Capstone: Ethics Training Presentation


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Capstone: Ethics Training Presentation

For the critical assignment, you will take the role of a human services senior employee who must create a powerpoint presentation that could be presented to other employees at your workplace at an Ethics Training Seminar. In consultation with the Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals, you will create a creative and engaging powerpoint presentation. Your presentation should include the following:

  1. Select 4 ethical topics that you believe are most relevant to the day-to-day operations for a human services professional and present those to your audience. Be sure to describe the ethical standard and give a thorough rationale for the purpose of the standard and why a human services employee is required to fulfill the standard. Remember to write about these standards as a senior employee communicating to new employees who need to learn this information in order to conduct themselves appropriately in their role.
  2. You must incorporate one brief written vignette (original work, written by you) of a workplace situation involving at least 2 ethical problems. The purpose of this vignette is to serve as a group discussion activity for the training seminar. Therefore, following introduction of the vignette you should have one or more slides that discuss the ethical problems highlighted in the vignette and the potential solutions or actions to take in resolving the hypothetical scenario.
  3. The presentation should conclude with at least 3 recommendations for the new employees about practical steps they can take or suggestions you have to help increase the likelihood of conducting themselves in an ethical manner. These recommendations can be related to one-time actions or ongoing practices that an employee could implement for the purpose of practicing ethically.
  4. On the final slide(s), please discuss how you might approach these topics similarly or differently if you were working in an explicitly Christian organization. Would there be any biblical references (stories, verses, parables) that you would integrate into the presentation that could help make a strong case for the value of Christian, ethical behavior? 

The presentation should include at least 3 academic references (one reference can be your textbook). The presentation should be a minimum of 12 slides of text, plus the title slide and reference slide. The presentation should be creative and engaging, as you would want if you were actually leading the seminar. Please be sure to cite your sources on each slide throughout the presentation for any content that you borrow from journal articles or books.  

Chapter 13
Ethical Challenges Working with Groups, Couples and Families

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Competency to Practice
Specialized training in groups or families
Knowledge and skill
Professional codes of ethics
Parsons, Ethical Practice in the Human Services: From Knowing to Being 1st Edition. © SAGE Publishing 2017

Who is the Client?!
Who is the client?
Definition can vary
Ethical and legal considerations
What is the relationship between the practitioner and each of the individuals?
The ethical practitioner will clarify who the client is and the focus of therapy
Parsons, Ethical Practice in the Human Services: From Knowing to Being 1st Edition. © SAGE Publishing 2017

Definition of the “Client”
What are some examples of the following?
Parsons, Ethical Practice in the Human Services: From Knowing to Being 1st Edition. © SAGE Publishing 2017

Informed Consent
Client has clear understanding of what is expected in the helping relationship
Relevant facts, such as:
Limits to confidentiality
Types of records kept
Release of information
Risks and benefits
Treatment processes
Clarify roles and relationships
Acknowledgement of informed consent
Parsons, Ethical Practice in the Human Services: From Knowing to Being 1st Edition. © SAGE Publishing 2017

Considerations with Couples and Groups
Did all clients come willingly?
Is one of the clients placating another client?
Is there a power differential within the couple/group?
Are all clients willing to maintain confidentiality outside of the helping sessions?
Parsons, Ethical Practice in the Human Services: From Knowing to Being 1st Edition. © SAGE Publishing 2017

Standard practices of confidentiality may need to be looked at differently when working with couples or groups
Balancing individual rights for privacy and safety in the relationship
Sharing secrets
Parsons, Ethical Practice in the Human Services: From Knowing to Being 1st Edition. © SAGE Publishing 2017

Identify possibilities of boundary crossing when working with couples and groups
Benefits and costs
Therapeutic value
Parsons, Ethical Practice in the Human Services: From Knowing to Being 1st Edition. © SAGE Publishing 2017

Responsibility to the Client
Ethical practitioners
Meet individual needs and the needs of the couple or group
Express their commitment to supporting each member
Ensure treatment interventions are appropriate for each member
Match individual to group needs and goals
Parsons, Ethical Practice in the Human Services: From Knowing to Being 1st Edition. © SAGE Publishing 2017

You, as the Helper
What have you learned about yourself as a helper?
What are your thoughts about working with groups and couples?
What are your thoughts about confidentiality and groups and couples?
After reading this chapter, what do you consider might be challenging about working with groups/couples, or professionally fulfilling?
Parsons, Ethical Practice in the Human Services: From Knowing to Being 1st Edition. © SAGE Publishing 2017

Chapter 14
Competence and the Ethics of Self-Care

Why Stress?!
Client issues:
May be emotionally demanding
May be challenging
Work schedules
Work environment

Emotional exhaustion
Negative job attitude
A loss of concern and feeling for the client
Emotional stability

Compassion Fatigue
Exhaustion and dysfunction caused by prolonged exposure to compassion stress
Sudden onset
May mirrors symptoms typical of post-traumatic disorders
Broad impact

Impact of Compassion Fatigue
Impact may be biological, psychological and/or social
Mental fatigue
Inability to concentrate
Decline in ability to effectively work
Change in values and beliefs
Sadness, anxiety or guilt
Excessive emotional numbing
Intrusive thoughts and images of the client’s traumatic experiences

Ethical Responsibility
Consider autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice.
How are these core values impacted by burnout or compassion fatigue?
Best practice?
No harm?
Responsibility to the client?

Addressing Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
Refraining from offering professional services
Seek assistance
If necessary, suspend or terminate professional responsibilities

It is not practical or ethical to ignore or deny professional situations which may increase the likelihood of burnout or compassion fatigue.
Training – specific instruction for the populations with which you work
Professional development – maintain current in research, practice, and ethics
Self-Care – strengthen your ability to engage in competent, ethical service

Prevention/Intervention cont.
Self-awareness and monitoring
Assessments such as: Professional Quality of Life Scale
Professional support
Address impaired colleagues
Corrective feedback
Awareness raising

A reminder…
There are many factors which will help you maintain professional competency and increase your efficacy…
Staying updated with research and professional codes of ethics
Maintaining professional boundaries
An ethical practitioner: not just ‘doing’, but ‘being’

You, as the Helper
What have you learned about yourself as a helper?
What are your thoughts about using your professional codes of ethics?
After reading this chapter, what are your thoughts regarding burnout and compassion fatigue? What will you do to address these issues?
What are your thoughts about not only practicing ethically, but being ethical?

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