us history essay

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Think of ONE specific thing you have learned about in this class: a political movement, a war, an ethnic group, an economic development, or a concept. 

1. Write an introduction.

2. Then, write 2 or 3 well-developed paragraphs summarizing and explaining the history you are commenting on. Be specific and factual in your writing. 

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3. Conclude with a paragraph summarizing and explaining your change of thinking on the example you have chosen. The change could be that you know more about a person or event than you did previously and how more knowledge causes you to see it differently. The change could be something new to you that changes your understanding of the period of history. The change could be developing a more complex view of something you have seen simplistically, or it could be a complete reversal of your view of some event or movement. This could be a well-developed paragraph, not just a brief statement of change.  The paper should be about 600 to 700 words in length, 11-font single-spaced or double-spaced.  Make sure to include your name and a title, which reflects the topic of your paper.

I will accept the following file formats: pdf, doc, docx. 

The maximum number of points possible for this assignment is 60. 

See the scoring rubric for how the essay will be graded. 

Scoring Rubric


0 points

· Addresses all aspects of the assignment

· Follows all the steps and is well-organized; all information is connected to the chosen event, concept, etc. 

· Provides at least 3 specific examples from lessons and/or textbook.

· Has only a few minor errors

· Meets the minimum word requirement

48-53 points 

· Addresses all aspects of the assignment

· Is slightly unfocused; provides some irrelevant information; the conclusion is somewhat vague

· Has only 2 specific examples from lessons and/or textbook

· Has only a few minor errors
· Meets the minimum word requirement

42-47 points

· Might not address all aspects of the question

· Write about more than one historical events, concepts, etc.; is unfocused

· Contains largely general statements

· Has some serious spelling and grammatical errors

· Meets the minimum word requirement

36-41 points

· Fails to address most aspects of the question; does not follow the instructions

· Lacks any organization

· Contains only general statements

· Has serious spelling and grammatical errors

· Is significantly shorter than the required minimum

0 points

· Failed to complete the assignment

Clarification: If you are using any of the discussion topics or reflection-paper topics, you need to go beyond the information you have provided in them. Simply copying from an old reaction paper or discussion reflection would not be acceptable. You can use additional sources, but you need to make sure that you include a reference page with your external sources. There is no need to include a reference page if you are using just the class videos and textbook, but an in-text citation (last name of the author and a page number if known) should be included. Use the title of the source if the author is unknown.


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