Assignment 66

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ENGR132_Assessment 2: 15 %

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Semester : Fall Year : 2020

Course Title : Transforming Ideas to Innovation II

Course Code : ENGR132 Exam Version : A


: Hossam Omar, Ilyes Boulkaibet, Julien Barakat,

Konstantinos Koutras, Mamoun Al-mistarihi, Nawaf Ali
(Includes names of all
instructors teaching this

Due Date : 09/12/2020 Due Time : 23:55

Duration :
No. of Pages : 6
(includes cover page) (Students Must Verify)

To be completed by the student

Student Name :

Student ID : College :

Major : Section : O11

Grading Scheme

Question Earned Points Max. Points Question Earned Points Max. Points

1 40 3 30

2 30

Total Earned Points Total Available Points Instructor Signature


Assignment Regulations:
1. Each weekly assessment can be submitted twice within the deadline.
2. Weekly assessment submission deadline is 5 days.
3. Plagiarism: In case of plagiarism, you will receive an email to resubmit your work, with the following rule:

o Resubmission within 24h from email notification: 40% deduction
o Resubmission within 48h from email notification: 60% deduction.
o Failing to resubmit within two days after notification means that the assessment will be awarded 0.

4. Late Submission: After the submission deadline, students have a maximum 2-days grace period for late submissions with the
following penalty (excluding Fridays):
o first day, within 24h from the deadline, 40% deduction
o Second day, within 48h from the deadline, 60% deduction.
o Failing to submit within two days after notification means that the assessment will be awarded 0.

5. Wrong Submission: Students have the full responsibility of:
o submitting the required documents within the deadline
o verifying that the correct files are submitted
o Verifying that the submitted files are not corrupted.

6. Resubmission of student’s work falls under late submission policy.
7. AUM rules and regulations apply

Page 2 of 6

Q1: (40 points)

You are a fashion designer and you are requested to organize the fashion show in Kuwait
City. The fashion show must illustrate the Kuwait heritage. Multiple designers must
cooperate to accomplish this task. The background stage must promote the love of
Kuwait. The organizer is requesting to produce clothes form recyclable materials. The
dresses should be designed in a way to respect the local culture. The suggested day of the
show is 20 of April 2018. A minimum of 100 dresses must be presented in the show. 50
% of designers should be recruited locally.
The design is made in Kuwait. However, you have to sell it to Japan, Oman and European
List of Standards

1. GSO-BD09100504 : GCC Standard Organization -General Product Safety Regulation

2. SASO 885/1994 : Personal protective equipment

3. GSO 2530:2016 : Energy Labelling And Minimum Energy Performance Requirements For Air-


4. GSO 2260:2012Head Cloth– Woolen Shemagh And Wool Blended Shemagh

5. ISO 16000-3:2017 : Indoor air — Part 3: Determination of formaldehyde and other carbonyl

compounds in indoor air and test chamber air — Active sampling method

6. GSO 18021:2013 : Information technology — User interfaces for mobile tools for management of

database communications in a client-server model

7. GSO ISO 20433:2013 Leather — Tests for color fastness — Color fastness to crocking

8. CEN/TC 182 : Refrigerating systems, safety and environmental requirements

9. ISO 10002, Quality management – Customer satisfaction – Guidelines for complaints handling in


10. IEC 60950-1- Information technology equipment – Safety – Part 1: General requirements

11. GSO-BD09100504- GCC Standard Organization -General Product Safety Regulation

12. ISO 18890:2018 Clothing — Standard method of garment measurement

13. ISO/TC 133 Clothing sizing systems – size designation, size measurement methods and digital


14. CEN 13402-1: Terms, definitions and body measurement procedure

15. GSO ISO/TR 9240:2014 Textiles — Design of apparel for reduced fire hazard

16. GSO ISO 3637:2014 Size Designation Of Clothes — Women’s And Girls’ Outerwear Garments

Page 3 of 6

Read carefully and answer the following questions:
List three criteria and five realistic constraints (indicate the types of constraints).
Note that criteria and constraints should be from the text above.

a- Criteria (15 points)





b- Constraint (15 points)

Constraint Types of Constraint






Page 4 of 6

c- From the list of standards below, specify five standards that you need to follow

and specify their type: National or Regional or International. (10 points)

Standard Types of Standard






Q2: (30 points)
a) (15 pts) You are a real state promoter with a task to promote a compound for

western and expatriates in Kuwait. Explain at least Five 5 different constraints of
different types that you can relate to this project. Use your own examples and
explanations. (You cannot suggest same type of constraints)

Constraint Types of Constraints






Page 5 of 6

b) (5 pts) Explain how standards for consumer products serve the purposes of

manufactures, and consumers? Provide examples

c) (10 pts) Explain what is the quality is very important in the project lifecycle?

Provide examples

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Q3: (30 points)

a) (10 pts) In your own words, explain what is the difference between active and

passive sensors?

b) (10 pts) In your own words, explain what piezoelectric sensor is. Give

minimum there application/example

and explain.

c) (10 pts) what is difference between sensors and transducers? Give examples

and explain.

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