure your references support your proposal and are in APA format. 

Make sure to support each point with facts derived from valid outside sources selected with the methods covered in this week’s discussion post. Please submit your writing assignment in an outline format (see example attached to this prompt). Be sure to cite all sources using

APA formatting style (Links to an external site.)


Use the attached template as your guide, as yours must look just like it.  Remember to change the page numbers to correspond to the correct pages of your sections.

Assignment Files:

Proposal for

[Your name]














roposed solution






Executive Summary
This section should include information for audience members who will not read the entire document but who will need a summary of the proposal. Although this section appears first in the document, it is usually written last.
The summary should remain on a separate page and not exceed one page.
The summary should contain the following elements:
Briefly describe the social problem your proposal is addressing in the proposal.
State your moral justification for addressing this problem.
Provide brief description of the solution you are proposing.

Include the following components:
· Describe the social problem you are addressing in greater details.
· Explain why this social problem is relevant to the general public.
· Justify the relevance of this social problem to your target audience.

Describe the short- and long-term goals you want to achieve re: the resolution of this social problem. Make sure the short-term goals help you achieve the long-term goals.
Provide detailed description of 1st short-term goal related to the resolution of this social problem.
Provide detailed description of 2nd short-term goal related to the resolution of this social problem.
Provide detailed description of 1st long-term goal related to the resolution of this social problem.
Provide detailed description of 2nd long-term goal related to the resolution of this social problem.


Identify things you need to get or barriers you anticipate to the achievement of these goals:
· Discuss 1st resource needed from target audience to address social problem.
· Discuss 2nd resource needed from target audience to address social problem.
· Discuss 1st barrier you’ll confront while addressing this social problem.
· Discuss 2nd barrier you’ll confront while addressing this social problem.

Procedures/Scope of Work
Provide detailed information about proposed procedures, if available, and the scope of work. Include information on activities such as recruiting, training, testing, and actual work required.
Provide detailed, step-by-step description of procedure you will use to obtain these resources.
Provide detailed, step-by-step description of procedure you will overcome these barriers.

Provide detailed information on the expected timetable for the project. Break the project into phases, and provide a schedule for each phase.

Description of Work

Start and End Dates

Phase One

Phase Two

Phase Three

Key Personnel
List the key personnel who will be responsible for completion of the project, as well as other personnel involved in the project.

· Provide summary of the proposal.
· Identify next steps.

Cite all references in APA formatting style.

Page 7 of 7



Social Issues in Technology

Brandon Coleman

Social Issues and Technology

Herzing University


In many cases, people associate technological advancement with the betterment of human lives while this is the case since the primary purpose f technology is to make our lives better, this is not always the case. There have been many innovations that have led to the worsening of lives by violating social norms. There has not been a direct link between technological advancement and moral issues. After a more in-depth analysis, these resources utilization will determine the moral issue that it raises. Several innovations such as biotechnology, nuclear innovation, data innovation, and the advancement of technology have brought many advantages simultaneously, and it has posed a high risk to humankind. Cyberbullying is one of the significant ethical concerns that has faced the innovation of technology, such as social media (Barsky, 2017).

In many cases, a social dilemma arises when there is no set rule or procedure to tackle such cases as they arise. Sharing unauthorized information and information that might not be true even though it is not targeted to anyone raises whether it is moral or indecent to conduct such an act. Another issue is how we can use technology companies to address the issues concerning cyberbullying to children and the prevention of hate speech via social media. There have been many instances where organizations have collected private data from individuals without their consent and use the information for their advantage. These are some of the ethical issues that have been brought about by the advancement of technology that needs to be addressed. In this paper, I will look at online hate/bullying, which has been brought about by the advancement of technology. There have been several factors that have led to the growth of online hate. I will focus on the research conducted in Canada on online hate and harassment.

Stage 1: Emergence

This is the first stage of the social life movement. In this stage, social movement s is at its initial stage, and little or no action is taken concerning the issue. Individuals might not be contented by how things are happening, but they are doing so little concerning the case. If an action has been taken, there is so little, and it might have been taken by an individual but not a group or an organization. There might be an instance where an individual has reported being dissatisfied either to a friend, family member, or social media. Despite these efforts, no actions were taken to address the issue (Ashta, 2018).

