philosophy essay

assignment is attached and a copy of chapter 11 is attached as well 

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reference to the book is 

Wilkens, Steve, and Alan G. Padgett. Introduction to Philosophy: Christianity and the Big
Questions. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2018.

Essay Question for Chapter 11, “Who Am I?”

One of the issues not dealt with in the Wilkens and Padgett discussion of personal
identity relates to how we understand the “self” in relation to other people. Notice that our
identities or “senses of self” are formed while we’re dependent upon our parents, a stage that
lasts from birth usually to age eighteen and sometimes well beyond! Perhaps you’ve seen the
Geiko commercials that picture young people behaving like their older parents. The ads
conclude with the comment: “Don’t be like your parents!” Watching the commercial
probably just reminds us how much we are like our parents! Parental influence is not the
only external factor in our identity development. Psychologists have noted as well that while
we’re growing up our peers have at least as much influence on us (on the “self” we develop)
as our parents.

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While some of the qualities we “inherit” (like those mocked in the Geiko
commercials, are not hard to uncover, the fact is that we are often virtually blind to
significant elements of our character, elements that are obvious to everyone else around us. I
recall in high school a friend made a casual observation about my character that totally
caught me by surprise. It wasn’t a particularly flattering observation, but after reflecting on
the comment, I decided the friend was spot on, and I was glad for the information so I could
make the appropriate attitude adjustments.

Our identity being shaped by relationships is also at the heart of the Apostle Paul’s
notion that our ability to know God is related to our “being known by him.” Listen to what
Paul writes to the citizens of Galatia who had been converted from paganism to Christianity:
“Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to beings that by nature are not
gods. Now, however, that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how
can you turn back again to the weak and beggarly elemental spirits” (Galatias 4:8,9 NRSV;
bold print mine). Similar texts occur in 1 Corinthians 8:1-3 and 13:12. Note, too, that
Adam’s and Eve’s first reaction to their sin was to hide themselves from God and hide their
nakedness from each other.

So, give some thought to your answer to these questions: “Who are you? What is
your core identity? How has your sense of self been shaped by family? Friends? Are there
elements of your identity that you feel and believe are independent of outside influence?
What are they? Describe the conclusions of your reflection in a systematic, well-structured
essay. Be as specific in detail as possible. The contents of this essay will be kept confidential
and not shared with your classmates.

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