Annotated Bibliography

Create an annotated bibliography for each of the three references (see attached reference list).

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Each annotation must have 200 words, making a total of 600 words for the entire assignment. 

Each annotation should have the following elements:

  1. APA style reference of the article being annotated
  2. A paraphrased summary of the article (See note on paraphrasing below.)
  3. An assessment of why it is a scholarly reference
  4. A reflection on how it is applicable to your research

Follow these steps for all three references you chose.

Note on Paraphrasing: Paraphrasing the ideas of others is a requirement in academic writing and graduate study. Paraphrasing is using your own words to restate ideas or information from a source material. As you write each annotation use the following paraphrasing guidelines.

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There are three main steps to paraphrasing:

  1. Identify the original idea(s) in the article
  2. Identify general points regarding the idea(s)
  3. Summarize the general points of the article in your own words

Reference List: Election Fraud

Loren Domingo-Tangco

Grand Canyon University

UNV 503: Introduction to Graduate Studies in the Liberal Arts

Instructor Neel

December 2, 2020


Culnane, C., Essex, A., Lewis, S., Pereira, O., & Teague, V. (2019). Knights and Knaves Run

Elections: Internet Voting and Undetectable Electoral Fraud. IEEE Security & Privacy, Security & Privacy, IEEE, IEEE Secur. Privacy, 17(4), 62–70

Kuo, D., & Teorell, J. (2017). Illicit Tactics as Substitutes: Election Fraud, Ballot Reform, and

Contested Congressional Elections in the United States, 1860-1930. Comparative Political Studies, 50(5), 665–696.

Mack, V., & Stoetzer, L. F. (2019). Election fraud, digit tests and how humans fabricate vote

counts – An experimental approach. Electoral Studies, 58, 31–47.

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