There has been a lot of debate on the first case on online hate crime. This is because some of the states passed the human rights law between the 1960-1970s. At first, before passing this law, an online hate crime was not termed as an injustice, and there were no social movements to address the issue. This made the courts not to handle the cases with the magnitude that it deserves. This could also be attributed to the fact that there were many contradictory definitions of hate speech. In their article, many authors suggest that the first crime statute was passed and made a law in the year 1981.


 This is the second stage, which illustrates the constant social struggle and dissatisfaction with individuals and organizations coming forward to address their issues openly. People seem to understand the issues they are facing and are not contented. If they don’t move forward to address these issues, the case will not move to the next stage. This stage is also characterized by emotions and dissatisfaction, made known to the general public for action to be taken. In this stage, there is the formation of social movements and organizations that fight the injustice that happens. There is also an uprising of human rights activists to handle the case. Organizations and individuals now devised a plan to take the case to another level until they are heard. 

After the rise of human rights activists and the push to make a statue that could govern and prevent online hate and harassment, there was an emergence of hate crime legislation from the year 1981 were several state statutes were approved and passed as a low. During this time, laws were passed that gave strength to movements to pursue their course (Barsky, 2017).

Renewed Claims-Making:

This is the third stage where the set laws and regulations are revised to be more comprehensive and elaborate to encompass all the areas. In this stage, there is a formation of a definite model that could be used to address social crimes. This stage is characterized by people and organizations taking more specific duties and obligations, such as the formation of a specific job or people to pursue a particular field of profession. In this stage, people encompass a more prominent political power than in the previous group with political intellectuals. At this level, organizations are fighting over superiority over the other. This fight can lead to a positive or negative impact (Rath, 2018)

After passing the hate crime statutes, human rights activists and organizations formulated to put the fight against online hate fought for the revision of this statue. Further amendments needed to be made. Some of these statues include expansion in the number of protected groups, which could define gender, sexual alignment, and disability as a possible angle to exercise hate and motivated crime in social media. Law also stated the provision of penalty for funds engaging in online hate and motivated crime.

Development of Alternative Strategies:

Although the many efforts made in ensuring that there is social change in the areas that were aggressed in the past three stages, there are some instances where the organizations and individuals who were addressing these issues are not performing to the expectation of the community. Despite these setbacks, organizations need to decide to fight social crimes and come up with techniques that can pursue the course (García-Sánchez & Güereca, 2019).

In the current day, many of the online platforms are still unregulated and conduct hateful actions without any interventions. Google, Facebook, and Twitter have already passed several policies that that can be used to regulate hate speech and unethical conduct in social media. The social media sites stated that after a lot of pressure from agencies that conserve human rights, they found the need to update their policies to encompass all the avenues that can lead to hate speech or harassment. For example, Google has passed policies that prevent youtube and other online sites from sending hateful, sector, l discrimination, and race. Other sites have also moved forward to update their policies to ensure that no hate speech is conducted through their site. There has been the development of technology that automatically delete hateful content from social media. 


All around the globe, a social movement is still a significant force in bringing necessary changes by addressing issues that affect the community. Through the study of social change, one can understand the past and present societies. By drawing the connections, an individual can predict the future. This is important since people can prepare for future possibilities. 


Ashta, A. (2018). Lessons from Microfinance for Social Entrepreneurship Theory: The Life Cycle of The Social Enterprise. Available at SSRN 3136710.

Barsky, A. E. (2017). Social Work Practice and Technology: Ethical Issues and Policy Responses. Journal of Technology In Human Services, 35(1), 8-19.

García-Sánchez, M., & Güereca, L. P. (2019). Environmental and Social Life Cycle Assessment of Urban Water Systems: The Case of Mexico City. Science of The Total Environment, 693, 133464.

Rath, M. (2018). An Analytical Study of Security and Challenging Issues in Social Networking As An Emerging Connected Technology. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference On Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT) (pp. 26-27).




Ethical Argument

Brandon Coleman

Social Issues and Technology

Herzing University

Ethical Argument

What are the moral dilemmas related to the technology you are writing about?

