Each question is worth 6 points, adding up to 30 (6 x 5= 30).

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The use of external references is expected and highly encouraged. These include books, journals, web references, etc. Please cite references appropriately at the end of each answer. Use APA or MLA format.

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  1. What is cloud computing from a “* as a Service” perspective? How does virtualization work on say, VirtualBox? What role does virtualization play on the cloud platform?
  2. What are some differences between using a Cat6 cable and Wi-Fi for say, watching Netflix? What security implications can you think of between the two approaches? Use layers to explain.
  3. What are the advantages of IPv6 over IPv4? Why is security often considered to be a major advantage in IPv6?
  4. What is cloud orchestration? What are some advantages of using a cloud orchestration platform (such as Juju)? What role does orchestration play in scalability of a business?
  5. What are hybrid mobile apps? What are some advantages of this approach? What role does the cloud play in hybrid mobile apps?
  6. Why is a mobile phone network called a cellular phone network? Use a diagram to describe. How is 3G cellular different from 4G (LTE) cellular? What are some new things to expect with 5G?
  7. Describe the purpose of Domain Name Service (DNS). Why is it dangerous to use a central DNS service like Dyn? What would happen if someone were to hack into the DNS systems worldwide?   
  8. Describe IoT. What are some challenges with respect to scalability and security of IoT?


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Hunter Dalli
May 21, 2019

#4. ​What are the primary differences between TCP and UDP. Would you recommend UDP
or TCP for a voice over IP phone call? Justify your choice.

Reliability is what set Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram

Protocol (UDP) protocols apart from each other. TCP mostly depend on how good the

Internet connection is. TCP ensures that any data is transmitted through Internet is

delivered the end user so long as connection doesn’t fail. UDP protocol on the other hand,

does not guarantee the delivery of any message send to reach to the end of the network


Second contrast between these protocols is the order in which data is conveyed.

Any data transmitted through TCP reached the other side of the network the order it was

sent. For instance, If you send a message through the network consistently, TCP ensures

that the principal message sent will reach to the opposite side of the network first. With

UDP there is no assurance of receiving messages in the opposite end of the network in

the order it was send.

Given the above mentioned differences, I would recommend TCP over UDP

when it comes phone call use. I say this because, TCP provides better connection, it is

reliable, in TCP acknowledgment, TCP ensures that packets are transmitted in an orderly

manner. A phone call would never make sense if the data transmitted through the

network is not in order. This is why I recommend TCP over UDP. The below provide

more one-to-one contrast between TCP and UDP.


Reliable Unreliable

Connection-oriented Connectionless

Segment retransmission and flow control
Through windowing

No windowing or retransmission

Segment sequencing No sequencing

Acknowledge sequencing No acknowledgment

#5. ​What are the different kinds of VPNs. Describe different scenarios where you would use
each of these approaches. How is SSL/TLS VPN different from a traditional VPN?

First let’s start defining what VPN is; Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a

network/Internet service that enable users to connect to the Internet through a server that

run by VPN companies. VPN creates encryption tunnel that ensures that every data

passing through them is well encrypted and safe.

There are two common types of VPN namely; Remote Access VPN and Site to

Site VPN. Remote Access VPN is the kind of VPN that most people use in their personal

computer. This kind of VPN allow users to connect to VPN encrypted virtual server with

the same level of encryption like the one that you might get is offices.

Site-to-Site VPN, is on site encryption system that is commonly used by big

corporations, or organizations with offices in different locations. An example would be,

when a company start to grow rapidly with offices in many locations. Whether you are

using Intranet-base or Extranet-based network you need Site-to-Site VPN or Router to

Router VPN that the computer systems in these various location can be plugged into.

SSL/TLS VPN is different from traditional VPN in a way that SSL/TLS VPN

does not require installment like traditional VPN does. SSL/TLS provides remote access

for users through web application.

#7. ​How is a public cloud platform like Amazon Web Services different from a private
cloud platform like OpenStack? What role does What role does orchestration play in
managing such cloud platforms?

Amazon Web Services(AWS) and OpenStack are big cloud computing companies

that provide many companies/organizations, and individuals around the world with a

cloud based computing platform regardless of their size. Both OpenStack and AWS are

both classified as infrastructure-as-a-service.

The main difference between OpenStack and Amazon Web Services is that

OpenStack is an open source platform that is created in the public. Everyone can see the

status of project being built and their also contribute by submitting their codes and can

add new feature into OpenStack. The public are allows to write a feedback and

suggestion on any given project. AWS on the other hand, is owned by Amazon.

Therefore, their entire projects are closed for public. It is not as easily accessible if

impossible for outside to have access to their insight projects.

If you are using OpenStack then you have provide security or encryption on your

own for your platform. If you are using Amazon Web Services then you don’t have to

worries about the security because have a whole team of security personnel that provide

security for heir entire AWS.

Orchestration helps cloud platforms by managing, interconnections, and

interactions in workload on both public and private cloud infrastructures like AWS and

OpenStack. Orchestration can also check for security and compliance among many


#1. ​What is cloud computing? How does virtualization work on say, VirtualBox? What role
does virtualization play on cloud computing platforms, mobile platforms and IoT

Cloud computing is an online computing services like servers, storage spaces,

virtual machines and many others that many companies or individuals can use as a utility.

As explained by Stephen Fry in the “cloud computing youtube video”. Companies who

provide cloud computing services are called cloud suppliers. Companies or people who

use the services charged for cloud computing usage.

Virtualization is the making of a virtual version of something, for example, a

server, a storage spaces, operation systems and more. Virtualization plays a major role in

today’s exponential usage of computers. Before virtualization people use to have

hardware to run servers on, but with virtualization all the hardware stuff is gone. The

virtual or software version of the hardware runs all of those servers on one single

machine. Virtualization is very efficient, cost effective, and it has made a storage a


#3. ​What are the advantages of IPv6 over IPv4. Why is security often considered to be a
major advantage in IPv6. Is it ​really​ true? Explore

I always thought that IPv6 provide better security through IPsec and it also

provides better authentication and data integrity than IPv4 which I thought have high

potential of carrying malware. At least from what I read from informaPLC website. And

of course, some of the article I read online indicates that with Peer-to-Peer network are

easy to create and maintain than Network Address Translation (NAT) end-to-end

connectivity that was used in IPv4 and many other good things about IPv6. Although,

some of the things like having substantially larger IP address space may be true, it is clear

that the Internet Protocol Version six (IPv6)’s new features like IPsec is just an add on to


With that said, it is safe to say that “there is are no differences between IPv4 and

IPv6 in terms of security”. The Internet system developers did not foresee the popularity

in the us of the Internet the way it is being used today that was why developers in the

1970s came up with only 32 bits unique IP addresses in IPv4 than IPv6’s (128 bit) IP

address space.

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