cb460 unit 3 IP


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To continue the analysis of your Key Assignment, go on a shopping trip, and interview or observe a salesperson from your selected store for your brand, or speak with a vendor or sales representative of a service that you may need.

There are 2 parts to this exercise, as follows:

  • The salesperson’s attitude
  • Product promises

Part 1: The Salesperson’s Attitude (400–600 words)

Answer the following questions, and summarize what took place, behaviors that you observed, and other information that you gathered—without drawing any conclusions or making inferences:

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  • Did the salesperson make a sales pitch? If so, what were some of the key highlights of it?
  • Describe the general attitude of the salesperson. (Was he or she pushy, aggressive, assertive, happy, engaging, talkative, etc.?)
  • Reflect on your reaction as the consumer. 

    How did the salesperson get your attention?
    How did you respond to the initial greeting by the salesperson, and why?

  • Articulate how the information applies to the field of customer behavior, sales, and advertising.

Part 2: The Product Pitch and Promise (400–600 words)

Answer the following questions, and summarize what took place, behaviors that you observed, and other information that you gathered—without drawing any conclusions or making inferences:

  • What product or service did you ask about?
  • What promises did the salesperson make about the product or service?
  • What was the product guarantee?
  • What is the company’s stance on product returns?
  • What is the length of time the company will accept a returned product?
  • What is the exchange for the returned product (i.e., refund, store credit, etc.)?
  • Do you agree with the product guarantee and return policy? Why or why not?
  • Are you willing to risk buying the product based on the product guarantee and return policy? Why or why not?
  • Articulate how the information applies to the field of customer behavior, sales, and advertising.


Print Advertising

Jacob Hurst



Advertising entails communicating with users of goods and services. These are messages paid for by an organization, and the objective of these advertisements is to influence or inform people (Hackley & Hackley, 2017). Although people may not be aware of advertising in our day-to-day lives, it is present. Today, product or service promotion uses every possible media to reach the target audience. For example, some firms utilize television, while others use print media such as magazines and newspapers. This essay will look at an advertisement in Cosmopolitan magazine that promotes Garnier Fructis shampoo.

Fructis’s overall promotional message appeals to women in a particular age bracket to use this shampoo by invoking freedom and liberty appeals. By using commodity feminism, the firm gains much leverage within this target consumer base, communicates and passes the message to women in this category.

In this ad, Garnier Fructis promises that the company’s shampoo makes consumer hair five times more potent than it was before using this product. Further, the ad also adds prominence to this trait incorporating an image of a girl holding her braided hair. These braids are reminiscent of a rope, which leads to the notion that the shampoo can make the consumer’s hair as strong as a rope. The use of rope characterization is very creative for the company. I believe the firm has kept its promise of keeping the consumer’s hair robust because, from the customer reviews, most of the clientele believe it is the right product.

Although many women worldwide embrace the shampoo, Garnier Fructis shampoo’s primary target market is the Asian and Caucasian women between eighteen and forty years of age.

The reason consumers buy this shampoo is that it promises a greener planet. The world is moving towards a greener environment, and all organizations need to adopt new strategies that will attract customers. The shampoo is packaged, and simple images such as sunlight and trees reassure the consumer that it is a healthy shampoo—some lines on the product command environmental friendliness. Just like any other hair product, the customer can use the product at home and hair parlors. At home, the consumer should read all the requirements before using the product to avoid unwanted dangers.

Whether confident or suffering from self-esteem issues, women need to feel beautiful at all times. Garnier Fructis shampoo appeals to women by invoking their emotions because advertising shows that the consumer uses this shampoo. The woman will look like the beautiful woman that the ad uses. The ad asserts that women will have very long, robust, beautiful hair. Those whose self-esteem is low will immediately purchase the product because they believe their confidence will be boosted when their hair looks good. Therefore, the company uses an emotional appeal to reach the target group.

I would recommend the product to my female friends based on the promise that their hair will be five times stronger than before. As the product claims on going green, I would recommend the shampoo because it is manufactured using natural products found in nature. Many people are adopting organic products, and this shampoo has not been left behind. Also, based on the positive product reviews available about the product, the shampoo will benefit my friends. Thus, the product will be great for my friends’ hair, and I recommend using it.

The graphics used in the ad have a robust emotional appeal. The focal point of the ad is the long-haired model pictured on the magazine page. Like many models in beauty products ads, the woman on this product ad tends to personify the traits that many women around the world endeavor to possess. The woman in the ad has flawless skin, a slender body, and long shiny hair. She resembles women we find in movies and television shows and fits the standard that society defines as beautiful. The model appeals to many women who may not be confident about their appearance and may look for this shampoo because they may think that they may look like the model after using the product. The fresh fruit graphic images appeal to the audience because they connect the fruit with beauty and health.

The shampoo advertisement language promotes beauty and reminds women that they need to be confident and strong. Using the words sleek and shine calls the target audience to buy the product because the shampoo will enable women to shine and become elegant. No woman wants her hair to be dull. Women are prompted to purchase the product because it will make them look stylish, strengthening their hair. In the ad, a logical appeal is seen in the text as it continues to convince the target group by asserting the shampoo will offer smooth hair.

Finally, using a magazine to advertise will require a company to develop a strong and eye-catching message that will appeal to the target group as soon as they lay their eyes on the advertisement. People have limited time to go through the whole ad, and it is essential to grab peoples’ attention and pull them to read the full ad. Using bold graphics and an exciting headline will aid the firm to connect with the audience. The pictures and text must point to a challenge and offer a solution.


Hackley, C., & Hackley, R. A. (2017). Advertising and promotion. Sage.

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