The technology being explored is social media, an interactive internet-based technology that has been widely embraced across the globe. One of the moral dilemmas associated with social media is the speech dilemma (Goodyear, 2017). The moral concern, in this case, is drawing the line between hate speech and offensive speech. Many argue that there is the liberty of discussion and thought in the online space and that restricting speech eliminates the opportunity for learning and correcting errors. Therefore, there is confusion about whether banning offensive speech that carries brutal truths is justified. As much as opinion on social media may be framed offensively, there are instances where such opinions may be the uncomfortable truth of a matter which if put into thought, can contribute to transformations in society. The dilemma arises on whether to tolerate offensive yet truthful speech on social media or ban offensive speech altogether.

Another moral dilemma associated with this technology is related to the privacy of social media users. Despite the existence of the legal right to privacy for social media users, there have been concerns as to whether the collection of user information with great commercial value by social networks is morally justified. Thirdly, is the moral dilemma experienced by social media users when it comes to balancing the professional and personal dimension of their lives. More often than not, individual social media users face the dilemma of whether they can express their personal views on social media platforms, even if these views go against the moral standards and values held in high regard by the organizations they work for.

What are the moral values of the audience members you are soliciting into social change?

Removing internet wrongdoings is a social change in this circumstance. The target audiences whose efforts are being solicited to drive this social change include the stakeholders from giant social media networks where internet wrongdoings speech is quite prevalent, and nonprofit organizations such as the United Nations and the Organization for social media safety. One of the moral values embraced by these audiences is responsibility and accountability (Malmasi & Zampieri, 2017). The social media network stakeholders are mindful that they have broad obligations to the society at large, and are keen on ensuring that their actions and activities are in line with the social order system. The United Nations and the Organization for social media safety are also strong in making sure that they are responsible for any deviations from their detailed objectives and goals.

Respect is another moral value held in high regard by these audiences. These social media network stakeholders make a determined effort to ensure that the human right to freedom of speech is respected at all times. The United Nations and the Organization for social media safety are requiring social media users to extend respect to the diverse social media users. Sensitivity to public safety is another moral value upheld by these audiences. Another moral value exhibited by these audiences is a commitment to societal progress. These audiences are deep in ensuring that their endeavors constantly drive positive changes in society.

How do the moral concerns of this technology relate to the moral values of your audience?

Limiting speech requires these audiences to hold wrongdoers of unsuitable speech accountable for their actions. It is their responsibility to limit and make clear the kind of content users can put out on the social platforms in order, and take the necessary course of action, including legal actions, for users spreading hatred speech on these platforms. Being intentional about curbing wrongdoing speech reflects this audience’s values of responsibility and accountability (Fuchs, 2017). It also strengthens these audiences’ capacity to make positive contributions to society at large since they will be instilling positive behaviors amongst the general public. The privacy of social media users must be respected by these audiences. Signing up for the services offered by these audiences should not provide a leeway for them to collect users’ information because it is not guaranteed that the information collected will not go beyond the intended recipients. This is also in adherence to sensitivity to public safety because when users’ information falls into the wrong hands, impersonations of users will be on the rise, further fuelling increasing hate speeches online. Lastly, concerns on how users can achieve freedom of speech without their loyalty to their organization being questioned require these audiences to exercise responsibility as far as carefully defining what is unacceptable and offensive from an employee in the online space are concerned.

What arguments for reform should you make to convince audience members to participate in your reform coalition?

The first moral argument is that “social media technology has and continues to broaden the potential for societal harm through incitements and hateful messages”. This argument affirms that social media in this current age is no longer a haven as it was during its easy stages of adoption. It reveals that these audiences need to act swiftly in designing mechanisms to further regulate the kind of speech tolerated on social media platforms without unduly impairing freedom of speech. The second moral argument is that “Given the complexity of this social problem, intensifying efforts to reduce it should no longer be considered an option, but a necessity.” This argument reveals that internet wrongdoings require the immediate attention of these audiences because of failure to salvage the situation will result in more grave and irreversible consequences in the society, as noted by (Alkiviadou, 2019). It will influence them that closing an eye to the spread of ill uncertain information on social media platforms is a huge risk that they cannot afford to embrace.


