Research Paper Draft Assessment


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Creation of a draft academic paper.

  •  Complete a draft of a 2000 words, properly APA 
  • You may be able to adapt the research used for the annotated bibliography in this paper.  

In addition to the three required sections of this paper, your draft should ALSO include the following:

  • An APA title page
  • Well written introduction and conclusion sections
  • An APA reference page

Note: Your course text The College Writer provides a detailed description of the formatting requirements for this assignment. In addition, you can use the OWL site for additional information on these requirements:

  • Purdue University. (2018). Reference List: Basic Rules (Links to an external site.) [Website]
  • Purdue University. (2018). Writing a Conclusion (Links to an external site.) [Website]
  • Purdue University. (2018). Writing an Introduction (Links to an external site.) [Website]

The most common question for this research project is, “How many references should I have?” There is no rule.  However, you ought to think about the sections of your paper. That should guide your thinking on the amount of research needed.  

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  1. Section 1 – Of course you have the Mooz text and is an excellent expert reference.  Mooz is not the only expert with an opinion on what constitutes “good decision making.” Therefore, you would probably consult one or two others so that you can formulate your definition and defend it with the research you conducted.
  2. Section 2 – Here is where you discuss the life-changing decision you made and how you went about making it.  Also, you will tell the outcome and evaluate what might have made your decision better, based on your definition in Section 1. Since this is your story, very little new research, if any, would be expected. However, your evaluation of what might have been better or why your decision was so good, would be supported again by the experts you cited in section 1.
  3. Section 3 – This is an area that would have a significant level of research. You should easily find 4 –67 good expert articles that would help someone to reach a good decision if they faced the same decision you made.  Remember: This is the area that needs to add value to the reader so that they believe that they have all of the good information they need to make a wise decision if they were faced with the same life-altering event you faced.

Upload your completed assignment. Your instructor will evaluate this draft and return it to you with comments in Module 6. The final submission of this paper will be in Module 7. 

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