A couple of questions

Week 8Progressive Case Study-Client ReportOver the past 8 weeks, you have strategically built a learning plan for MacArthur and Associates. Your final step is to put together each section in a professional proposal format and include a recommendation section and a summary for the leadership team to review. Be sure that your proposal is free of errors and includes a list of references to back up your suggestions.  Your final part of the paper (summary and recommendations) should be a minimum of 2 pages. This will be added to the end of the proposal with each of the sections included from your previous weeks. Your final project combined should be a minimum of 16 pages (not including the title and reference page). You will also combine all of your presentation materials to create a final overview presentation for presenting to MacArthur and Associates. Remember, you want them to be impressed with not only your knowledge, but your professionalism. Be sure to add slides for your recommendation and summary. Double check your work for error and submit to your instructor upon completion. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Please include citations to support your ideas.1. Your organization has decided to update their e-learning platform, you have been asked to research 10-20 learning technology platforms. You remember the ODL system and elements, Gagné’s five varieties of learning and Sadler-Smith and Smith discussion of cognitive styles, learning styles and learning preference. Outline an evaluation approach that will allow you to compare the strengths and limitations of multiple platforms.2. The end of the fiscal year has come around. Your Chief Learning Officer has asked that you compile an evaluation of the L&D department’s efforts and recommendations for next year’s major initiatives. How will you go about this? What data will you look for and analyze? What key points will you want to make?3. Explicit and tacit knowledge play a role in both individual learning and in collective learning. Explain how these two types of knowledge impact practitioners’ choice of interventions.4. Choose one leadership development approach. Defend it based on learning theories that support this type of learning5. Recently leadership development has been fine-tuned to address transition points as leaders move from individual contributor to front-line leader (supervisor), from front-line leader to manager of front-leaders, from manager to department/division head, from department head to director (junior executive), from director to executive, from executive to senior executive. Consider the kinds of leadership development discussed in the text and the learning theories discussed. Based on that information is this move to learning focused on audience-specific situations appropriate? Why or why not? Cite examples and research.6. Sustainability is a growing demand for performance practitioners to address. Explain the role and function of evaluation in creating and demonstrating sustainability. (Keep in mind that sustainability may have two meanings – sustaining the change requested or economic and environmentally sustainable options. Remember to speak to both.)7. You have taken a position as half-time L&D/half-time HR professional in small but rapidly growing business. The previous incumbent filled out forms, filled them, and taught an orientation class for new employees. You want to align these departments with the organization’s real needs. You do not really have time between form-filling, filling and teaching to execute a needs assessment. Identify three steps you can take to better align your work with the organization’s needs and make this function more valuable and visible.8. Your organization has decided to build communities of practice that manage documentation around those COPs specialty areas. You have been asked to head this project. How will you evaluate this request and its potential impact on the organization?

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