Alkiviadou, N. (2019). Hate Speech On Social Media Networks: Towards A Regulatory Framework?. Information & Communications Technology Law, 28(1), 19-35. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13600834.2018.1494417

Fuchs, C. (2017). Social Media: A Critical Introduction. Sage.


Goodyear, V. A. (2017). Social Media, Apps, and Wearable Technologies: Navigating Ethical Dilemmas and Procedures. Qualitative Research In Sport, Exercise, and Health, 9(3), 285-302.


Malmasi, S., & Zampieri, M. (2017). Detecting Hate Speech In Social Media. ArXiv Preprint




The Impact of Technology

Brandon Coleman

Social Issues and Technology

Herzing University


The Impact of Technology

Technology is the invention of knowledge, techniques, tools, and machines for practical use to solve problems. Technological advancements have skyrocketed in recent years as its importance in industries and everyday life becomes almost inevitable. Today, technology makes up a key component process in industries. However, technological advancement has not been without controversy, and many argue that through such advancements have significantly contributed to making human life easy and convenient, a dark side of technological advancements exist. Innovation in information technology and artificial intelligence are the most impactful technology advancements on human beings, while, increased inversion of privacy and loss of jobs marks the dark side of advancements in technology.

In commerce and business, information technology (IT) plays an important role in increasing production output and making work processes efficient (Murciano, 2019). Since when computers were introduced into the scene, businesses make use of information technology by using computers and different software to run different operations in all business departments. By using IT, their data is not stored in electronic form which not only minimizes data misplacement but also creating long-term storage. Communication is now easy, faster, and convenient more than ever both in business and outside the business. In educations, information technology has created a better way of reaching students through the use of gadgets in teaching such as computers, tablets, and mobile phones. With the increased use of IT in education, educators now do not need to physically attend classes. Rather, a big part of teaching has now become online.

The importance of information technology in the modern world continues to be clear in finance and healthcare, among other sectors. In finance, an increasing number of transactions are now conducted over the internet, making both financial and security institutions work together to enhance human wellbeing. The long-awaited reformation of the healthcare sector has now been possible by using information technology to improve care quality. Healthcare professionals use information technology to communicate with patients and other healthcare institutions to share medical information and to better their understanding of the patient (Marino & Lorenoni, 2019). This makes it possible for the delivery of timely care and reduction of related costs.

Another profoundly impactful technological advancement is artificial intelligence (AI). Today, AI is used to improve and enable enhanced agility and accuracy of processes via automation (Murciano, 2019). In business, AI-enabled machines such as inventory machines and program-operated machines such as driverless vehicles are becoming increasingly used. An equally important application of artificial intelligence in business is robotic automation, the automated live chat software, and AI-powered video interview. These processes improve customer relations by providing timely feedback and enabling online interviews in businesses. Across all sectors and aspects of human life, AI and IT have become valuable not by replacing existing processes, but by improving them which applies to robotic process automation.

On the other hand, though both IT and AI advancements are critically important for a human being, such advancements have been responsible for increased privacy attacks and cybersecurity issues. For instance, in healthcare where data security is a priority, IT advancements have helped healthcare practitioners to share patient data with authorized. This provides opportunities for unauthorized parties to access patient data for malicious use (Murciano, 2019). Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, has caused increased unemployment as human labor becomes unnecessary due to process automation.

In conclusion, specific information technology and artificial intelligence have been integrated into everyday life. The two technological advancements are practiced across all sectors from the performance of processes in businesses to communication for efficient, accurate, and timely performance. However, as society continues to applause these advancements issues related to privacy inversions, cybersecurity, and unemployment have been on increase as AI and IT becomes popular. Nevertheless, humans “extract” more benefit than detriment from these advancements.


Marino, A., & Lorenzoni, L. (2019). The Impact of Technological Advancements On Health Spending.

Murciano, S. S. (2019). 21st Century Education: Impacts of Technological Advancements.




The Impact of Internet Wrongdoings

Brandon Coleman

Social Issues and Technology

Herzing University

The Impact of Internet Wrongdoings


Problem statement: The online sphere has created immeasurable opportunities to expand human experiences and social networks, thus creating new risks and threats. Young people confront numerous negative effects offline that need to be considered. The prevalence of online hate crimes has increased over the past three years globally.

