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After you have read a summary of the story of Gilgamesh mentioned in your text, please pick two of the following topics to write about. Please write a 400 word paper addressing the questions. Remember to follow the guidelines for WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS in the syllabus. Cite your sources.

3. Compare the Biblical story of the flood with the version of the flood told by Utnapishtim in Gilgamesh. Now, identify several ways in which the two floods are similar and several ways in which they are different. What do you think is the most striking difference between them? What was the purpose of the flood in Gilgamesh? What was the purpose of the flood in the Hebrew Bible? What do these different purposes tell you about the relationship of human beings to divinity in each? Use specific examples from both stories to support your ideas.

4. Discuss the themes of Mortality, Permanence, and Fame that are all addressed in the story of Gilgamesh. Why is the fear of death so great? Why doesn’t their religion comfort them, bring them hope? Is the lesson that nothing is permanent a lesson that mortals can never learn; perhaps it’s not in our nature; perhaps it’s not a good lesson to learn? Why is it so important for Gilgamesh to achieve fame? Does this have anything to do with religion? Use specific examples from the story to support your ideas.

I have chose those two topics above.

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