Thesis question: What are the psychological and sociological implications of online hate crimes on young people in society?

Thesis statement: Internet Wrongdoings through social media platforms have increased the individual and social harms, particularly among young persons. Internet Wrongdoings and harassment have escalated to psychological and sociological consequences.

Topic 1 (Main idea sentence) – Psychological Impact

.Depression has become a growing issue when it comes to the use of social media platforms.

a. Depression is a mood disorder that is life-threatening because 90% of the people that have committed suicide are associated with a mental disorder. Depression is a common psychological impact of online hate crimes through social media networks

b. Social media podiums are online services that provide individuals with an opportunity to interact with others through verbal and non-verbal communication. Young people aged 18-34 years use social media for interactions as compared to older people (Müller & Schwarz, 2019). The exposure of young people to online hate material that targets sexual orientation, ethnicity, physical appearance, gender, disability, and religious differences (Rohlfing, 2017). Victims of internet wrongdoings are connected with high online activities, poor family attachments, and physical online harassment. The young people exposed to online wrongdoings find the material very disturbing and it affects their mental health. These young people may develop depression as a result of psychological distress emanating from content based on discrimination, prejudice, and body shaming (Krylova, 2017). Stereotypes also play a pivotal in internet wrongdoings and cyberbullying incidents. The impact of the hateful messages based on prejudice and discrimination on an offline scenario is associated with depressive major disorders and other mental health-related problems. Jealousy on social media podiums such as Instagram adds to depression between young people.

c. According to a study that was conducted “in 2016, 79% of the internet users in the United States use Facebook and 32% use Instagram and the usage rate of these podiums among people aged 18 has increased over the past decade” (Krylova, 2017). Research shows that when individuals engage in social comparisons that make them feel inferior their psychological health is affected negatively.

Topic 2 (Main idea sentence) – Psychological Impact

Anxiety is a common psychological consequence triggered by online hate crimes and harassment on social media podiums such as Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter.

a. Anxiety disorder refers to excessive fear and worry that can cause symptoms of panic and difficulty to breath in some cases.

b. Social media networks remit content and material daily that can be accessed by many young people. The new generation is more engaged in social interactions and spends most of their time on diverse social media podiums (Rath, 2018). Content or material on internet wrongdoings that target the disabled populations or sexual orientation has a higher psychological impact which can lead to anxiety disorders. Disabled hate crimes invoke feels of unrest and anxiousness when they are exposed to materials that entail discrimination and prejudice regarding disability status. Individuals with mental health problems when they are victimized they tend to develop new psychological health problems that are significant. Comment on Facebook about a person’s physical appearance can lead to serious mental health issues and lowers their self-esteem because they feel that they are not good-looking especially when a comparison is made.

c. The internet wrongdoings material that has been encountered by 53% of users was on social media podiums such as Facebook and Twitter. Victims of internet wrongdoings experience anxiety when they are exposed to live videos and written content that is purely hate based on the race, nationality, gender, or physical disability of a target audience.

Topic 3 (Main idea sentence) – Sociological Impact

Internet Wrongdoings done via social media podiums have an impact on gender relations and differences in society.

a. Gender refers to cultural distinctions that are associated with being male or female. Gender is a social construct where the societal expectations of the behaviors and attitudes of people are based on whether they are female or male.

b. Gender-based internet wrongdoings are rooted in the ancient chauvinist discourses that insist that women are inferior to men (Nadim & Fladmoe, 2019). The internet wrongdoings and harassment of women especially on social media platforms are perpetrated to reinforce the differences that exist between men and women in society. Women are vulnerable to online harassment as compared to men. As internet wrongdoings and harassment against women upsurge, gender differences increases. Women are viewed as inferior creatures which affect other aspects of interactions, participation, and representation. Women are underrepresented in political and economic arenas due to the attitudes instilled in our social systems, which are aided by advanced technologies that have the potential to reach a wide range of populations. These social systems and beliefs are passed on to young generations and the virus is embedded in our sociological structures for generations.

c. A study shows that the reason men engage in gendered internet wrongdoings is due to the behavior presented by women on social networks. Women in society have lived with a belief that they are weaker than men physically and that they belong to a vulnerable group (Nadim & Fladmoe, 2019). Online harassment can lead to the silencing of certain groups in society because they have no freedoms to articulate their concerns or participate in social institutions.

Topic 4 (Main idea sentence) – Sociological Impact

Stereotypes affect cultural beliefs and social groups among diverse groups due to the increased internet wrongdoings experienced on social media podiums.

a. Cultural stereotypes refer to shared beliefs about the characteristics of a target group without providing facts about that specific individual.

b. Cultural stereotypes content is available on online podiums and young people that are exposed to this content have a different perspective about their culture and other cultures (Williams, et.al, 2020). There are endless stereotypes that exist on social media podiums and have affected how young people interact with one another. For example, black people are perceived as drug dealers and gang members. Young people who are exposed to this content might be tempted to join gangs and commit violence in their communities (Oksanen, et.al, 2014).

c. In London studies, the police recorded internet wrongdoings speech that targeted race based on 2,000 tweets. Cultural stereotypes that focus on race are higher in the United States to target people of color.



Internet wrongdoings have cause psychological implications such as depression and anxiety in young people and sociological effects such as gendered wrongdoings and cultural stereotypes perpetrated through social media networks. Technology has brought positive aspects that have improved our lives but they have also caused harm to individuals’ psychological health and interactions in social systems and cultural diversity.

b. The realistic evidence supports the psychological and sociological impact social media wrongdoings have on an individual and society through the statistical analysis to ascertain that the scope of internet wrongdoings on society is valid and there is a need to pay attention to these issues. The evidence provides significant and reliable answers to the thesis question.


Ashta, A. (2018). Lessons from Microfinance for Social Entrepreneurship Theory: The Life Cycle of The Social Enterprise. Available at SSRN 3136710.

Krylova, D. (2017). The Impact of Social Media On Depression In 18-34-Year-Olds In The United States. Impact of Social Media On Depression. May.


Müller, K., & Schwarz, C. (2019). Fanning The Flames of Hate: Social Media and Hate Crime. Available at SSRN 3082972. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/Fanning

Nadim, M., & Fladmoe, A. (2019). Silencing Women? Gender and Online Harassment. Social Science Computer Review, 0894439319865518.


Oksanen, A., Hawdon, J., Holkeri, E., Näsi, M., & Räsänen, P. (2014). Exposure to Online Hate Among Young social Media users. In Soul of Society: A Focus On The Lives of Children & Youth. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


Rath, M. (2018, April). An Analytical Study of security and Challenging Issues In Social Networking As An Emerging Connected technology. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference On Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT) (pp. 26-27). https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3166509

Rohlfing, S. (2017). The Role of Social Networking In Shaping Hatred: An Exploration Into User-Responses To and Influence and Permissibility of Online Hatred (Doctoral Dissertation, University of Portsmouth).


Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Javed, A., Liu, H., & Ozalp, S. (2020). Hate In The Machine: Anti-Black and Anti-Muslim Social Media Posts As Predictors of Offline Racially and Religiously Aggravated Crime. The British Journal of Criminology, 60(1), 93-117.


Running Head: STAKEHOLDERS 1



Brandon Coleman

Social Issue and Technology

Herzing University

“Who are the salient stakeholders most affected by this emergent social problem? What are the varied material interests of these stakeholders? What are the values of these stakeholders? How do these stakeholders make sense of the world”

Over the recent year, internet wrongdoings have been on the rise as more people continue to adopt and engage in social media. Sadly this problem affects all social users which entail individual, political leader’s business organizations and corporations. All these groups at some point have been a target of social media abuse or other internet wrongdoings. This paper will identify the stakeholders affected by this problem, their values, and interest in the matter.

The major stakeholders are social media providers. They include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, and LinkedIn. Facebook for instance which is the biggest social media platform with over 2.7 billion monthly active users claims to be fully committed to stopping wrongdoings on its platform (Müller & Schwarz, 2020). The platform targets to ensure that users engaging in it platforms can do it safely without hate or receiving abuse from anybody. For example, Facebook has a #StopHateForProfit campaign that has been running on its platform.

In ensuring accountability Facebook has gone ahead to develop a civil rights infrastructure that is solely responsible for evaluating discrimination and hate on its platform. The company has also adopted a third-party independent audit regarding its content moderation system to further enhance the identification of wrongdoings on its platform. Also, it has AI programs that automatically identify violating content on its platform and removes it. According to Al-Makhadmeh & Tolba, (2019) the AI programs can automatically filter and hide wrongdoing comments. A User is also provided with an option of restricting, hiding or blocking comments on their posts. Also, the platform is always updating its policies to account for new types of wrongdoings or abuse that keep coming up. Also, the platform has reviewers in over 50 regions and covering 30 languages who responsible for reviewing hate speech reports on its platform. Facebook believes the above actions go hand in hand with its core values that state “focus on impact, move fast, be bold, be open, and build social value.”

Twitter’s mission is to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information, and to express their opinions and beliefs without barriers. The platform believes that free expression is a human right and recognizes that abuse or highly interferes with the ability of people to freely express themselves. To show commitment to its value the platform has incorporated a policy against violent threats, wishful harm, stimulations, references to mass murder or violent events, racism, and hateful imagery.

Violation of such guidelines may result in twitter limiting the visibility of the tweet. Twitter may also remove the tweet or hide it while awaiting removal. Direct level message services may also be stopped from the violator. Other features of the account that might be restricted include placing an account on reading mode only, permanent suspension, or verifying account ownership (Al-Makhadmeh & Tolba, 2019). Besides, Twitter may also place a notice behind a tweet if it’s misinforming. By taking an enforcing such actions this stakeholder promotes free speech while reducing wrongdoings on its platform.

Other main stakeholders include the United Nations and the Organization for Social Media Safety. The United Nations in particular has raised concerns over the increased social media speech against migrants and refugees in particular. The united nations are based on three core values which include professionalism, integrity, and respect for diversity. The United Nations recognizes that social media wrongdoings undermine the values it stands for and is committed to partnering and bringing together different stakeholders to contain and address the problem. To show the commitment the body has been at the forefront of its latest campaign dubbed #PledgetoPause which has been discouraging the spread of misinformation during the COVID 19 period that may spark hate and tension among communities (Müller & Schwarz, 2020). This campaign encouraged individuals to pause verify the information before sharing to curtail the spread of misinformation. Also, the United Nations via its human rights office has endorsed and shown support taken by social media service providers in preventing and curtailing misinformation, hatred, and violence on their platforms.

On recruiting stakeholders Thizy recommends first coming up with an engagement strategy that sets the vision for future engagement (Et., Al., 2019). This will be followed by conducting a stakeholder mapping which will identify and prioritize the stakeholders. Preparations will follow where the logistics of the engagement will be determined. The elegant can now be conducted and action plan enveloped for future engagements

About this specific case, all the above stakeholders are committed to ensuring no more wrongdoings on social media. To recruit them, we plan to share our passion and commitments towards the same. We will engage with the stakeholders via email and their official social media handles. This will present us with an opportunity to share a strategic vision for the eradication of wrongdoings from social media platforms. Also, we plan to actively and continuously engage the stakeholders via meetings which must entail representatives from each stakeholder involved to come up with solutions regarding the same. This will also allow each stakeholder to understand the strategic plans for each group regarding stopping wrongdoings on social media so that each party knows how it fits into the plans of the other groups.

Advertising is another strategy that we could use to attract and recruit stakeholders. By conducting stop- wrongdoing campaigns on social media and other media platforms we would be raising and addressing the same concerns as they are which should make working together easier. When advertising our campaigns we can declare we are open to partnering with other stakeholders to attract their interest. Alternatively, we can employ a more targeted approach in the campaigns by mentioning the platforms to invite us so or partner with us so that social media wrongdoings can be addressed collectively.

In conclusion, tackling wrongdoings on social media will require financial resources especially for advertising and providing education on the general public against hate. The human resource will also be needed regarding the same. However, successfully recruiting and engaging the above stakeholders can be of huge help as the social media platforms can push for the advertisement of no hate campaigns freely on its platforms. The stakeholders can also be useful in providing technological resources such as access to their AI algorithms for controlling wrongdoings on social media.


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